Could Herman Cain Be the Next President Ronald Reagan?

Started by Warph, May 23, 2011, 12:08:56 AM

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Quote from: Anmar on May 23, 2011, 09:44:13 PM
Teresa,  Ron Paul is a much better fit i think.  

Cain and  Paul are both marked improvements over our current President and GOP choices.. But his position on Immigration is terrible. and on the Fair Tax... he doesn't even know what it does as he said when asked about the Fair Tax "I can't see adding another 23% tax on Americans when they are already taxed enough" ..
Does this sound like a Politician that has read and understands the Fair Tax act that is being pushed? No it doesn't... ( and I like the concept of the fair tax)

I will vote for him if he's the chosen candidate, though; but I will not vote for him in the primaries.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on May 23, 2011, 10:06:54 PM
Does this sound like a Politician that has read and understands the Fair Tax act that is being pushed? No it doesn't... ( and I like the concept of the fair tax)

Another unique feature of the Fair Tax, if memory serves, is that it is only paid on services and NEW goods, not on USED products.  That may have changed, I'm not sure.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


teresa, if its the linder and boortz plan, the fair tax will eliminate payroll tax, as well as all the tax on products prior to its final sale.  You see for example, I pay tax on supplies to build my hives so i have to figure in the cost of tax into the product.  Same thing goes on in any product manufactured and usually by the time you get the product its been taxed probably half a dozen times.   THe 23% is taxed but eliminating the other taxation. Plus it eliminates payroll  tax.  IT Doesn't eliminate state taxes and income taxes though.

All in all, if it was implemented, it would reduce your taxes by about 20% from what you already pay now.  PLUS You don't pay tax unless you buy something new.  Used items, homes, needs are exempt plus You get a check every month from the government returning the basic needs that you get exempted on like food, elect, gas, ect....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


For Teresa,

Ron paul does not support the Fair Tax, and this letter outlines his reasoning

I'm not a fan of the fair tax.  Its simply replacing one source of government funding with another.  Why not just eliminate income taxes all-together and offset the reduction of income by drastic spending cuts?  Lets end this worldwide empire thing we got going on, and fix our spending issues at home so we aren't just pissing our money away. 

Those are pretty simple concepts that everyone can agree on, but why isn't anything ever done about them?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


The Federal income tax ought to be abolished and certainly not replaced.

The Fair Tax is not fair.  Do we want the Fed's to have more money to build a
larger gov't?  We'll never get back to the Constitution by keeping their pipeline
open to the money, which includes the Federal reserve and the printing
and borrowing thereof.

Conservative Republicanism is a joke and if Herman Cain is a Republican conservatibve, we
are just spinning our wheels and getting nowhere.



Wouldn't you agree that allowing people to generally decide their level of taxation is a step in the right direction?  Under the proposals in HB 25, I could choose to make many major purchases as used goods, thereby avoiding tax.  No, used milk isn't a good idea.  I could choose to be taxed or not by deciding against a particular purchase altogether.  But in the greater scheme, I (not the government) decide much of what I pay in taxes (used car, pre-owned home, boat, buy vs no buy, etc.) .  This seems a vast improvement over my current choice (earn less to be taxed less).  Also, the tax base would be broadened to include all residents spending above the poverty level.... even foreign visitors & illegal aliens.  Perfect?  No.  A major improvement over the current, special interest driven, octopus we call a tax code?  I think so.

Mind you, I'm seeing this as incremental change as opposed to the final death of the middle class under the current system.  Maybe I'm missing something.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 24, 2011, 06:17:02 AM

Wouldn't you agree that allowing people to generally decide their level of taxation is a step in the right direction?  Under the proposals in HB 25, I could choose to make many major purchases as used goods, thereby avoiding tax.  No, used milk isn't a good idea.  I could choose to be taxed or not by deciding against a particular purchase altogether.  But in the greater scheme, I (not the government) decide much of what I pay in taxes (used car, pre-owned home, boat, buy vs no buy, etc.) .  This seems a vast improvement over my current choice (earn less to be taxed less).  Also, the tax base would be broadened to include all residents spending above the poverty level.... even foreign visitors & illegal aliens.  Perfect?  No.  A major improvement over the current, special interest driven, octopus we call a tax code?  I think so.

Mind you, I'm seeing this as incremental change as opposed to the final death of the middle class under the current system.  Maybe I'm missing something.

You forget under it, groceries would not be taxable. Basic needs are not taxed.  Second houses would be taxed though.  Red the spending could be cut but you would still end up with having to have some form of tax to operate.  The issue now is keep it as low as possible not grow the taxes.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on May 24, 2011, 06:24:40 AM
You forget under it, groceries would not be taxable. Basic needs are not taxed.

I thought the prebate feature covered expenditures only up to the poverty level and above that, even food was taxed.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Srkruzich, I understand what you're saying.  There was no income tax until about 1913.  Need a correction there.  Simply believe that the Federal income tax ought to be abolished.


Quote from: Patriot on May 24, 2011, 06:28:55 AM
I thought the prebate feature covered expenditures only up to the poverty level and above that, even food was taxed.

It covers all basic needs like food housing ect for everyone including the rich folks.  Which is fair. They are the ones who will be buying the yachts and luxury items.   I think your right i think basic needs limit is 30 -40k a year that is not taxable.  I personally believe that NO Food should be taxed whatsoever, no medicial care taxed whatsoever.  Those items are off limits.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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