road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Ahem. And the Atlanta teachers? They should stand up to the administration and risk losing their jobs? No excuses? Let 'em starve? My, oh my.   Scape goats? double standard? ;D ;D ;D ;D Something about oxes being gored? poke ,poke.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 10:47:22 AM
Ahem. And the Atlanta teachers? They should stand up to the administration and risk losing their jobs? No excuses? Let 'em starve? My, oh my.   Scape goats? double standard? ;D ;D ;D ;D Something about oxes being gored? poke ,poke.

Why not stand up to administration.  Aren't they backed by their Unions?  THey always use the UNION for everything else. 
I remember a saying, that says no law can be made against a honest and just man.  I would say that is true even standing up to corrupt administrators. 

Secondly, how can you justify your conscience when you know what your doing is wrong yet you do it because you don't want to lose your job.  Isn't that in all reality selling out?  Your honor and integrity for a buck.  Well i believe that the only thing you take with you when you die is your word and honor.  IF you don't have that when you die your life was worthless.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Hefe de vaca

    The double standard is , you refuse to include all parties respsonible. You have both accused a commisioner of doing something she couldn't possibly have done , without apology. Your response that the lowly laborer is recused of wrongdoing under threat of termination doesn't hold a drop of water. The act of whistleblowing has been greatly lauded in the last decade. I made no mention of the supervisors for one reason, they are dead, but by no means are they to be left out of the blame. If you are going to apply the law, it must include all guilty parties. These blue collar workers admittedly and knowingly, did work on private land ,and from their own accounts, several times. Did they make any attempt to speak up?

    Obviously,neither Rosco nor Patsy, have ever managed anything but their ego. I have participated on both the management and labor side, and am more blue collar than either of you . You try to cover up your miscalculation of who's to blame with a bunch of rot.   Oh ,I am so stupid for thinking that a person should have morals and stand up for what is right. And , there you go again , Ross, telling us all what an ass you can be in public. Small wonder you were asked to leave a public meeting.  And "spin"? , you are much better at it than I. What is the letter of the law, stick to that. No, you will spin that to be flawed as well. How about admitting you were wrong about Elizabeth's involvement in the work done on her fathers land? Step up to the plate, don't pick and choose facts to support your agenda, acknowledge the total picture. You are the one purporting that management is not responsible , not I , I simply give you two individuals who have admitted to misuse of funds and you for some reason ,"excuse them" from any wrong doing. What would a judge say? The only way the "good ole boy" system works , is if all involved have no problem with it. I don't buy the defense of fear of being canned.  I have been confronted with that tactic, " It's my way or the highway", to which I said that it was nice knowing them.

      I am not out to see these guys charged with anything. It just seemed a little curious to me that our "defenders of the county" bypassed holding any blame on them , but so readily heap it on the management. The blame is equal , for the entire department.

    And I found out that there is no such thing as "civil discourse " with you guys , quite some time ago.

Hefe de vaca

Quote from: srkruzich on July 23, 2011, 12:06:14 PM
Why not stand up to administration.  Aren't they backed by their Unions?  THey always use the UNION for everything else. 
I remember a saying, that says no law can be made against a honest and just man.  I would say that is true even standing up to corrupt administrators. 

Secondly, how can you justify your conscience when you know what your doing is wrong yet you do it because you don't want to lose your job.  Isn't that in all reality selling out?  Your honor and integrity for a buck.  Well i believe that the only thing you take with you when you die is your word and honor.  IF you don't have that when you die your life was worthless.

I give that an "AMEN"

Diane Amberg

Of course I can't speak for anyone else, but my honor and ethics are very much intact.Remember, I did leave one school because they weren't about to let us/me hold back a few kids who really weren't ready to be promoted. Their parents whined so they were pushed on. I always felt sorry for whom ever got them next. That same thinking could easily be be used in other areas of life too.


Jefe  when I bladed said road I didnt know it was not county road ,has to doing what you are told and getting let go ,it happens here .I bitched about cutting crown out of road was takeing out of blade  ,and later layed off said they where out of money but they hired aguy the day before ,you tell meErnie and LIZ are on the up and up


Pardon me for jumping in in the middle of all this, especially if what I'm about to ask has already been answered previously.  Is Elk County somehow different from all other Kansas counties when it comes to the County Commission?  Aren't there 3 members on the commission, all legally elected?  Why does all the discussion seem focused at just one of them? Does this person have some unseen or inappropriate control over the other two?  Doesn't it still take a 3-0 or a 2-1 vote for any actions/decisions to be enacted?

Hefe de vaca

        Ole Fart, if you were unaware that it was private property, that would make a huge difference. Mr Hillbilly , however, has stated here that he knew it was private property. If you worked on it together, you didn't discuss the matter?  Your previous post about the supervisor being called by a few choice people and you getting ordered to do work for them would certainly lead anyone to believe that you were aware.

      As to being let go for not following Mr Lackey's orders not to crown roads or cut ditches, that is a problem as well. I don't know where Lackey learned to maintain roads, but it wasn't around any construction outfit that I have worked with or have seen.  ::) It's one reason why our roads require more maintanence than they should. With no crown or ditch, the water runs down the road and cuts a ditch in the road as well as ponding and creating holes.

      I never defended Mr Lackey, Todd told me some time ago about his screwball ideas about road maintanence. If I were to fault the commission for anything, it would be their choices of supervisors. They hired a weed supervisor who didn't know sericea lespedeza from compass plant. He no longer holds that position.
     If you are innocent of  prior knowledge , my apologies, you know also though , that Elizabeth had nothing to do with it.

     So, where are your apologies , Patsy and Rosco? ???


Quote from: ddurbin on July 24, 2011, 07:10:56 AM
Pardon me for jumping in in the middle of all this, especially if what I'm about to ask has already been answered previously.  Is Elk County somehow different from all other Kansas counties when it comes to the County Commission?  Aren't there 3 members on the commission, all legally elected?  Why does all the discussion seem focused at just one of them? Does this person have some unseen or inappropriate control over the other two?  Doesn't it still take a 3-0 or a 2-1 vote for any actions/decisions to be enacted?

On issues that are decided by a vote, a majority is required.  I don't believe day to day road work assignments are things that are normally subject to a vote.  On the contrary, I've been told that it's not uncommon for single commissioners to individually call the roads supervisor & direct the road dept to do work in various areas that the commissioner, for whatever reason, believes need attention.  Is one commissioner is more involved in such micro-management than another?  I can't say.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Hefe de vaca

     To allude that the commissioners have day to day interaction with the road work is ludicris. That is why there is a road supervisor. The work force takes orders from that supervisor.

    "I've been told" and "I can't say" , hearsay and speculation.

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