Group Manipulation.....

Started by redcliffsw, May 24, 2011, 07:38:46 AM

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Good read for everyone.......

Major New Weapon for the Freedom Fighter's Arsenal

If you've been to a public meeting lately, you will see the meeting is run by a man or woman who is not really part of the group in an "official" capacity. They are called "facilitator." his/her job is to bring the group to "consensus," which means there is not to be debate or disagreement. The policy or project or program on the table is not discussed in detail so that the group can judge the item on its merits and vote on it. In fact, if you begin to question the policy, or ask who the facilitator represents, or in general show signs of disagreement, the facilitator quickly loses his/her charm and begins to describe you to the group as "uncooperative" or a troublemaker who is wasting the group's time. There is never a vote on the issue. Instead, the group somehow reaches "consensus."
-Tom DeWeese

Read on.......


This article is very educational.


Sounds a lot like methodologies seen in these parts of late... professionally facilitated public meetings n such.  Maybe we could do away with the US Congress and just have nationwide community discussions... then present our post it notes to a committee of 50 and they could analyze the results and give them to the president.  Then he/she could implement the things he/she thinks are in the best national interest.  Just think, Rahm Emmanuel, Bill Ayers, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven and Reverend J. Wright could be the national facilitators.  Any disagreement with the consensus would clearly indicate the few who were out of step.
:)  < Positive outlook.  Not!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


( Sarcasm on)

The more I think about it, the more I like my suggestion above... No more debate (which is hateful anyway), everybody gets along, attitudes are always seen as positive, free suppers & childcare, no nasty secretive votes, everybody feels included, professional oversight, no disagreement , disagreeable folk are put out so everybody else can agree freely.  It's all gooooood!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


  You guys are seriously entertaining..........I'm more of a knock down drag out hammer out the hard points independant thinker myself.....instead of an ever so civilized pinky up discusser (dont think thats a real word but hey it fits)  BUT..................... all are lookin for and seein "evil" where "evil" AINT.

  You all are just as closed-minded as the other side're just too closed-minded to see OR admit it......which is why NOTHIN ever gets done :)
   It is ALSO why new subjects aren't comin up in here hardly EVER and why politics is turning into the JOKE forum...where we go to get a laugh :P least thats why I'm here.....:)

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