Morals, Principals, & Ethics

Started by sixdogsmom, June 04, 2011, 12:23:30 AM

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I am totally astounded at the blatant abandonment of any regard for the standard of norm that involves the elected political figures in this country! How could any man, (or woman), expect to retain the respect of their electorate by exhibiting their underwear, (and what might be in them), on the internet? Never mind that their account was hacked!!! So what!!! That any such photo arrived on the intenet in any fashion is beyond comprehension. Disgusting! Totally digusting!  :P :P

Roma Jean Turner

You just have to wonder what the thought process is that gets one to deciding that it would be a good idea to snap a picture like that, let a lone post it.

Diane Amberg

The fact that he couldn't or wouldn't deny that the photo might be of himself amazed me. Unless he was changing clothes in a motel room on a tour and somebody thought it would be funny.... well....weird people!


So go the morals and ethics of so many of our highly respected citizens in this country. From Hollywood to Washington, DC to Wall Street to churches and all points in between. Across all financial, religious, ethnic lines.

However, if you take a stand be prepared to be knocked down.

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