Sources of Grant Funding

Started by flintauqua, May 26, 2011, 07:16:06 AM

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In another thread, Ross made the following statement about monies received by entities serving Elk County citizens:

QuoteGrants from the Kansas Health Association are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly.
(emphasis added)

It acheived the desired effect.  Among the reactionary statements made in response to this statement:

From srkruzich (emphasis original)

QuoteWell quite frankly USING TAX DOLLARS to send your kid on a vacation is highly offensive!   The rest of us folks have to work and pay for our kids to go to camp.  Same thing should be of everyone.  IF a private organization such as a church wishs to help out kids whose parents cannot afford to pay for the camp, then kool. More power to em.  But spending money stolen from workers to pay for someone elses kids to go to camp is a outrage and offense

Did Ross purposely leave out this statement:

QuoteThe Kansas Health Foundation is a private philanthropy dedicated to improving the health of all Kansans. Our funding comes from an endowment created by the sale of Wesley Medical Center, and our asset base remains strong thanks to a dedicated team of advisers and investment managers. We do not solicit or accept donations. Instead, we seek opportunities to invest our resources in people and projects that meet our mission and create long-term, sustainable health improvements.

which is repeated several times on the website of The Kansas Health Foundation.  From the page showing where grants have been made:

QuoteThe Kansas Health Foundation is a private philanthropy. We do not receive taxpayer dollars or any kind of funding from the state or federal government. We do not solicit or accept donations. Our funding stems solely from an endowment created by the sale of Wesley Medical Center.

There are two alternatives here.  

Either Ross was aware of the source of The Foundations funding and purposely made a misleading statement - "are not Taxpayers dollars, at least not directly" - to insinuate that they are taxpayers dollars and solicit emotionately charged reactions such as Steve's.  

Or Ross did not bother to do even a five second cursory search of the Foundations website to ascertain the origin of its funding.

I present, you decide.

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I agree with Srkruzich.

Ross appears to be doing OK.  Is KS Health Foundation a 501c3?  If so, then what's your issue?



So, in making this minor observation, you are saying that other grants & funding received aren't taxpayer funded?  Nice try, but one half fast atta boy doesn't cancel a handfull of uh ohs.

Based on careful review, I've decided.  I think you are resorting to sensationalism over a very minor phrase used by one person ("at least not directly") to deflect from and attempt to bulldoze over the greater issue, which is:  Elk Konnected, LLC. & Public Square Communities, LLC. take tax dollars. 

But that's only the foul odor.  One big source of that odor is how some of those tax dollars are handed out.

In receiving some of those tax dollars from Elk County, the undisputed Elk Konnected, LLC founder, appears to be an elected official who does not recuse from votes to give the private company our taxpayer money, but rather routinely votes in favor of using taxpayer money to fund a company they founded and with which they are still closely involved.  In government, I think we call that a conflict of interest.

You report, we'll decide.  But FOX News you aren't.

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Hmmmm.... interesting.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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The difference here is that the city council members that recuse themselves from voting on paying bills to their business are profiting from that business.

The commissioner that does not recuse herself/himself from voting on funds to the organization he or she belongs to does not profit from that transaction as the (business) is a non-profit organization.

As to the city or the county doing business with a business that belongs to a councilman or a commissioner, aren't we promoting "buy at home"?  In this small county and community you cannot find enough quality people to fill the elected offices without using the business owners.  And I said quality rather than qualified because that is exactly what we have.  The only people who will run for these offices are the quality business owners and the flak they have to take because of their elected position is shameful.  It is no wonder that no one wants to hold public office anymore, from the president of the country down to the city councilmen.  Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something.  So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win.  And who is doing this poking and prodding?


Quote from: Wilma on May 26, 2011, 06:01:27 PM
The difference here is that the city council members that recuse themselves from voting on paying bills to their business are profiting from that business.

The commissioner that does not recuse herself/himself from voting on funds to the organization he or she belongs to does not profit from that transaction as the (business) is a non-profit organization.
Then that commissioner should not be the commissioner.  Choose running their business or get out of the commissioner position. Thats highly unethical.

QuoteAs to the city or the county doing business with a business that belongs to a councilman or a commissioner, aren't we promoting "buy at home"? 
NO.  Your promoting and encouraging theft, fraud, and waste.  Once they learn they can get away with it all poltiicians do it.

QuoteIn this small county and community you cannot find enough quality people to fill the elected offices without using the business owners.
Then go out of county.  out of city submit it up for bid like its supposed to be done with the "member" in conflict ineligible to bid on the said contract. 

QuoteAnd I said quality rather than qualified because that is exactly what we have.
Thats insulting as hell.  THeres TONS of Quality businesses elsewhere.  Just because its in elk doesn't mean their shit don't stink.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Are we trying to promote Elk County or destroy it?  How can Elk County businesses be successful if the county itself goes out of county for necessary services?  How can we have good councilmen and commissioners when they are continually attacked and torn at without actually stateing what their transgression is?

I repeat, the commissioner in question does not have a conflict of interest because the organization he or she belongs to is a non-profit organization from which no individual is profiting.  Let me be more specific.  Any money that the Board of County Commissioners gives to any organization does not end up in the pockets of one of the commissioners.  Can you prove otherwise?


Quote from: Wilma on May 26, 2011, 07:37:03 PM
Commissioners gives to any organization does not end up in the pockets of one of the commissioners.  Can you prove otherwise?

Can you prove it doesn't.  Thats why commissioners and any county government official must be held accountable  They must prove what they say they are doing is what is actually happening.  Thats called accountability
This BS of Trusting til they get caught is whats got this country in a mess..
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from Wilma:
Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something.  So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win. 

Don't you think that's kind of a harsh thing to say about our commissioners ? That they are "less qualified" but they were unopposed so they won !! That would be like saying the elected county sheriff (past & present ) was "less qualified---etc "   


Quote from: jarhead on May 26, 2011, 08:58:38 PM
Quote from Wilma:
Our most qualified people don't want to be poked and prodded over everything they have ever said or done every time they say or do something.  So the less qualified run for office and because they are unopposed, they win. 

Don't you think that's kind of a harsh thing to say about our commissioners ? That they are "less qualified" but they were unopposed so they won !! That would be like saying the elected county sheriff (past & present ) was "less qualified---etc "   

You know jarhead the truth is that no one with ethics and integrity wants to run for public office cause its so corrupt these days. The ole saying, you lay down with rats you get fleas.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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