road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Hefe de vaca

       I believe my previous post pointed out the flaws in the directory as well. Section 9 on page 49 , is Jim Perkins land. The Harrison property is strung across sections 33, 4 , and 5. 640 acres.


OK, jefe, I have made the correction in my book.  Thank you.  I wonder how many more errors there are in the book.


Wilma:  I stated this earlier in a thread, that the Landowner's Publication (we know it as the Brown's Book) is printed starting in October the year prior to publication. 
That's why you may see a landowner as 'Mr. Jones' when the list was sent to the Publisher, but by the time it is distributed, Mr. Jones, deeded his property to someone else, or there was an error to start with. 
I doubt the Elk County has a lot of errors, there are some top notch people there. 
   However, if the person holding the ded, did not file it until later on after Certification of Real Estate, the name may have not been changed.

I am not stating as to all of the above happened, but those are some of the circumstances for error.

Hefe de vaca


Re: road 7over eagle head

« Reply #240 on: Yesterday at 02:33:28 pm »


I know this is none of my business, but could the work have been done for firefighting access? I know you have a county fire engine as well as a Howard one, and I don't know how that works, but could there be county money to keep some of the paths and such open enough for fire equipment to get through?  Our set up is totally different but we have standing permission, by law, that lets us go wherever we need to to chase down fires.

      Sorry I didn't see this before my post today , Diane. You hit it on the head.

  Burning is absolutely necessary to keep our prairie healthy. It is also hard to control . Many people just light it and leave, which creates a problem for those with livestock , or homes, in that vicinity. The state is trying to have people comply with recommendations put forth for prescribed burning, but if they don't , the state will begin mandating who can burn, when they burn , etc. . There were town meetings on the subject earlier this year, mostly stemming from air quality standards in Wichita and cities to the North ,ie Kansas City.  So far , they ask you to adhere to these recommendations, if we don't , they will mandate them.

   Many will not see the need for the burning, as they are not using the prairie to earn a living. It used to be a natural occurence, and the abscence of fire has caused the encroachment of non-native species , ( hedge, red cedar, locust, and numerous brush species). If you were to look at an old aerial map of some of this ground you would see nothing but grasses. The NRCS has been actively working to restore our tall grass prairie to what it was in the beginning , as have many landowners.

    I guess my main point is , we need to burn, and we need to be able to control it. When it gets out of control, we need the firefighters to be able to get to it to bring it under control.


I think this was an honest to goodness error.  I also have a 1988 landowner's map that shows that sec. 9 is owned by Perkins.  I doubt if it was ever Harrison Trust property.  

Hefe de vaca

       You are correct Madam.

Diane Amberg

Thanks Jefe. Having chased more than a few field fires in my day, I know the need for fire roads and fire access. Sometimes we have to call out the state forestry trucks to help us too. We have two brush trucks (weed wagons) ourselves but they aren't always enough and hauling Indian Cans around can be very slow and tedious. Ok for mop up. Our "big" land parcels are small compared to out there, but exposures are exposures no matter what.  Sorry for butting in, but I didn't think fire access had been considered.


Ready---Here's the section in question marked in blue. Where Rd. 5 stops is where an old house used to be. That's where the PRIVATE PROPERTY begins. It goes north then to the northeast to Rd. 7 and Killdeer across Perkins' land.
Wilma---If fire trucks were having problems getting across Perkins' land, then maybe Perkins' should pay for the upkeep of their roads out of their OWN pockets. I'm sure every landowner in the county would like to have preferential treatment and have the county supply rock, equipment and man hours to upkeep their cow paths. Again, I've talked with the county appraiser's office and the register of deeds and I do work for the road department and at the time I was up there on the private property, I had worked in District 2. I had said for you to put your own spin on the story that I had went up and talked with them Thursday. I knew it was only a matter of time before I and everyone else were liars again and that we don't know what the hell we are talking about because we aren't looking at prehistoric cave paintings to reference the roads.
As for your repeated questions to Oldfart about what times he was up there, he has told you the years. I don't suppose he has the exact months, days or hours written down in his own little diary. He just has to rely on his feeble, old, decrepit, deteriorating mind LOL to recall events. The same with me and everyone else who has worked on said privately owned property.---MR. KSHillbilly

P.S. Mr. Boss of Bullshit---Excuse my typing, I've had way to much to drink tonight.




The fact remains that if that were ever a road maintained by the county and owned by the county, then the county is still responsible for keeping it up.  The fact remains that the fire department must be able to access property to fight fires and sometimes the access lies across another landowners property.  Not all the property in the area belongs to Jim Perkins.  There are other landowners west of him.  Perhaps the access to their property comes from another direction which would add precious minutes finding it.  While Elk County fire fighters are driving around trying to find access to a fire that is threatening to cross over into Butler, we are sitting here complaining that the road department has done repair work on private property.  Are we that picky?  Why don't you look in your own district for preferential treatment?

No, I won't excuse you for drinking too much.  You do that by your own choice.  Anyway, your typing is much better than usual.


Wilma---You will never, ever get it! I know why you won't get it. You know why you won't get it and everyone reading this knows why you won't get it. The county no longer owns the damn road and hasn't as far back as 1958, when you were a spring chicken in your late 20's. You really do have a beef with county employees, just not the ones who run the county. Maybe you should look at the preferential treatment in District 2 while Districts 1 and 3 do without. We realize for the people in District 2 there is only Howard and Hwy. 99, but there are others, Grenola, Moline, Elk Falls, Longton, Oak Valley that are stationed along Hwy. 160 and with the exception of Elk Falls they all have a RR through them. Makes me wonder why the county seat was ever moved from Elk Falls to Howard. And yes, I know Howard used to have a RR running through it, but the tracks were taken out along with the easement. And as there is no easement across Eagle Head Ranch/Perkins Land from 7 and Killdeer to Rd. 5 there should not be any county road work going on, on said property. And there hasn't been any road work going on there since 2009. The Road Boss made sure when he was questioned why we were working on private property and he didn't know we were on private property because he was told it was an open road, until he looked at county maps and found that there was NO county road, no easement and no way in hell we're doing any more work up there. So he pulled us off of that property and told us to stay off of that property. So I can imagine in 2-3 years that the road did go to shit and turn into the cow path that it so rightly should be. I do like Janet's idea of turning it into the state. Maybe she would tell us how that worked out for her when she was going to call the AG over the EK thread.

P.S. I'm glad my typing has improved to your standards. I just hope I had enough common sense to put this on the right thread.



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