No To School Vouchers & Gov't Schools....

Started by redcliffsw, June 30, 2011, 05:29:10 AM

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Good read by Gary North.

There are taxpayers who have reverse views of what constitutes of truth and falsehood. Inevitably, tax money is extracted from one group of voters to promote the causes and beliefs of another group. The big winners are the educational bureaucrats, who promote their views at taxpayer expense.

Americans have long understood this with respect to the tax-funding of churches. They have not understood this with respect to tax-funding of schools. Back in 1963, two Protestant scholars, one liberal (Sidney E. Mead) and one conservative (R. J. Rushdoony), identified the public school system as America's only established church. They were correct.


I'd agree, its the church of humanism.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 Thanks Red for the article by Mr North '
  Government schools are getting worse (all right local teachers I am speaking nationally). The more money we throw down the educational rat hole, the more they demand, and still get worse results. The solution is more of a,  hire qualified teachers for the specific course. Don't have the gym teacher teach gym one year and then english the next If a teacher has a poor graduation rate replace him/her.There should be no such thing as tenure or exclusion from firing because of a union contract .
Vouchers for mid and low income students only leaves the higher income students with a sorry education, and they are most likely to go to college.
  If you don't do quality work at my business. You are gone, period.


Quote from: Humpy on June 30, 2011, 08:11:19 AM
Thanks Red for the article by Mr North '
 Government schools are getting worse (all right local teachers I am speaking nationally). The more money we throw down the educational rat hole, the more they demand, and still get worse results. The solution is more of a,  hire qualified teachers for the specific course. Don't have the gym teacher teach gym one year and then english the next If a teacher has a poor graduation rate replace him/her.There should be no such thing as tenure or exclusion from firing because of a union contract .
Vouchers for mid and low income students only leaves the higher income students with a sorry education, and they are most likely to go to college.
 If you don't do quality work at my business. You are gone, period.

Simple solution, vouchers or the parents get to choose what school their child goes to.  If my child is in a piss poor school, i ought to be able to fire the school.  Put my child in the best one possible.  My child should not be doomed to be educated in a low quality eductation.

I like rhode islands solution.  Either get your shit together or we'll fire you.  
Last of all, no one should be entitled to a free education.  They should be required to earn it.  IF you can't behave, wanna be the clown or the doper, then bye bye you forfeit your education.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  I try to work in the perimeters of reality concerning government. What we think is right, is not always going to stand a ghost of a chance in the real world of bought and paid for elected officials.
  Vouchers are going to be paid for by you and I. Then there is our community where the push to consolidate all of the schools into Howard, will leave no choice at all, strictly another power grab for the city of Howard, and that is a real shame.


Quote from: Humpy on June 30, 2011, 09:59:07 AM
  I try to work in the perimeters of reality concerning government. What we think is right, is not always going to stand a ghost of a chance in the real world of bought and paid for elected officials.
  Vouchers are going to be paid for by you and I. Then there is our community where the push to consolidate all of the schools into Howard, will leave no choice at all, strictly another power grab for the city of Howard, and that is a real shame.

actually vouchers are allocating funds we pay anyway to the Government Indoctrination Centers (Notice i say Government cause there is no Public in the schools these days).  Lots of parents pay double for Education for their children when the rest do not. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW there is a way to fix most Government schools so that the children will learn.  Starts with discipline.  Quite frankly IF i were in charge, first thing i would do is require uniforms.  Heck even separating boys from girls will go a long way to enabling them to learn. No distraction, third, No cellphones, beepers, or communication device of any kind.  Fourth i would require all sports to be extra curricular activity done on their own time.  IF they don't get their grades up, they don't participate.  Same with band, clubs, anything that isn't core classes.    When you get your grades above mediocrity, then your qualified to handle more responsibility and maybe participate in extra (Note the word EXTRA) it means not required activities.  Count it as a reward for good work. 

More importantly, i would make dang sure that the majority of the money allocated from taxpayer is funneled into education and the materials for education.  basketball, baseball, football, band, etc all take a back seat and IMO should be funded by the parents of the kids that want to play.  There would be none of this "chartered bus's" etc etc etc.... I got my fill of this crap with the way the football is done in most schools. They treat the players like their commercial athletes. 

I went to private school we had sports, but our parents paid for it. One thing i do know is this. When my parents paid for my private school, I learned, cause if i didn't, i got my ass wore out.  When education actually costs someone, they treat it as a privilege, not a right, and that is the bottom line. it should not be a right. It should be a privilege
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from Humpy:
Then there is our community where the push to consolidate all of the schools into Howard, will leave no choice at all, strictly another power grab for the city of Howard, and that is a real shame.

Now before I get lynched by the Howard folks, at this point I have nothing against Howard/West Elk-----BUT-----------I think the kids will have a choice. I hear many, many parents talking of when / if we consolidate with Howard  and they are saying their kids will be going to Independence, Fredonia or Sedan. Some because it is just as close or closer for them and some for their own personal reasons

Diane Amberg

Education does cost something. I pay my school tax bill every September. It's  separate from our county tax so we can see exactly what it is. If people don't pay attention to those costs it's their problem. They can complain to the school board or not pass referendums when they come along, but people have to pay attention. I don't mean they should nit pick every detail of the budget but yes, there should be priorities set. Like grammar and spelling and knowing the difference between they're, there and their! Poke, poke!  (Private school?)  ;D
Parents should should set good examples for their kids by letting them see their parents read, go to the library, watch educationally appropriate things on TV with their kids.,not just the sports, and still leave time for the kids to just be kids. It's a tough balancing act.
Some parents want their kids to have cell phones, music majors would have a hard time without music.but they tend to be the better students anyway. Football? Is not the kids' faults if some parents put too much importance in it. My high school didn't even play football at all. We had soccer.


Quote from Diane:
their kids.,not ------without music.but

Period then a comma ? Period then a small "b" ? POKE---POKE !!!!!
Now before you jump in my sh#t for using slang words and spelling errors it aint me that's the "teacher " always correcting her "students".

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