road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Good fact finding Mr K.  Interesting.  I was always taught to admit mistakes... not hide them like so much dirty laundry.  Hiding such things always seems to damage credibility on other issues.  Maybe hiding dirty laundry is a group activity in some cases.  Sunshine such as you have provided is such a wonderful disinfectant. 

Since there was no easement the former questions reach the table with the force of validity....

Why would the county be dumping rock & grading there?  Would it be proper for the county to do so?  If so, under what conditions?  What county official, if any, would request, authorize or approve of such work? And why?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on July 14, 2011, 08:06:27 PM
Good fact finding Mr K.  Interesting.
Since there was no easement the former questions reach the table with the force of validity....

Why would the county be dumping rock & grading there?  Would it be proper for the county to do so?  If so, under what conditions?  What county official, if any, would request, authorize or approve of such work? And why?

Interesting indeed..........................
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


QuoteThere was in fact easements for electric lines, water lines, etc.

but no a road?   hmmm  make sure the etc. didn't include a road.


Quote from: readyaimduck on July 14, 2011, 08:23:20 PM
but no a road?   hmmm  make sure the etc. didn't include a road.

Specifically no county easements, road or otherwise. 
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


David, somehow I missed the post that you quoted from Hillbillies.  And now it appears to not be there.  However, I do have an answer to it.  I did call Neva and had quite a nice visit with her.  And an education.  I was putting together a post telling what I had learned, working on it to get it as correct as I could.  My memory isn't as good as it used to be.  Anyway, this is what I learned.

There are no easements for the construction and maintenance of any of the county roads in Elk County.  So if you have a road on your property or running past your property and it is being maintained by the county, you are receiving the same services as any other owner of private property.  The road in question, Road 5 through Sec. 17, Twshp. 30, Rnge. 9, according to Neva, belongs to the county.  I was wrong in thinking that the land belonged to the landowners and that the county was required to get an easement from the landowner to build and maintain a road.  Road 5 used to go all the way through Sec. 17 and Sec. 8, meeting up with Killdeer on the north side of Sec. 8.  This was because there were other landowners involved and by law, they have to be given access to their property.  According to the 2010 landowners map, there are still other landowners in the area, but they now have access from the north.  If I remember right, Neva also told me that if a landowner has a previously public road on their property, they need only to ask the road department if they need a little work done on it.  This isn't something that is done exclusively for the Perkins family, but is available to anyone.  The day I talked to her, the county was scraping and dumping a little rock on the street down to the fair grounds, even though it is not a county owned road.  

The roads in Elk County have existed longer than the road department, being laid out by the landowners in their horse drawn wagons and buggies.  Therefore, they followed the line of least resistance, or the section lines so as not to be crossing their neighbors property.  According to Neva, the only easements are the ones that the county needs to get if they have some work such as building a bridge that requires them to be on the adjoining property.  Or if they have to move a road or bridge.

I was hoping to consult with Janet on this before posting to be sure that what I remember is right.  But some people can get their rears up in the air over the smallest things, so if Janet tells me that I have something wrong or if Neva reads this and wants to call me to make a correction, I will be glad to do so.



I have posted a reply that explains what I found out at the Register of Deeds Office.  I think it might explain some of these things that are being talked about.  
Oldfart (I still hate that name) and now that I know who you are, I don't think it fits you at all.  I do know that you wouldn't post something that you didn't believe.  Perhaps if you will read my post in the other thread, it might help you to understand why you were doing something that you didn't think you should be doing.  According to Neva, if a landowner needs a little help with a previously existing road, the county will do it.  You, Jim, however, were doing nothing wrong as you were doing what you had been told to do.  As a good employee, that is what you do and hope that when the fan turns on that you are out of the way.

I don't know what is going on here, but the previous post is what I posted in the other thread.  I did not post it here, but I am glad that someone has put it here where it belongs.  Thank you, whoever did this.


Excuse me, but I have a 1954 landowner's map that shows a road all the way across Sec. 17 to Killdeer.  Killdeer went all the way to Rd. 5 because there were numerous landowners in that area and they had to have access to their property.  At that time, Sec. 17 was owned by T. C. Cory, as was a whole lot of other acreage in that area.

What was it that I tried to cram down Neva's throat about bridges?


Thank you Wilma on your comments about Oldfart, as he was not the only person who was involved with spreading rock across private property at the request of one county commissioner. And it was not a previously existing road; it never has been and it never will be. It's nice that you can put a spin on it and still keep calling it something it isn't. It is NOT an open road and as far back to 1958 it has NOT BEEN an OPEN road! So even when Fish worked on it in the '90s or when I had helped dump rock on it at the end of 2008/beginning of 2009, it was a PRIVATE road, NOT owned by the County, with NO easements across it for county employees to be working. NO 60' right of way easements. No 50', 40' or 30' easements. The only easements shown on record are for rural water or electric. Way to go to call Fish out. At least 11 people working for the road department and 5 previous employees of the road department know of work that has went on across the private property in question. You never cease to amaze me.---MR. KSHillbilly



Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on July 14, 2011, 07:52:31 PM
She did show me a copy of the Elk County Forum, that was sent from either Wilma or Janet, I don't know which but I can promise you that they were informed that there is NO EASEMENT across there. So any road work that has been ordered and done with county equipment, county personnel and county funds would be unlawful misappropriation of funds. I'm just curious why Janet or Wilma, the two know it all flappity lipped windbags, haven't run to this post to tell me how wrong I am and Fish and many others in the road department are, and how right they are with the nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah bullshit that usually spews out of their mouths. Oh please, tell us why almighty Wilma and Janet, that you have not spoken or are you still searching for your Paxil to lift your moods from your bubbles being burst?---MR. KSHillbilly

You know, Robert, you are such a grown up. Let's get something straight right now. I have not talked with Neva nor did I send Neva anything from this forum. Connie Hey is the only person I have talked to and that was by telephone. You can call me all the names you want. You can call my mother all the names you want. It just makes you look ignorant.

If you have done this road grading, laying of rock, etc., on a private property road, then you, sir, should call the Kansas Attorney General's Office and report the unlawful misappropriation of funds. You are a witness. Old fart is a witness and all the countless others that work for the road department that were told by the boss to take care of what a county commissioner told the road department to do. Why don't you use that mouth of yours to report this crime? I know what Connie told me. That is all I have to go on. I also know what old fart told me about what was ordered by the county commissioner. That is all I have to go on. I have not been to the courthouse nor have I spoken with Neva on the phone. I wish I had the time to do this, but, alas, I have to shake doors and watch for fires. Sorry. Quit being such a jerk and report this crime that has occurred. I have never called you or old fart a liar. I believe that the road department did indeed work on that property. At least, that is what I am being told. I, however; am not a witness nor a participant. Now, until I have the time to go to the courthouse and see for myself just what this road is, then I stand by what I was told. If I find out I was told wrong, then I will say that I am wrong. By the way, I don't take Paxil and my bubble hasn't bursted. This is, after all, a discussion. What I think or what I say doesn't change anything.

You, sir, by your own words, know about this injustice to the county taxpayers. You, sir, are a witness to this injustice, but you chose to stay idle by not calling the Kansas Attorney General's Office to report this injustice. You, sir, know far more facts about this crime than anyone on this forum, so please, do what is right if you truly believe that the crime of unlawful misappropriation of funds has taken place. I am pretty sure that you could even call the Kansas Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-KS-CRIME and they don't even need to know your name.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on July 14, 2011, 08:06:27 PM
Good fact finding Mr K.  Interesting.  I was always taught to admit mistakes... not hide them like so much dirty laundry.  Hiding such things always seems to damage credibility on other issues.  Maybe hiding dirty laundry is a group activity in some cases.  Sunshine such as you have provided is such a wonderful disinfectant.  Since there was no easement the former questions reach the table with the force of validity....

Why would the county be dumping rock & grading there?  Would it be proper for the county to do so?  If so, under what conditions?  What county official, if any, would request, authorize or approve of such work? And why?

Wonderful words, Patriot. Good questions, too. But, again, I have not found out that I have made a mistake. I know what I was told. That is all I have to go on. You might be like me and have to work for a living away from our county courthouse, so it might be hard for you to go and learn these answers for yourself. I really wish I could.

Your questions that you have asked here should be questions that you should ask the county road supervisor, Ernie Lakey. However; keep in mind that he might not have been working for the county when all this happened. If you can't get answers from Ernie, then call your county commissioner, Doug Ritz. He might know or he might chose to find out. Hey, Commissioner Ritz might even chose to have this investigated. Who knows what will happen? What I do know is that nothing will happen unless someone who has the facts or who was a witness to this injustice to the taxpayers stands up and says, "Hey, there is something wrong here and I think I should report it so it can be investigated."

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