Medicare Advantage Plans in Elk Co

Started by Roma Jean Turner, June 07, 2011, 05:40:05 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

Just found out today that my AARP Secure Hoizons Advantage Plan that I joined this year in Missouri, offers no coverage for me in Elk Co.  Now I have to enroll in a new plan that covers Elk Co or just go to straight medicare and buy an Rx plan, which I don't want to do.  Wish I could afford a supplemental, but can't.  Anyway, you medicare folks out there, do you know who offers an Advantage plan down here.....Humana, Blue Cross, etc.  I want Dr. Hutchison as my primary physician so it has to be something that he is in network with.   Anyway, thanks.  (Please be patient with me, sooner or later I will get settled here and know who does what).


Don't know Roma, i have to go to wichita.  I went to the ones in eureka and they totally misdiagnosed me badly recently.  Not too keen on the doctors around here
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Roma, you might call Batson's Drug and talk with Julie, the pharmacist. She helped Jim when it came to figuring out a good supplemental plan to go with his medicare.


Roma - I would suggest that you contact the Elk County Council on Aging at 374-2403. They routinely help citizens of Elk county figure out the best way to go with Medicare plans. If they cannot help you with this, they will refer you on to the 'Medicare specialist' at the South Central Kansas Area Agency on Aging.
I have enjoyed reading your posts on this forum and look forward to meeting you some day soon.

Debbie Griesel
SCKAAA contracted case manager
Elk and Greenwood counties

Judy Harder

Thanks, Debbie,
I forgot to mention to her that she is in the age group to be helped at the Council on Aging.
I have met her a couple or three times and can't wait to get with her again. Had to be in Moline
Monday and spend an hour or so between blood draw and appointment and would have called her
if I knew she had been home.
Some day soon...........LOL Some day soon. Oh, I did have breakfast at Swinging Bridge about 9 and would have had a nice long visit.........
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Roma Jean Turner

Thank you all for the ideas.  A social worker from the clinic is supposed to be calling me about this.  Glad to know where the resources are.  I am posting my one and only cell number on here so people can contact me.  I would have been happy to have visited with you Judy and I look forward to meeting you Debbie:  My number is 417-536-1922.  Keeping the MO number because of business contacts there.  I am always up for a good congenial lunch, okay so breakfast and dinner too.   :laugh: :laugh:


Well Roma, I am quite surprised that you are at the age for medicare. I would have judged you to be much younger than that, seriously.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Janet Harrington

Well, I'm not old enough to use the Elk County Council on Aging, so I forget about them. No, really. I'm not. I don't care what you say about how old I look. ROFLMAO.

Roma Jean Turner

Thanks Sarge.  I am older than most people think.  I still feel very's just my body that has a little more touble keeping up as the years go by.  HA HA .  Next month I will be 67.  It sounds a bit ominous to me.

Judy Harder

It is just a  number Roma, just a number.
I am not growing old, my body is just getting rusty and needs some WD40
Just think of all the information we have stored in our brains and since we forget what we did the day before
we do tend to repete ourselves........always something exciting going on......and then there are our naps.
I do that very well anymore.........Nap, I mean...........LOL

Janet you don't have to be over the hill to use the council on aging, just getting close and being needy............LOL
my disability has given me a head start with them and they are a God send.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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