California Wal-nut's

Started by Warph, May 27, 2011, 01:32:02 PM

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All the lunatics aren't in the nation's capital, although it often seems that way.  Out on the far-left coast, the California Senate passed a bill that mandates that social studies curriculum in the public schools includes gay history.  For good measure, the Federation of Teachers Convention voted to reaffirm their support of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.  Keep in mind, these are the people (the FTC) who are teaching children, and not only don't they have to register as child molesters, but the Tax-Payers are paying their salaries.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Don't go generalizing on me, but as far as as Danny Faulkner's killer, I remember it well. 1981. The gun evidence and both bullets matched the "who shot whom stories" and there were three witnesses. That skunk deserves nothing. He was a MOVE member. He can charm the birds out of the trees but he is a vile sociopath.
  Why hold such a biased opinion? It's not fair to label all FTC teachers as misfits.  There seem to be some, but it is still not right. (I hate those generalizations, always have.) If one rancher is a crook, are they all? Hardly. If one person abuses their animals or worse yet, their kids, does everyone. Of course not. If one kid is convicted of drunk driving, does that mean all kids do it? Please put away the tar brush!  Your last sentence was totally unnecessary.


Diane, If you have a organization that does what the school union does and have govt support its called a union. IF its done by individuals its called mafioso
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Are you kidding me, Diane.. this scumbag Mumia Abu-Jamal... a hero of hardcore radical leftists, I might add to some because he executed a police officer... does not deserve the honor and respect of teachers anywhere on this planet.  It sends the wrong message to children.  You should know that.  The fact that the union would take the time to pass such a resolution shows the purpose of the union: to pass a radical agenda that has little if anything to do with education.  I'm not labeling all teachers.  I believe there is a difference between rank-and-file teachers and the leadership of radical teachers' unions. The trouble is, the rank-and-file sits idly by as the radicals embarrass them, time and time again.  At what point will the teachers' unions be more concerned with the pitiful state of public education than they are about the fate of a convicted cop killer, or other unrelated issues like gay rights, national health care or American foreign policy?  Look, I know that anybody from Philadelphia knows this story.  This creep should have been welcomed by his 72 virgins years ago.  Much like the Rosenbergs , Alger Hiss and Sacco and Vanzetti, only lefties think Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent victim... lefties and people so steeped in racial bitterness that they can be manipulated by anyone blaming the object of their disaffection.   Teachers need to stay the heck out of politics in the classroom and clean up their own mess with educating their children.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Warph on May 27, 2011, 04:14:55 PM
Are you kidding me, Diane.. this scumbag Mumia Abu-Jamal... a hero of hardcore radical leftists, I might add to some because he executed a police officer... does not deserve the honor and respect of teachers anywhere on this planet.  It sends the wrong message to children.  You should know that.  The fact that the union would take the time to pass such a resolution shows the purpose of the union: to pass a radical agenda that has little if anything to do with education.  I'm not labeling all teachers.  I believe there is a difference between rank-and-file teachers and the leadership of radical teachers' unions. The trouble is, the rank-and-file sits idly by as the radicals embarrass them, time and time again.  At what point will the teachers' unions be more concerned with the pitiful state of public education than they are about the fate of a convicted cop killer, or other unrelated issues like gay rights, national health care or American foreign policy?  Look, I know that anybody from Philadelphia knows this story.  This creep should have been welcomed by his 72 virgins years ago.  Much like the Rosenbergs , Alger Hiss and Sacco and Vanzetti, only lefties think Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent victim... lefties and people so steeped in racial bitterness that they can be manipulated by anyone blaming the object of their disaffection.   Teachers need to stay the heck out of politics in the classroom and clean up their own mess with educating their children.

I agree 150%.................
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Politics have no place in our schools or churches.  Our schools, however, should teach American History, Kansas History, Goverment and I don't know what all the call it now.  That is just what is was call back in the dark ages when I was in school.  No politics.

Diane Amberg

I still stand by what I said. I don't know why the CA teachers got involved, but it's very unfair to say that all teachers agreed  with them.
I wish people would stop trying to speed read what I say! Or at least try to comprehend what I really said! In no way did I say anything good about Mumia...again, it happened here and was huge in the news for a very long time. He was part of the MOVE group if you all know anything about them...and he was one of the evil Black Panthers here when they were all very bad news.  I too agree that politics must stay out of the classroom, but the political process has to be taught when the kids are old enough to understand it. It's part of being American.


The political process was taught where I went to school, but there was no politics included in it.  We learned about the process of voting, nominating candidates, held mock elections, especially in presidential election years.  But there were no opinions or party politics in the school room.  We never knew what our teachers believed in or whom they preferred for any office. 

I did learn about write-in candidates at a young age.  Somewhere between 11 and 14 our little town was holding city elections.  We had had the same mayor for many years and nobody seemed to think that anyone else could do the job, except my mother.  She convinced a young business man to let her do a write-in campaign for him.  He won.  There were more dissatisfied constituents than was known about.  It was just that no one had the courage to suggest that someone else could hold that office.

Diane Amberg

Oh ,and Teresa ,I need to speak to your math teacher. :P ;D ;)

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