Sources of Grant Funding

Started by flintauqua, May 26, 2011, 07:16:06 AM

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Quote from: Ross on May 31, 2011, 03:01:47 PM
Back stabbing by starting a new thread is not being polite by my way of thinking.
But I'm proud of you for speaking your mind.
Would you bring it over to the original thread please. Now that's polite.
Here is the link,11960.0.html
Now that's polite, too.

Who are Elk Konnected, LLC registered members?

Ross, how can you say anyone is a back stabber given all of the innuendoes that you have been making about people on the Forum. By the way I looked up the definition of innuendo and it fits what you have been saying/doing. "An innuendo is a baseless invention of thoughts or ideas. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense, the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.

Ross for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.


Ross, I didn't know that you control the forum. We now have to ask your permission if we want to start a new thread??? Really!! To me it's not backstabbing. Backstabbing by your means, maybe, by the worlds means, not even close!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


QuoteRoss for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.

Sir or ma'am:  In all fairness to all who post here (this is a FORUM, right?) some were citing references, personal experiences even though they may or maynot have been slanted/biased, however the key word is 'slander'.   Now asking to "choose a cheek" may have been eye raising, but imho down right funny, I don't care who you are!

"Other forum members felt"...well was there 'malicious intent' to slander, will someonoe foot the bill for a lawsuit?  Will this expose Elk County outside of it's county?  and most of all, I did not get the impression that there was any proof otherwise as to the facts:  it was based on links, questions, as irritating as they may be and personal experience.

I may be out of place, but one thread does not make a bad impression of Elk County, or else they are looking at the wrong thread!


the shadow

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 31, 2011, 08:24:05 AM
As for the different officials lining their own pockets, are you serious!!!! Really!! That's a joke!! If they get paid, I bet it won't even buy them a gallon of gas to get to the meeting!!

In fact, Ms. Town, County Commissioners, when registering, put up 10% of what their actual pay will be per month. 10% being a hundred dollars, or a little more, meaning the county commissioners, so broke that they are, make over $1000 per month for working 2 days a month, around 2 hours per session.  4 hours a month=over $1000/month. Over $1000/month=Over $12,000 a year! I would certainly hope they would be able to make it to the meeting in their vehicle on what gas $12,000/year can buy them, much less profits from cattle, farming, rent and leasing land for windfarms. When one member of the county commissioners is on a board as EK, LLC and leasing property to the windfarm, voting for EK, LLC and the windfarm and I will say possibly, asking for money for EK from county commissioners, then there is a problem. It was stated on here by a young lady, Wilma, that these problems should stay in the county. Then she stated that Derek Schmidt should be contacted if there was any thoughts of wrongdoing. To go above and beyond that call, I personally would say, contact KWCH Channel 12 Fact Finders. If questions are not answered to them, then I would say contact the Kansas Bureau of Investigations. One person who hollered pretty loud about the wind farm was Flint Oaks' owner. I'm not for certain but Flint Oaks had made a deal with the county commissioners on reduced taxes if they would employ at least 12 Elk County residents. For those people in Elk County who think that the wind farm is going to bring great profit to the county and overwhelming growth to the county, I urge any of you to go and shop at Beaumont. Try flying into their airport; while you're there enjoy the many luxurious hotels; shop at their many department stores like Macy's or Tiffany's, or for us just common folk, try shopping at their Dollar General, their KMart, their WalMart; eat at their Red Lobster or their Sirloin Stockade or maybe even their McDonald's. The only people that stand to profit from the wind farm are people with the name of Perkins or Hendricks. The same people who are rallying EK, LLC and coincidentally setting as one of the County Commissioners. 2012 you can change this and I urge everyone to get out and voice your opinion, in one way or another, either for or against.

The Shadow............KNOWS what evil lurks in the heart of men!
The Shadow knows!


QuoteWhen one member of the county commissioners is on a board as EK, LLC and leasing property to the windfarm, voting for EK, LLC and the windfarm and I will say possibly, asking for money for EK from county commissioners, then there is a problem.

That would need to be taken up with the KCCA (Kansas County Comissioners Association in Topeka)
If there is no foul play, then ok on that. 

Follow the money from whenst it starts out of the pocket.


Quote from: ELK@KC on May 31, 2011, 03:21:53 PM
Ross, how can you say anyone is a back stabber given all of the innuendoes that you have been making about people on the Forum. By the way I looked up the definition of innuendo and it fits what you have been saying/doing. "An innuendo is a baseless invention of thoughts or ideas. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense, the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.

Ross for your information all of your posts have been printed and saved. In discussion with other Forum members they felt what you have been doing amounted to slander and someone might want all of your posts as eviedence.

You have a right to your opinion as do I. I have slandered no one and I have posted links to facts. You sir may twist anything you want, that to is your right. I am not intimidated by you or is that Elk Konnected. LLC. But why waste the paper. The posts are right here. And you could save them on a CD or a memory card or on you hard drive or all three. I am proud you like my posts so much as to save them. Good job.

You are saying you are an Elk Konnected, LLC registered member right?


Quote from WARPH:
Do Marines have fleas ??

Fleas ? Not that I know of WARPH. Crabs probably but no fleas !!!


Marines, from what I heard have jarheads, or jugheads...not sure, have to go find my printouts!  ;D
Either way, good job for your service!


The SHADOW knows and maybe knows best.  If there is any wrong doing it should be taken to the proper authorities instead of being threshed out here.  When the proper people ask questions, they have to be answered.  No ordinary citizen has the right to demand answers from another citizen.  Even a witness on the stand can claim the 5th on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate them.  Do you really want answers or do you just want a reason to grandstand.

I would like to know what power has been given to a few forum members that they can force other forum members to answer questions of their asking? 

If you want a new commissioner in District 1, start looking for one and have them ready to run next year.  The presidential candidates are hard at it already.


QuoteI would like to know what power has been given to a few forum members that they can force other forum members to answer questions of their asking? 

and what power to a few forum members ask that someone print out 'slanderous' comments just in case????

You know, I really thought there might be some real adult discussion here.  Wow, was I mistakenly wrong!!!
And people that usually take the 5th on a stand usually is like someone pleading no contest...making no commitment either way to guilt or innocence.  And it was so eloquently put earlier (paraphsed) "no comment is consent".
QuoteDo you really want answers or do you just want a reason to grandstand.

I would prefer and honest answer, or I don't know. 

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