Persian cats

Started by Janet Harrington, June 20, 2011, 09:24:23 PM

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Janet Harrington

Has anyone on this forum been owned by a Persian cat? My roommate has one. His name is Thomas. He is mostly white with a black tail and his left ear is black. We have had the worst time with eye drainage on him. Persians have such flat faces that their sinuses do a lot of draining. We do our best to wipe his eyes every night, but we still have nasty draining around his eyes and down his little cheeks. Does anyone know anything about what to do for this problem?


might ask Roanna Elliot in Severy...she used to raise persians dont know if she still does but probably would know!

Janet Harrington

Ok. I don't know who she is, but I will find out. Thanks.


Think everybody calls her Rosie....Mom knows her, she lives in Billy and Junior Rices old house there in Severy, what bout a block east of where Wilford Harris lived.


My Mom had a beautiful white persian that had constant sinus problems. The vet finally diagnosed him with a birth defect that would not allow his sinus to drain. He did a simple surgery and 'Angel' was good as new afterward. Hope this helps!

Janet Harrington

Well, that could be a possibility. Next time he goes to the vet we will ask.


The vet gave us eye drops for the persian we had. It dried it up but he still would drain a little.

Janet Harrington

I'll ask about that, too.


If you think that it may be just allergy related, cats can tolerate 1/2 of a Benadryl tablet daily. I have to give it to Little Man in the spring, as he does have seasonal allergies. Critters, like us, can have allergies to anything in their environment. Not just the outside things, but inside too. Good luck, and I hope Puddy gets to feeling better.  ;)

Janet Harrington

Thomas has been like this since he was brought here to live. I have read that Persians will have this drainage because their sinuses are so short due to the flat face.

I bought a powder called Angels Eyes that you put on his food. However; the only way I can get him to eat his food when the powder is on it is to put milk on it and I don't like giving him milk. I know that he will eat it eventually, but I have a hard time waiting him out because I think he is going to starve. I sure am easy when it comes to animals. LOL

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