Could Herman Cain Be the Next President Ronald Reagan?

Started by Warph, May 23, 2011, 12:08:56 AM

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Cain has the moral stature, the record of achievement, the outspoken wit and candor, and the simple courage to speak his mind that were the hallmarks of the Great Reagan.  Only he has proved to be an eloquent and effective public spokesman without fear or hesitation in championing those same principles.

Only Cain of the current crop of actual or potential presidential candidates has already produced a withering phrase that wilts his rivals and turns them pale. "How'd That Work Out for Ya?" has already become a potent national watchword comparable to "Tear down this wall!" or, more recently "It's the economy, stupid."

And Cain has hardly gotten started.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteOnly Cain of the current crop of actual or potential presidential candidates has already produced a withering phrase that wilts his rivals and turns them pale. "How'd That Work Out for Ya?"

Did he steal that from Dr. Phil???? LOL


I sure as heck hope so..I've been following his every word since way before he announced he woudl run...  He's definitely got my vote!  :) A man who speaks from his head, heart and MIND.......not a Teleprompter......!!!!!!!!

No more more more years.....get that ridiculously subsidized family out of Our White House. Nor more more golf more more $400.00 pairs of more PERIOD!!!!

Cain slew Able......Hopefully~~~History is about to repeat itself. :)


The past several months I have been able to meet with people across this country. One thing is clear: America craves for real solutions to the problems we face. That's why I'm running for President of the United States!


Herman Cain

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


He supports affirmative action, opposes an audit of the fed, supported TARP, and does not believe that government should protect the people from large corporations.  A real conservative he is not.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I knew that in advance and did research on him.  but TARP.. which is what Cain has said he supported, was not a bailout, but a loan. A loan which has, in large part, been paid back already... to my knowledge..
Now, Obama's stimulus was a different story. That was a bailout, plain and simple. It is not fair to link the two, as they are completely different animals.

Why don't you also point out what Herman Cain does support? Lets see~~~ he supports the Fair Tax - That would eliminate the IRS which is part of the FED, that would give back Federal Taxes held out of our paychecks and that would also give rebates to all Americans for essentials. It would also force everyone to pay 23 cents on each dollar spent and that would mean everyone would pay 23 cents to include, Illegal's, Drug Dealers, 52 percent of American's that do not pay taxes.

He Supports opening up the drilling for Gas and Oil here in the U.S. and at the same time looking for other means of fuel.
He has brought 3 Companies from the brink of Bankruptcy... He was VP of Pillsbury.. he was VP of Burger King and he was CEO of God Fathers pizza. All three companies he brought back from going under.

There a lot of things he does support that the Conservative TEA Party supports.. but there will be people that will only think of the negative things Herman Cain sort of supported but has also made statements correcting his statements on TARP and the Federal Reserve.

Mr Cain DID in fact Chair the KC Federal Bank...Did Mr Cain comply with all Federal Bank.. checks and balances during his Chairmanship? Yes.
Did he say there is no reason to audit the FED? Yes. Hhe can only answer given his experiences.

There is NO perfect "silver bullet" candidate out there. Each has their drawbacks ...BUT you must evaluate for yourself who agrees with your core ideology most.
You can say~~ ALL the issues are important and weakness on any one issue is an immediate disqualifier, but then you will end up voting for no one...and this nation will end up with 4 more years of Obama the proven Socialist Marxist.. and frankly I don't think the United States can stand up under much more of Obama..without a full collapse.

While Herman Cain is not perfect.....I'll  pull the lever for him. .. I do think he would at least be good, economically. The man does know how to fix brokenness..cause like I said...he's done it several times in the past...
and I also believe he is at least honest and willing to guide the country back to constitutional compliance.

I know, I know~~~ I'm being very optimistic here. but I need to believe in something.. and Cain at least is straight about his position. 
I think that we all love liberty and a free America. We should all be working toward that end result ... and I pray that we get back to that point in my lifetime.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on May 23, 2011, 09:32:33 PM
I know, I know~~~ I'm being very optimistic here. but I need to believe in something.. and Cain at least is straight about his position. 

Doesn't need a teleprompter at a birthday party either!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Teresa,  Ron Paul is a much better fit i think. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Right on Teresa, and just think of the bucks we could save from not having to haul them damn teleprompters all over the world---and the maintenance on them puppies ?? I bet ol "Ears" has a teleprompter over his bed so when him and his Missus do the horizontal Mambo, he reads when to moan and say "Oh wee Baby " !!!!


Quote from: jarhead on May 23, 2011, 09:47:07 PM
...I bet ol "Ears" has a teleprompter over his bed so when him and his Missus do the horizontal Mambo, he reads when to moan and say "Oh wee Baby " !!!!

Naaaaa... the Missus tells him when he can.... moan and go wee.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


How she gonna talk when every time I see her she's got an ice cream cone stuck in her mouth ?

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