wind jobs

Started by oldfart, May 28, 2011, 10:14:20 PM

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does any  one know people who has been hired


I don't know of anyone local but I spoke to a young mexican they brought out from San Francisco for a couple of weeks hauling water.


know of hand full plus myself that went in for interviews spent about there .did here of high school kid how was hired


Sound like some bang up community 'growth'.  1 or 2 long term local jobs?  Wow.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I know three people.  Maybe more if I checked into it.


wow so far maybe 5 - 10 jobs out of 200  jobs  said would  be here


One must apply before you can get a job.


One must apply and qualify.  The qualifications are pretty stiff, like having a valid driver's license, passing a drug test, etc.  I know some young men that need a job but don't come up to the standards required to work on this project.


right  but you cant tell me that many people around here dont meet that I know I DO,have  aCDL run machinery and need aJOB


Are they going at full speed yet on the building of the wind farm?

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