Christian Europe is dead and Christian America is under full assault!

Started by Warph, June 27, 2011, 08:04:16 AM

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From American Thinker:

Tolkien and Beowulf, fortitude and honor are ideals, beacons for the "lost" and standards for the "found", regardless of the god.

An argument for Creationism is that God designed us to need Him, to seek Him. And, ironically, it is the new church godlessness and/or the new church of Environmentalism which feels the need to snuff out Christianity to make room for their own god(s).

The reason Christianity is treated with less respect than it treated paganism is because we are witnessing a religious coup, a devolution set into motion by The Left, for The Left. Devolution of man, devolution of civilization, devolution of the very constructs of natural selection... The Left believes in man-made selection so long as they are in power.

In the conquering of one faith, insert a new god, complete with a new image, new powers, new rules and new "good guys" and, subsequently new "bad guys" as a means to a political and financial end.

Greed and power. It's the same old story repeated over and over again. Every new faith deems its god and people supreme, but the struggle to achieve fortitude and honor is universal and never ends well except in fiction.

In reality, the cycle will continue and the baby will be thrown out with the bath water until the earth finally stops spinning.

Westernized Muslims long to see their faith brought into "modernity". Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser is one of the outspoken leaders in this weak movement, a movement that has been upstaged by The Arab Spring.

And how does the American Left react? By enabling the most violent Muslims the world has to offer. Why? To conquer Christianity, full stop.

Devolution. Devolution of Muslims, devolution of Christians, devolution of Jews.

Ah, American Jews who remain loyal to the Democrats, the party which actively participates in Israel's destruction. If that isn't an example of human devolution, then I don't know what is!

Christian Europe is dead and Christian America is under full assault.

Israel is just Israel. It would simpler to answer the question "When haven't Jews been under attack?"

And Muslims... well.. they've had 1500 years to modernize. I think it's safe to say they are not only devolving, despite The Arab Spring, but they are demanding the rest of us devolve along with them.

Regardless, it is safe to say, that the concept of individual liberties endowed by a creator and protected by The United States Constitution had to have been inspired by a loving god, not a tyrannical god. And lucky for us, our God-given right to choose our god is also protected by the same document.

How tragic, how ungrateful how blasphemous to such a good God and how collectively suicidal it is that we would throw away the most perfect agreement in the history of mankind for the sake of destroying the very set of virtues that bore it, that being the enlightenment of the Protestant Reformation.

Arab Spring, my ass.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Good one.

Looks like the protestant reformation has died.  The mainstreamers have pretty much sold out to liberalism - the other side.
And many of the so-called Bible-believing churches are turning away.


Fascism, socialism, communism, Islamism.... all players and occasional partners with the tireless
worser "bad angels" of our nature.... the liberal far left!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

jerry wagner

Quote from: Warph on June 27, 2011, 08:57:18 AM

Fascism, socialism, communism, Islamism.... all players and occasional partners with the tireless
worser "bad angels" of our nature.... the liberal far left!

Fascism is a far-right wing nationalist ideology.  They don't play with the liberal left.


Fascism is only conservative in the sense that Mussolini looked to the Roman Empire for inspiration and this sense of looking back to the empire and desiring to restart it has been going on since the Western Empire crumbled. Politically though, Fascism was a liberal socialist political and economic system supported by the American left wing progressives and the labor movement until it became apparent that it was truly antithetical to American interests and that war was inevitable. This was made easier to swallow for the American left when the National Socialist (note socialist) allies of the Italian fascists betrayed uncle Joe and invaded the Soviet union. History is fun. Hmm. First post here and I'm lecturing on history. Well, I was hired to teach English so I have to let the History teacher out somewhere.


Quote from: englishteach on June 27, 2011, 03:02:25 PM
Hmm. First post here and I'm lecturing on history. Well, I was hired to teach English so I have to let the History teacher out somewhere.

And a fine job you did!  Welcome aboard.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

jerry wagner

Quote from: englishteach on June 27, 2011, 03:02:25 PM
Fascism is only conservative in the sense that Mussolini looked to the Roman Empire for inspiration and this sense of looking back to the empire and desiring to restart it has been going on since the Western Empire crumbled. Politically though, Fascism was a liberal socialist political and economic system supported by the American left wing progressives and the labor movement until it became apparent that it was truly antithetical to American interests and that war was inevitable. This was made easier to swallow for the American left when the National Socialist (note socialist) allies of the Italian fascists betrayed uncle Joe and invaded the Soviet union. History is fun. Hmm. First post here and I'm lecturing on history. Well, I was hired to teach English so I have to let the History teacher out somewhere.

Wow.  NO.  Fascism utilised socialism as a misnomer.  It did not exist in the fascist mentality.  Labour was utilised for the benefit of the nation and the corporation in that order.  There were none of the tradition left wing benefits.  Wages were controlled, but not in a socialist equality driven matter but in order to maximise production and national benefit.  These are "conservative" idioms.  The truth of the matter is that there isn't a left-right line, but rather an ideological diamond to describe the nature of ideologies.  Fascism is best described as Statism/conservatism.  Its philosophical beliefs are conservative in nature: the strength of one culture, anti-immigrant, anti-non traditional religious beliefs, anti-homosexual, etc.  However, they are large government in nature and thus the conundrum.  Those that read the National Socialist Party, fall for the tagline as that was not they programme.  We can argue this back and forth all day. Feel free to lecture on history, because as I said those lines are inaccurate.  Communism and fascism despised each other for their differences, which were severe. The German Reichstag was greatly divided at the fall of the Weimar Republic primarily between the left-wing primarily Communist and the right wing Nazi party, with many fractional parties forming the remainder where none formed a majority of the Chamber.  The right-wing Nationalistic Nazi party used the burning of the Reichstag to frame the Communist party and break them.  Shortly thereafter the Enabling Act was promulgated by the Reichstag granting unfettered power to Hitler.


No... No... No.... Jerry.  As usual you have that ALL wrong.  I'll make it real simple for you so you'll understand:

Liberalism - You have 2 cows.  It is not fair so the government takes one away and gives it to your neighbour.  Then the neighbour cries that the cow is not producing as much milk as yours.

Communism - You have 2 cows. The government takes both and gives you a jug of milk to keep you happy.

Fascism - The government kills both of your cows just for the hell of it.

Conservative - You have 2 cows. You buy a bull and let them breed.  In a couple of years you will have alot more cows and may even donate one for a good cause!


Liberalism - We should be able to do what we want, with little state interference (like Obuma).

Communism - Everyone is equal, and the government should enforce this (like Obuma).

Fascism - There is one leader, who has (lack of) control (like Obuma).

Nazism - Fascism, with a great deal of anti-Semitism (like Obuma).

Conservative - We shouldn't change too radically (UnLike Obuma).


Conservative - Believes in traditional values, family, nop abortion, smaller government and lower taxes, capitalism, trickle down economics

Fascist - Dictator ran, nationalized everything ran by government, bread lines, social equality no rich or poor, unsuccessfull in every country in which its been used

Nazi - See "fascist" + a supreme race mindset

Liberal - See "Nazi"
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

jerry wagner

Quote from: Warph on June 27, 2011, 08:18:34 PM
No... No... No.... Jerry.  As usual you have that ALL wrong.  I'll make it real simple for you so you'll understand:

Liberalism - You have 2 cows.  It is not fair so the government takes one away and gives it to your neighbour.  Then the neighbour cries that the cow is not producing as much milk as yours.

Communism - You have 2 cows. The government takes both and gives you a jug of milk to keep you happy.

Fascism - The government kills both of your cows just for the hell of it.

Conservative - You have 2 cows. You buy a bull and let them breed.  In a couple of years you will have alot more cows and may even donate one for a good cause!


Liberalism - We should be able to do what we want, with little state interference (like Obuma).

Communism - Everyone is equal, and the government should enforce this (like Obuma).

Fascism - There is one leader, who has (lack of) control (like Obuma).

Nazism - Fascism, with a great deal of anti-Semitism (like Obuma).

Conservative - We shouldn't change too radically (UnLike Obuma).


Conservative - Believes in traditional values, family, nop abortion, smaller government and lower taxes, capitalism, trickle down economics

Fascist - Dictator ran, nationalized everything ran by government, bread lines, social equality no rich or poor, unsuccessfull in every country in which its been used

Nazi - See "fascist" + a supreme race mindset

Liberal - See "Nazi"

Wrong again as usual.  The Fascist did not nationalize everything.  There were no bread lines in Germany once he got the industry running around 1935/6.  The bread lines were pre that era.  Liberals are not Nazis, not that you care about being accurate. 



Wrong.... again as usual?  That's rather a stupid statement, jerry.  Would you like to enlighten me as to when I've been "wrong?"  While you are trying to come up with an answer, let me explain the similarities between the National Socialist (Nazi) platform and the modern liberal/socialist agenda.  They are truely astonishing.

Nationalization of business, forced profit sharing, outlawing all profits during wartime, abolition of all income not earned directly from work (via high capital gains/inheritance taxes), the state shall provide a "livelihood for its citizens", old age insurance funded by government, price caps, price controls, rent controls, laws against speculation.."communal" rent free living areas, an end to the "materialistic" world order, free higher education focusing on "civic affairs" (humanities, political science--the left's favorite... and useless) subjects to learn, labor laws, censorship against news media that don't tow the line (libs demanding "fairness doctrine, increased penalties/regulation against clear channel, newscorp, etc)... bottom line, "common good... "common interest" before individual interest, and a strong central government to make these goals come true... mainly through economic coercion and force.  The left wing parties of TODAY condemn individual achievement at every turn.  Their aim is to remove every reason for individuals to excel in this society, and to create a class of dependent people subservient to the almighty state.  They justify economic oppression in the name of "social justice" or the promoting "common good."  Much like the Nazis, they support extreme infringements on personal liberties.  Like the Nazis, they favor MASSIVE taxation, massive regulation, and often support government takeover of entire industries (Hellarycare in 92, Obumacare in 2009, Car and housing industry, etc, etc, etc).

No further words are necessary... just read closely:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
--Adolf Hitler
(Speech of May 1, 1927.)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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