road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Hefe de vaca

   My inclusion of the word , conspiricy, or form thereof, is in response to the post alledging the county has maintained a private road for Jim Perkins and tax dollars were wasted. The trail at the end of Killdeer , west of Road 7, has been there in the past several years primarily as an oil field road/ access to livestock pasture. I haven't ever seen  rock or a grader from the county on it , at least that end of what is now a construction site. I am sure that you, Janet, are more capable than most, having been sheriff, of knowing or getting the facts. I haven't camped up there , so I certainly couldn't say with 100% certainty that the county did or didn't do anything on it, but evidence of additional rock or grading is pretty hard to miss . My first querie was , why the concern about it other than to sightsee? It would never have been my choice as a route to Grenola.


Hefe  up to year and half  ago rock was put on that road what every its name is. I bladed that road at least 10 times between 1994 to1997 ,and a few times from 2007 to 2009 and think Mr Lacky quit maintaining it  don't quote me on that.I just wanted to know if  was a county road still.

Hefe de vaca

   Old fart, I believe it would have to be Road 5 that dead ends in Jim Perkins land from the south. At a commissioner meeting once, even they couldn't say what part of it is a county road, though Janet is correct about some part of it having an easement or right of way. I am refering to the other end that would stretch from the old Eagle head ranch house ( gone ) to Killdeer and Road 7, as far as not being maintained.
    As to the maps of landownership, there are several mistakes . i.e. some of what is shown as Harrison land is actually Mac-o-chee,  in the Central Publishing maps. It shows the Harrisons owning a full section ( page 49 - square 9 ) that I'm sure they would love to own, but don't. I don't think the previous publications were wrong if you have an older one.
     I haven't been to the end of Road 5 from the south myself , but mother says there are road signs on it , so I'm guessing that's where you're talking about. I guess the publisher from Iola needs to proof their work a little better.


wrong I worked out of Howard we bladed half over then Moline crew did other half. Doesn't matter now any way old news ,time to find something else to gripe about I'll think of something


While you are coming up with something to gripe about, how about telling us more about what you are doing up there.  From something you said, I take it that you are working for the wind farm.  If not, then it was nice hearing from you anyway. 

Janet Harrington

Hefe de vaca, love the picture of the bull. Thanks for making that your profile picture. I love animal pictures. Now, i have to get Colonel back on mine after I get my PC fixed.


Wilma: What Oldfart is doing up there is none of your business as you are not a landowner on any part of that property, nor will you ever be. If he was breaking a law, I'm sure you would be the first to inform them. I am surprised with this 60 foot easement that Janet says goes through there. But I was informed that the 60 foot easement is on county roads; not all easements are 60 feet and as Wilma keeps putting it out there, it IS private property. And as Janet says it would be misappropriation of funds and resources by putting 4 or 5 guys working on private property by blading and hauling rock over a period of several years. I know this is private property. I have checked with the courthouse, just as Janet checked with the courthouse. Way to spin it around and twist the words, or maybe you twist the words to suit your purpose. Here's the actual email I received: ROBERT OR JENNIFER I DON'T WRITE ON THE ELK CO FORUM BUT I DO READ IT.  IF YOU WOULD PUT THIS ON IT.  ROAD 5 THAT IS NORTH OF GRENOLA IS A COUNTY ROAD TO THE MIDDLE OF SECTION 17. BUT AFTER THAT IT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY. THE COUNTY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT BECAUSE ITS NOT A COUNTY ROAD AND SINCE ITS NOT A COUNTY ROAD THE COUNTY HAS NO EASEMENT ON IT.    THANKS!





QuoteAt a commissioner meeting once, even they couldn't say what part of it is a county road, though Janet is correct about some part of it having an easement or right of way. I am refering to the other end that would stretch from the old Eagle head ranch house ( gone ) to Killdeer

Now that something about 'something" but not sure just what.

QuoteI am surprised with this 60 foot easement that Janet says goes through there.

Most easements can be 25-50'.....depends on who paid for it.

Ok, I work in a courthouse....speculations about taxpayers who think we are ripping you all off is 'talking to a barking bull!'.
Check your deeds, and Hefe...I explained earlier that the Central publishing Co....makes those maps 6-8 months PRIOR to publishing...If I was a smart dude, I would change stuff after Novemeber to throw you off....which it would if you are looking at the Central Publishing book......however, the DEED"S office would have the date of the ownership, with the Appraisers to follow with that week (or depending on the timeframe of the year).

Please don't spout facts, when you are quoting from outdated sources.   

respectfully ready


Hillbilly, the information on the easement that Janet is talking about came from the Appraiser's office a couple of days ago.  I think the Appraiser's office would know whether or not there is an easement on it.  Just because the road is not maintained does not mean that there is no easement on it.  The county could go in and restore the road without consulting the landowners as they still hold the right to do so.  It used to be a maintained road because other people owned property on the north side of sec. 17.  If you still don't believe it, why don't you go talk to the appraiser's office and find out for yourself.  Meanwhile, since Janet talked to them just the other day, I believe that her information is correct as of record.

Check your information with the people that know before you tell someone that they are wrong.


My message that I posted came from someone very knowledgable from the courthouse. The message came to me today. I will trust my information as it came first hand to ME. Thanks!



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