road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Hefe de vaca

     The facts of ownership that I speak of are not outdated or incorrect , I just pointed out that the newest publication is flawed. Duck that.


Damn it Janet. It must be nice to be in you and yo mama's fantasy world. You don't believe anything anyone says, but the hell of it is I have proof. Thank you for believing Oldfart when he says he bladed private property. Are you reading this I said PRIVATE property. At the time he bladed and put rock on there, it was not owned by the county. At the time I, are you listening, I said I, had hauled rock out there to the road grader operator, it was private property. And as far as I know, it still is. There is no, listen, there is NO easement across that property. How in the hell did you ever become sheriff? You can't read or understand, or maybe you just can't comprehend. I don't need to help Oldfart out. I've talked to Oldfart. No more than you need to help yo mama. Thank you for publishing the phone number on here. I'll be sure to contact Connie or whoever else in the courthouse that would have any konnection with the knowledge of the Road Department.

P.S. Janet, for your information, I work for District Number One. That's Longton. I don't get to Howard very often, especially on work days.

MR. KSHillbilly




I am not talking about ownership.  I am talking about easement.  An easement is a signed and recorded document granting another person or entity the right to the use of certain described property.  The landowner continues to own the land.  As long as the easement is in effect, it is the responsibility of the easement holder to take care of said property.  In the case of this easement would be for the construction and maintenance of a road and for the public to use said road properly.

Now, in the job that I worked at for 5 years, I typed easements, many easements, mostly for the right-of-way for the construction for the water line in the water district in the southeastern part of Elk County.  Sometimes the entity that wants the right-of-way has to buy the property.  In that case the landowner does give up ownership of the land.

I am not quite sure which road you are talking about, but the thread has been talking about road 5 that crosses Sec. 17, Twshp, 30, Rge. 9.  In 1954, it crossed the section to Limestone.  Now it ends in the center of the section.  The county cartographer says that the easement for the half that continues on to the north still exists.  Thus it is still the county's responsibility to maintain it.  Maybe the county does or maybe the county doesn't.  Doesn't matter to me.  I am not going to run up there to see.

And Old Fart (gosh, I hate that name) are you working for the "wind farm"?  And if you are I would be interested in what is being done, day by day, if possible, but once a week would be sufficient.  I love construction.  I can sit and watch it all day.

And Hillbilly, would you let Old Fart answer for himself.  I am pretty sure that he is capable of doing so.

Hefe de vaca

     There are security checkpoints at both ends of the windfarm. Enel has taken over any maintanence of all roads they are using, except Washington through Howard. The county is responsible for it as Enel didn't want to deal with both the city and county regarding road issues. There is a network of roads being constructed to access every turbine . When the facility is operating I'm sure Enel will continue to maintain them for employees and turbine maintanence. No, I don't work for them.Gene Perkins is one of the security gaurds , however.


Then can we stop worrying about whether or not a landowner is getting county maintenance on a private road.  Although there is no private road running all the way through Sec. 17.  The county has an easement all the way to Limestone.


Did we ever figure out if that easement continues NE through Section 9 to the Killdeer/Rd 7 intersection?

Looking at the route on Mapquest, that would make one nice, scenic riding trail.  Would be a real nice view of the 200 megawatt wind farm. Any limestone arch bridges or Artesian wells in there?  Of course, if it's not a county roadway, then folks would probably have to pay to ride it, huh?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

the shadow

Mr. Hillbilly= Any time you feel like speaking, please feel free to do so. When others are asked questions on this forum, there are a certain few who feel the need to speak for them, about them, about things of which they know and about things of which they know very little to nothing. What is good for them, son, is also good for you. Most people on here have an opinion about every little thing they can think of and they don't balk at speaking their mind about it. Therefore, Robert, you go right ahead and speak your mind about anything and everything you want to and don't let anyone try to intimidate you. It seems to me from reading every word of most of these threads, that some people would do better to listen and read closely once in awhile than to be so quick to comment on every little thing!

the shadow                               KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!

Diane Amberg

 Wilma,I'm sorry, but there was just something about "Old Fart" working at a "wind farm" that just rolled me on the floor ;D ;D ;D ;D. Just shows you how common I really am. The rest of nice or go to your rooms! ;D ;D ;D ;D :-\

the shadow

Diane= What does "the rest of you" mean? Does that mean Ms. Wilma doesn't have to "play nice or go to her room?"

the shadow                                    KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!


It hurts my soul to admit this, but I have been making a mistake.  I have been saying that Rd. 5 runs all the way to Limestone.  It does not.  The county has an easement to Killdeer.  I find no road, E to W, or N to S that runs through Sec. 7. or ever has.  Killdeer stops at Rd. 7.  Perhaps what you are seeing is a trail that the ranchers use to get from one pasture to another.  Or an oilfield road.  Whatever it is private property.

Shadow, are you talking to Hillbilly or about him?  Seems that everything you are saying about other people applies to him and I am tired of him misconstrueing my comments and answering for people who are able to answer for themselves.  Whatever I post, I believe to be the truth and when I find that it isn't I correct it.  I am good with maps and I am telling you that there is no public road running through the area under discussion.  Rd. 5 ends at Killdeer, but Killdeer doesn't run that far west.  Oh, hell, you have to be there.  Or go check with the ladies at the courthouse.  They know.  And the Shadow can find out.

Diane, maybe that is the reason for the moniker.

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