Let's Stop Being Manipulated!....

Started by redcliffsw, May 31, 2011, 05:38:49 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 02, 2011, 09:13:29 AM
Are factions being created? For what good in the end?

If any faction is created that stands for real transparency (as opposed to Obama transparency), integrity, sound fiscal policy and stands against tactics that are shown to obscure truth and undermine the democratic processes of the republic, then I'm all for it.  In their day, the founders of this country were a faction.  What was their good end?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 02, 2011, 09:13:29 AM
Ross, have you picked up the phone and talked to Liz? Made an appointment to see her? Surely you bump into her and others you feel are the leaders...Have you asked your questions then? E-mail ? Bill Boards?   (Just kidding on that last one.) Are you planning to run against her in her next election?  Are factions being created? For what good in the end?

When I spoke with the County Commissioners it was sort of like being attacked by two out of three of them. Call Liz at home or at her work and be accused of stalking, again I don't think so. Would I meet with her, again no. Would I use the Public Forum that Elk Konnected, LLC said they would use to the fullest. YES! Why? Because everyone would witness and learn the samethings I would. And everyone else could ask questions as well. Without a facilitator to manipulate the conversation.

No, no I don't think I would want to run for office. I'm no politician. I lack tact and diplomacy, I don't kiss @ss, I tell it like it is.
For example, if you were to ask me if I like you and I really didn't like you, I tell you and probably tell you why. I have been acused of being bluntly honest. And that has got me into trouble a few times. No I just would not make a good politician.

And I don't know enough people to know of anyone who would run for county commissioner. But I think you have an excellent idea.


Awwwwwwwwwwwww  Wilma, you"re just saying that cuz we're related, distantly and by marriage, but thank you. :-[ :-*

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


No, I'm not, Larry.  What you post makes sense.

Ross, you are right about one thing.  You do lack tact and diplomacy.  You might also lack common sense.  You may be using the forum to the fullest, but you are not producing any results.  Why don't you just turn your suspicions over to the proper authorities?  After all, that is why they are being paid with our taxpayer dollars.  You are wasting tax money.


Ross isn't wasting tax money. How could he? All he's got invested is some typing on the computer and attending a meeting or two and nothing to show for it, except for people not liking him and badmouthing him at every turn. I've met Ross and it was a great pleasure to do so! He's a really good guy, very smart and witty. He's been thinking out of the box and that's what people don't like. It's either their way or the highway. No one learns from that! I for one am guilty of not paying close enough attention to what goes on with the commissioners or this EK deal. I try to keep up with what's going on in my own town and keep that in line. Most people over here have always felt like this area is the "redheaded stepchild" of Elk County anyway, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't been paying attention. So these threads on Elk Connected have been eye opening to say the least. I've also read every one of L.Hendricks' posts, so please don't tell me to go back and look. When you have questions, they should be answered. People shouldn't be degraded just because they dared ask questions! That's what's wrong with this country today!---Jennifer L. Walker




Quote from: Wilma on June 02, 2011, 03:21:13 PM
You may be using the forum to the fullest, but you are not producing any results.

You might be surprised.

Quote from: Wilma on June 02, 2011, 03:21:13 PM
Why don't you just turn your suspicions over to the proper authorities?.

You mean the taxpayers and voters aren't?  Government's great, isn't it?  The answer to everything.  Not.

Quote from: Wilma on June 02, 2011, 03:21:13 PM
You are wasting tax money.

By not spending it?  Now there's a perversion of fact.  Did you vote for FDR?  Then again, do you like the idea of being manipulated by a trained professional?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 02, 2011, 03:21:13 PM
No, I'm not, Larry.  What you post makes sense.

Ross, you are right about one thing.  You do lack tact and diplomacy.  You might also lack common sense.  You may be using the forum to the fullest, but you are not producing any results.  Why don't you just turn your suspicions over to the proper authorities?  After all, that is why they are being paid with our taxpayer dollars.  You are wasting tax money.
Elk Konnected said they would use the forun to the fullest, I am just trying to oblige them. I said they said they were going to use this forum to the fullest.

Diane Amberg

      Warning, another boring message coming up. Ross, I was just chewing on something you said earlier, and I think on another thread. Now I know this isn't quite the same, but here's my take on something you said, and about how you feel you were treated at an EK meeting.
If I was in Dover at the State Fire training Center and I was teaching an EMT or Industrial First Responder class, I assume the role as leader, facilitator, instructor, boss, whatever you want to call it, from the start.  I am respected in that position and expect to be deferred to when it comes to session management. I decide when to call role, when breaks will be taken, etc. Usually we will have a room consensus on some things, like a 30 minute lunch and get out 30 minutes early or take the usual hour lunch and get out at the usual time, or skip the afternoon break and get out even earlier. It doesn't matter to me either way. The class chooses and you can guess how they generally decide.
  Now, if someone walked into the room, or had been hanging around the back,and came up to me just at the start of class, who I didn't know, and asked to speak to me, I would have asked him to step out in the hall with me to see, privately, what was up. If he turned and said he wanted to speak to the group before we started I would have stopped it. There would have been no way I would have allowed that without speaking to him out in the hallway first. My room, my rules. That would have set me into a very protective mode and would have made me very suspicious as to what was afoot.  Usually if something happens ,one of the Senior Program Managers or someone from the office shows up at the door to give me a finger wiggle to come get a message. Usually someone needs to call home for an emergency or some such. Groups are usually 40 or so but may be as many as 200. If the person had, after speaking to me, had a legitimate reason,in my estimation, to talk to the group, then yes, I would have allowed it. Or perhaps I would have asked them to wait until a class break if they were still going to be in the building or in my classroom. But I am in charge and it stays that way ,especially if we are having a group discussion. Nobody, but nobody, walks in and takes over my class. I am too protective of my students to allow that to happen. I have been known, on rare occasions, to ask people to leave who are making others uncomfortable, are being uncooperative or are messing with the group dynamic or a practice session.
Now I do have a question and then I'll leave this alone again, at least for awhile. It is true, I'm not there. I do support the county in small ways but I guess that doesn't count.
  Do any of you have any proof of wrong doing by E K or E K LLC? Or are you being lead by suspicion alone? Just curious.



You did read & understand the outside articles that started this thread, right?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 03, 2011, 11:29:45 AM
If I was in Dover at the State Fire training Center and I was teaching an EMT or Industrial First Responder class,
Apples and Oranges. Thats teaching. Elk Konnected advertised a Community Conversation.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 03, 2011, 11:29:45 AM
Now, if someone walked into the room, or had been hanging around the back,and came up to me just at the start of class, who I didn't know, and asked to speak to me, I would have asked him to step out in the hall with me to see, privately, what was up.
I wasn't hanging around, I was invited in for a community conversation. This is suppose to be a community organization and should have no secrets and have to speak behind the community's back or behind closed doors. I was not disruptive but again very polite when I addressed the man from that outher county running our county conversation. And he too was polite too. He lifted his microphone to his mouth and politely asked where the sheriff was. I then politely walked away and met the deputies on the way out. Nice guys our deputies.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 03, 2011, 11:29:45 AM
Do any of you have any proof of wrong doing by E K or E K LLC? Or are you being lead by suspicion alone? Just curious.

I have simply asked who the registered members are? And I get a lot of smoke blown at me. Why are they hiding?
Do you know who the registered members of Elk Konnected are?

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