road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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wow!  This thread reads like "who's on first" scenario.
First of all, to use an outdated map without topography, just has no bearing as it is today.  You need 2008-2010 topography. All of you to agree on the directions, and draw a pseudo line as to where.

If indeed it travels across private property that was not a vacated county road, or an easement then you do have an issue.
My fear is that decisions were made by a county road and bridge guy that is deceased, and the new one has taken orders and/or just was told "under the table",  who told the two graders or more that were sent up there.
The graders did what they were told to do.

The main issue is: 
Is rock and grading being done on private areas.
What you may see being happening, is not neccessarily wrong, if you have the proper documents.
Just observing now...until you all can agree on the exact location of said 'road'.

ready for bed


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 15, 2011, 08:43:18 PM
Patriot, it is more than 25 or 30 yards. It is more like 1.5 miles.


I know how long the cow path is, but I think you will discover the area in question is not the entire road, but what is now the 'entrance' to the wind farm area. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 15, 2011, 08:45:02 PM
One question. Is this work that was done recently or are we learning that this happened a few years ago?

Check Post #177 of this thread.  That is one of several posts indicating when the crews were there. 

Where have you been?  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on July 15, 2011, 10:10:21 PM

I know how long the cow path is, but I think you will discover the area in question is not the entire road, but what is now the 'entrance' to the wind farm area. 

Okay. Maybe oldfart told you more then he told me. What I had been talking about was the entire length from Road 7 and Killdeer down or across to meet up with Road 5. So, we are only talking about the entrance from Road 7 and Killdeer into the property where the wind farm is going to be? I am so confused. I should up my dosage of Paxil to see if I can figure this out.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 15, 2011, 10:57:34 PM
...What I had been talking about was the entire length from Road 7 and Killdeer down or across to meet up with Road 5. So, we are only talking about the entrance from Road 7 and Killdeer into the property where the wind farm is going to be? I am so confused. I should up my dosage of Paxil to see if I can figure this out.

That's my understanding.  Maybe OF & MrKH could clarify.  However, with no right of ways recorded, any work SW beyond Killdeer & 7 or North beyond 5 would have been on private property, and therefore in appropriate.

The bigger question might be... If (notice I said if) work was improperly ordered here, how many other cases like this exist in the rest of the county and how much has such cost the taxpayers over the years?  A few tons of rock here and there, plus fuel & labor can begin to add up.  And so would, methinks, the ire of the taxpayers.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, if you are keeping up, you will remember that I told you that Neva says that there are no road easements on any of the roads in Elk County, that the county owns the roads in Elk County.  If this spot is the entrance to the wind farm and has been a part of a road that the county maintained, then it appears that the county owns this road.  Therefore:


Don't ya love how the county has its cake and eat it too. IF the county owns the roads, then why aren't they exempting the property owners tax on that.  As it is, the property owners lines go to the center of the road. So who owns it?  The county or the landowner.  IF its the county then landowner shouldn't have to pay 1 cent on that which is owned by the county.
After all they don't tax ya directly on other lands held by the county.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I only know what the Register of Deeds told me and she should know.  

Incidentally, the property that lies to the southwest of Killdeer and Road 7 belongs to Harrison Trust.

Steve, we owned 320 acres and our tax statement always said 318 acres.  How do you explain that?  I don't have any knowledge of what it says on other owners tax statements.


Last time people ,I did blade that cow trial back in the 90;s  not the only one ,JON MORRIS also bladed it ,we hated it , was one rough SOB .Dist. 2 would blade to the old house on top of Eagle Head .Belive what you want ,both of my bosses or both passed on. not thatmuch rock used .Have no reason to lie about this .as for county  boys roads better think most liv in town .Liz;s road had to be fixed ,it was washed out by the river.this is my last WORD ON IT .


QuoteSteve, we owned 320 acres and our tax statement always said 318 acres.  How do you explain that?  I don't have any knowledge of what it says on other owners tax statements.

Wilma:  I am not Steve, but if you were deded 320 acres, and if there is any right-of-way (road, etc) then that accounts for some of it.  Otherwise, Calculated acres, and deeded acres may not always match. 
That being said, the State Regs allow for a < 5 acre variance. 
Also, if your county uses GIS, it is alot more accrate then the hand drawn parcel lines from the past.


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