road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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I did work for county, disagreed about the way to blade roads.  lets just say it got back to a couple people let me go ,said it was lay off we were out of money ,but hired a guy the day before .Let two of us go. been there two years, other guy 10 years. Don't want piss the top brass off .Its like Las Vegas, what happens in county shops stays there. I worked for people ELK  county. you ask me I would tell you


I was talkingabout peple in general

Hefe de vaca

     If you were let go because you were told to do your job in a manner that was substandard, these people need to know. As I said in one of my first posts, the operator that I spoke to, who had been doing the job right , was told not to cut ditches or crown roads. That is why when we get 4-5 inch rains, the water runs down the road and washes the rock off the road. I know there are guys that were not allowed to do their job correctly and told if they didn't do as they were told they were gone. That is not directly a fault of the commissioners , but the road supervisor. ::)


Quotebut the road supervisor

That seems to be an issue with this SEK area.  BEING TOLD TO DO SOMETHINg AS OPPOSETO DOING IT RIGHT
Money has been cut and so has the quality of training for graders, if hired new, and those that may not have been trained right....and then to not have the equipment and materials just adds to the pot of 'what to skimp on'. 

Infrastructure is the water, bridges, roads...etc type a good read.   Welcome to the forum.

The 'Brown's Report/County book' that we referred to earlier yes is flawed...for the fact that I said in my earlier post, however will put i into another form:  it is a timing issue from what was in October to when published in the spring.

I might add that if the deed wasn't entered correctly  from the department that handles that, then yes you will have a problem.

"we now bring you back to your regulary scheduled program":    the roads on Kildeer/7/5 lane.


now you get the big picture. he  reports to who AH!!!!!!!  said all I'm going to say


I  will have to say that some deeds are held up due to incorrect legals, names, etc...not the fault of the department....


Quotebut the road supervisor

grudge much?

we are all questioning victimization.   the test is in the trvth.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on June 30, 2011, 06:37:49 PM
      Ok , Old Fart , I should have reread. You say 10 times in 3 years. :o Must be invisible rock and stealth grader.

Well duh Cow Boss! Just trying to lead all of us cattle to slaughter or just put your brand on us, maybe a big EK? You wouldn't have seen the dump trucks, blades or gravel up there unless you had ownership or permission, to be on privately owned land, from the Perkins or Mac-O-Chee farms, or unless you married in to the family. You have in a roundabout way said that everyone on the road department are liars and former employees of the road department are liars. Question still remains, just why was the county taxpayers' money, equipment and employees putting rock on private property and why was it bladed and kept up for so many years? It is not an open-thru-road. The county does not put up no trespassing signs on their county roads. There is no county easement across Perkins/Mac-O-Chee farms land. I'm sure that the Perkins' could afford to have Doug blade it, ditch it and make a far superior road up there than any county flunkie would've ever thought about and use the rock of their choice. And yes Limestone does look pretty nice now. But so does that gold paved road, called River Road, or as referred to by an ex-county commissioner, "Liz Lane". ---Mr. KSH




Those would be harsh words/accusations there kshillbilly.
The webs some weave... good questions, though.


Hillbilly, have you checked with the courthouse about easements across Eaglehead?  Are you talking about Rd. 5, Rd. 7 or a continuation of Killdeer?

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