Started by Warph, July 01, 2011, 09:11:51 PM

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How Gaffe Prone  is this guy: > "Throughout my service, first as a senator and then as a presidential candidate and then as a president, I've always run into you guys. And for some reason it's always in some rough spots. First time I saw the 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn't receiving it posthumously." --Barack Obama speaking to the 10th Mountain Division.
(Note: > Jared Monti was actually killed in Afghanistan on June 21, 2006. Obama did award him the Medal of Honor, but he did so posthumously in September 2009. Obama presented the first Medal Of Honor to a living recipient who served in Afghanistan, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, last year.)

Spending our way to austerity: > "Of course, there's been a real debate about where to invest and where to cut, and I'm committed to working with members of both parties to cut our deficits and debt. But we can't simply cut our way to prosperity."
--Barack Obama

Paying more in taxes doesn't equal a tax hike: > "The fact of the matter is, we have on the table all kinds of revenue raises that [Republicans] keep calling tax increases. How do you call closing loopholes to oil companies that are making billions of dollars in profits, closing up these loopholes that would generate $40 to $50 billion in revenue, how do you call that a tax hike? We are not asking anybody to raise anybody's rates. We want us to have an effective tax collection and close these loopholes, stop giving billions of dollars in breaks to millionaires and billionaires." --Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) (The fact of the matter is, you're a Dummy, Jim)

Doesn't pass the giggle test: > "The U.S. government cannot default on its debt, largely accrued by President George W. Bush."
--House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-Idiot)

Emulating the Germans?: > "Now, when you look at the ... German Constitution, apparently as I've read it once, [it] is very similar to the American one, but it's sort of more modern, more streamlined. It doesn't have some of the kinks you know, for example, people point out that the Second Amendment is a grammatical mess, whatever you may think of the right to bear arms. ... So are there things that constitutional scholars look at and say, you know, these were really -- these have been problems for 222 years?" --CNN's Fareed Zakaria wanting to "modernize" our Constitution

More Bush than Bush himself: > "I covered the Bush White House. He started the war in Afghanistan. But it took President Obama to finally capture and kill [Osama] bin Laden. There have been more drone attacks under the Obama administration than the Bush administration. There's an argument that can be made, and there are numbers that support that Obama has more aggressively prosecuted the quote unquote War on Terror -- if you like that phrase, some don't -- than Bush did." --CBS's Norah O'Donnell

Redefining "equality": > "Here's your chance to 'Talk Back' on one of the big stories of the day. New York passes a law allowing same-sex marriage. And our question: Is it time for marriage equality in America? Is it time for it to be essentially throughout the country? Federal law even?" --CNN's Suzanne Malveaux

Let them eat cake... er ... Fries: > "If I picked one favorite, favorite food, it's French fries. Okay? It's French fries. I can't stop eating them. ... But eat your vegetables. And exercise." --Michelle Obama

Unbalanced: > "We obviously believe a balanced approach [to the federal debt] is the right approach and we're not alone here. It's important to remember, there are a number proposals out there in this time period that have been made. The only one that doesn't take a balanced approach has been the House Republican proposal." --White House Press Secretary Jay Carney

Hot air: > "The only thing I can think of is we just have to keep working, just like we are doing now, and get as much publicity as we possible can for the issue, and increase the amount of the debate, and persuade people with ... the evidence, which is overwhelmingly in favor of climate change being a serious problem, probably the most serious -- and in all fairness -- the most complex problem that humanity has ever faced." --media mogul Ted Turner

Guns = slavery. Brilliant: > "Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting scared? Government sponsored racism. Now I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of the African American history in this country, and tell me if I'm crazy. Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers across this country that are killing our black and brown children. ... We've got to get the gun debate back to center, and it's got to come with the recognition of who's paying the price for the gun manufacturers being rich and living in gated communities." --Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy

Priorities: >  "And then there is the work that our embassy team in Rome has been doing. Two weeks ago they played an instrumental role in bringing Lady Gaga to Italy for a Euro Pride concert. Now as many of you know Lady Gaga is Italian American and a strong supporter of LGBT rights. And the organizers of the Euro Pride event desperately wanted her to perform and a letter to her from Ambassador Thorne was instrumental in sealing the deal." --Secretary of State Hillary Clinton(Now you know why my State Dept. has gone into the toilet ...Warph)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Come on now Warph, you know that poor Michelle has an addiction to french fries! It's just not her fault! She'll have to go to rehab soon....  ;D
Lisa who is addicted to Toot's french fries now.....there should be a law against how good their hamburgers are!

Diane Amberg

Maybe it's that good Kansas beef. I agree, they are very good. :D

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