Did You Know.....

Started by Warph, June 10, 2011, 11:44:30 PM

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Quote from: Warph on July 12, 2011, 02:15:59 AM
Great survival info, Steve... I always travel with water, fake ice cubes and a bottle of Chivas... just in case I get stuck out in the desert.  Hmmmmm... I'm thinking about heading out to the desert tomorrow.  (gotta remember to leave the GPS at home)

No, seriously... good info, Steve.  You need to be prepared if you live in the southwest.  You can get most of this at Big 5 sports.  A normal kit is:
1. A quality penknife or jack knife.
2. Condoms for water storage, unlubricated.
3. Water proof matches
4. Flint and steel or a metal match
5. Water purification tables
6. A long strip of aluminum foil folded up to cook with
7. Fishing kit, i.e., hooks, sinkers, and some line. Nothing fancy.
8. Commercial back packing first aid kit (with instructions). I carry a very small one.
9. One small pack of gum and one of hard candy (energy)
10. A small signal mirror
11. About 25 feet of cord
12. A space blanket
and of course, water

BTW... I heard the 84 year old has a bad case of dementia and looks like the state is going to pull his license and the wiper fluid was just water. 

What too is sad.  I would hate to be in that condition.  That washer fluid  being water may have saved his life.   Ammonia is very toxic.  Those items you listed can be carred in a small shotgun shell ammo box.  or a miltary ammo container which i buy them suckers all the time when i find them.  They are great storage.  You can get a 5 gallon water container and just rotate it out every week.  That keeps it fresh.  IF your of a mind to spend the money, get yourself a 12pack of MRE's. that will last forever and will also give you some sustainance if your stranded for more than a day.  I personally would carry a firearm.  YOu can eat at least if you have one.  .22 would be good enough, and a .357 mag would be good to handle up close critters like rattlers.   I suggest a .357 cause you can use .38's in it and thats cheap ammo. 

shrug. Just me as i have always been a outdoors type.  Now you modify your kit whereever you live. The above kit is a basic kit. IFyoulive in snowy areas, add sand, shovel, chains, to the mix.  Food is more important too as your body has to maintain heat and you need a fuel source.   

There is a survival filter that they sell that you can filter your own urine if need be to use as drinking water.  Developed by NASA.  They recycle everything in space. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Al has those military ammo cases set up for us. We'll soon be setting up a little more formal bigger box that we have in case we have to evacuate for a hurricane.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2011, 10:25:05 AM
Al has those military ammo cases set up for us. We'll soon be setting up a little more formal bigger box that we have in case we have to evacuate for a hurricane.
plastic 55 gallon barrel will do wonders for that. just rollem out and into your truck.  YOu can pack 6 weeks of food in one, and in a second one pack ammo, gun, things needed for cooking ect, chainsaw and tools.  Those are what i call bugout supplies. I try to put 2 sets in place each set in a different location.  Reason is lets say a tornado comes and hits the house.  My bugout stuff is gone to Oz.  so i go to location 2 and i have what i need. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Isn't that what is called a survival kit?


Quote from: Wilma on July 12, 2011, 11:18:45 AM
Isn't that what is called a survival kit?

Bugout survival whatever you wanna call it.  ITs usually made for when the SHTF situations.  It will feed a family of 4 for 6 weeks.  

By feeding i mean, it will keep a family of 4 alive.  Your not going to eat like a king on it.  Min rations.  For example you have a 50lb sack of wheat berries in it a hand grinder.  YOu can crack the wheat, boil water and pour a couple cups of cracked wheat into a thermos and pour boiling water over it and close it off.  next morning, you'll have hot cereal that is nutritious and will feed a couple people.  Packed in vitamins and energy.  Sugar is technically a luxury, but if you put a plastic bottle of honey inthere, you got more than luxury. YOu can use it for injuries.  Honey is a antibacterial agent as well as a sweetner.  Plus energy plus a host of other things.  YOu just have to think what is compact, nd easily stored.  even baggies of dried foods from your dehydrator last. dehydrate anything from potatos to tomatos!  

Another thing is repair kits for clothes, and whatever. i have a sewing box that is about the size of a tackle box. Contains everything i will need for repairing clothes and can even be used to suture wounds if necessary.
I have a source to get powdered litocaine.  Store it in your pack and use sterile water to liquify it before injecting it.  Get your needles at the coop.  find a bottle of antibiotics that does not require refridgeration. You can get packs of terramycin, and I think LA200 don't need refridgeration.  Vetricyn for wounds is also a good thing. all these can be obtained from the coop or feedstore.  
I hven't checked yet, but i suppose you could get tetnus vaccine from the feed store too Not sure if it is the same as the one we get from a doctor but it wouldn't be hard to find out!  

One other thing that many people do not know. DO not throw away your pills.  Most prescription pills you get are good for 10 years or more.  They put a expiration date on them to sell more drugs.   The Goverment did a MASSIVE Study on prescription drugs a couple years ago.  They had warehouses of them stored up for the military.  BUt they were about to expire and instead of paying for new drugs to replace them, they had them tested in batchs and found them to be good for up to 10 years past expiration.  I think this idea started when 9/11 happened.    NOT ALL drugs are like this, but most pill form are.  I think all painkillers, are as well as things like metoprolol and blood pressure pills.   
Personally i freeze mine to extend the life of the drug.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Ms Bear

Another thing we were taught to do while living in the desert was that if you did get stuck or stranded stay with your vehicle but if you do try to walk out always walk back the way you came, not where you don't know how far it is to a road or house.  Always let someone know where you are going and when you should be home.

We always carried small pieces of carpet to put under the back tires for traction if we got stuck in the sand.


Titled: "DID YOU KNOW"  Fantastic video on the Progression of Information Technology.
Over 14 million have seen this video.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Did You Know.... the Universe is yours to discover

"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced
that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe--a spirit vastly superior to that
of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."

---Albert Einstein

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Union Soldiers are Buried in Confederate General Robert E. Lee's front yard.

This is currently what is now known as Arlington National Cemetery.  General Lee and his family left their home in Arlington in 1861 after Virginia seceded from the Union during the Civil War.  During the war, Union troops captured the estate and set up military installations there.  The property was then used as a burial ground for Union casualties.  Lee's descendants challenged the seizure of their family property in court after the war, and the property was returned to the Confederate general's son, Custis Lee.

Congress then purchased the property from the younger Lee for $150,000.  The property has been owned by the federal government ever since, and is now the final resting place for American war casualties from as early as Civil War to as recent as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  It's also the location of John F. Kennedy's grave

Source:  http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/historical_information/arlington_house.html

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Yup, it was seized to keep the Lee family from farming again in sight of Washington DC. Purely punitive and totally unnecessary in my mind. At least it was made right.The true story is always told on the tours to Arlington, no attempt to cover it up.

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