I can't help myself :)............

Started by thatsMRSc2u, May 31, 2011, 08:31:15 PM

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I posted these because right here on this forum...there is a witch hunt goin on. Now I'm not a member of EKonnected....I no longer live there so there is no point.
The fact of the matter is though that a few (I dont even know what to call em) people are trying to force other people to PROVE their innocence instead of proving their guilt. The last time I looked this was still the USofA where every man woman or child is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty instead of the other way around.

I am stickin my neck out BECAUSE I believe in that PRINCIPAL and I despise bullies who try to bulldoze others or demonize them by planting unsubstantiated rumors and innuendos just to stir up discord and cause trouble in what is for what I can see an effort to make things better for KIDS mostly. As for the people of Howard benefiting more than anybody else...the FACT of the matter is all the other towns died...have been on life-support for YEARS.

As for it bein a "Perkins" thing and only benefitting them....well......like it or not every town has one or two families that are better off than the rest.....thats just the way it is. Sounds like a wee bit of sour grapes in some respects to me. Went to school with one....think his name was Steve or somethin like that,,,think it was his granma was one of my teachers for a short time...we didnt care much for each other..she picked me up by the ear and I protested :). Other than that I dont know any or what they are like. I am with WIlma and the few others who say if you have proof of wrong-doing take it to the proper authority for such things.... it's not me or Wilma or Angie or Frank or any of the others on here who object to your modus operandi. That is my last word on the subject AND MY OPINION........now yall have a nice night and an even better tomorrow. I will be spending my day visiting with my grand daughter and doin something new :) and more important than reading whatever smarmy bull gets thrown at me for this :)


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 31, 2011, 08:55:42 PM
As for the people of Howard benefiting more than anybody else...the FACT of the matter is all the other towns died...have been on life-support for YEARS.

Longton died ? When ? Must have been after the sun set this evening. Before that we had a Mini Mart---two Cafes --a bar--a post office---a grocery store---a beauty shop ---a K thru 12 school---two mechanic shops with one also being a body shop--a bank. And THAT is a FACT, ----BUD !!!


AMEN Jarhead! Our little town is still alive! Don't forget we've got at least 4 churches too! AND a Motel and a laundromat! And a cell phone store. And some of the nicest people you'd ever wanna meet! We weren't born and raised here and have only been here 10 years but we love this town and will do anything to protect it! NOPE WE AIN'T DEAD YET!




You boys are right about Longton.  But you're getting in the way of the social agenda when you defend the truths
that you've stated.

Stay right in there.............


Let me apologize for Pam.  She hasn't lived around here for quite some time now and as far as I know, has no reason to even be going through the south side of Elk County.  Let me assure everyone that Longton, Elk Falls, Moline and Grenola are far from dead.  We wouldn't even have a county if it weren't for their support.  GO, south side of Elk County, you rock.  I love that drive on 160 through that part of the county from the Cowley County line to the Montgomery County line.  Much more peaceful than 400.

Pam, when you do get back to this, don't be angry with me for apologizing for you.  I just didn't want any misunderstanding about you to hang on all day.  OK, fellas?  Are we all right now?


 Yes I reckon I do have to apologize about that part you guys.......I AM sorry. Truth is even Howard aint what it USED to be. You guys that werent born in that neck of the woods dont even realize that when I was growin up SEVERY yes SEVERY had 2 grocery stores, two gas stations DOWNTOWN, two cafes, a barber shop, a drugstore, hardware store AND lumber yard, Cobles feed and the coop, a domino parlor AND a bar, the Bank,  a newspaper office, a laundry, out at the junction there was Cross's station, Ervins cafe and station where the body shop is now, the dairy queen, then Hedricks built the motel and station. Harris real estate office and Vancils and I'm probably even forgettin somethin. Then it started dyin and look at it now.

It breaks my heart. I still remember all the fightin when they decided to consolidate the high school in Howard and take Severys away...that was what like 35 years ago or so...shit 45 years or so ago....and things aint changed one bit....there are still fights and pissed people over losin the grade school and I fully understand it cause it was basically the only thing they had left.

I wont even go into all the transportation etc problems if Severys had been kept and Molines closed and the loss of students that might have occured that way because of hard feelings.

I'm glad Longton aint dead...VERY glad for every small town that makes it..ESPECIALLY because mine isnt.....but yall are going to have to figure out a way to work together whether you like it or not to bring MORE life or you wont be...and I aint sayin embrace EK... because I REALLY dont know anything about it except what I've read on here and had a few people talk to me about. COme up with somethin else! Do it for the kids...cause they are the ones who matter and they are the ones who will stay if they have a reason to instead of movin away to greener pastures and takin your future with them.

I really only jumped into this because I dislike Ross and Patriots methods so much :P I like up front and out in the open instead of hintin around and innuendo. Again I'm sorry I offended YOU guys, Jennifer, Jar and other people cept for those two  ;D


I am beginning to realize that Pam and I must have been raised a lot alike.  Her thoughts are mine exactly, but she has a better way of expressing herself.

The biggest problem that I have is with the way this problem is being handled, if there is a problem.  If a crime has been committed and anyone has knowledge of it, the way to handle it is through the authorities, not through a forum that doesn't censure what is said.  Also, the person who has knowledge of a crime being committed and doesn't report it to the authorities is just as guilty as the criminal.

Ross/Patriot, have you called the Attorney General yet?  I can't because all I have is heresay.

Diane Amberg

I think what most people like me see are the ghosts of what used to be in your little towns. What is still there is just fine and works great for those of you who live there, but to the casual visitor, the empty buildings and dilapidated ones that you probably don't even notice, speak of a time when there was even more there. In no way is that a criticism, just an observation.
  Howard isn't even close to what I remember from the 50's. Again, just an observation.Your few merchants deserve huge credit for working so hard to get what you need at good prices.They are very loyal to stick it out when IMHO every one of them could make better incomes somewhere else. I'm very impressed with them all and will support them every way I can. Good merchants always give back to their communities and I know these business people do just that, whether it's E K or some other group.  With these attacks on E K, the heart of your communities appear to be under attack too. If these people were being hornswoggled and hood winked they would know! Yes, I know about the Hegelian Principle and the Delphi Technique and similar. Had a course in college called Community Forces. Also had a bunch of Psych. classes when I was working on my Masters, even had a class in sales techniques as it related to teaching, part of a teaching methods class. It's a shame that the premise seems to be that when evil can be done it will be. 'nuff said.

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