MY opinion........

Started by thatsMRSc2u, May 31, 2011, 06:52:35 AM

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oh wow Roma, I will have to respond.
I grew up thinking that all the people that was around me, in our small town was respected and saltworthy. 
It wasn't until lately that I realized people aren't what they wanted you to be.
The poker in the backroom reference was to the 'upstanding' young/older men' making deals to make our town good.  Well, then the women got involved and all hell broke loose.

What I was trying to convey to Wilma, was "yes...we need to hold on to our roots...however the methods are different then what they were"

And, Why are you answering for Wilma????   She can speak for herself, I thought...Wilma, you and I have seen our indifferences, that doesn't make us bad people.

Roma....I will not be boxed into a rude pidgeon holed societal  casche.

now I am ready


QuoteDon't trust every one that shows you a trinket.

Quotethen the women got involved and all hell broke loose.

would like a little expansion of meaning on these two comments........otherwise I'll take em to mean what I think they mean and then I'll be tellin you what I mean....


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 01, 2011, 09:11:08 PM

would like a little expansion of meaning on these two comments........otherwise I'll take em to mean what I think they mean and then I'll be tellin you what I mean....

LOL.... Pam, I love it.  Give him hell...  :laugh: :laugh:

(Damn... I laughed so hard my hernia is hanging down to my knee's)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 :-X sorry Warph...I'm over here barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen  :P lookin at shiny things......oooooo.....PUUURTY

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