Voluntarism or Force?....

Started by redcliffsw, May 22, 2011, 08:56:39 AM

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There Is No Third Way

If you are not permitting the market society to flourish on its own, you are inviting in the state to manage the system. The first question to ask anyone, Catholic or not, who decries the free market is: What is it that you want the state to force us to do?

Catholics have a bad habit of theorizing about economics and politics in ways that sneak the state in under the cover of personal morality.

Great scholars have searched the Scriptures for many centuries, but no one has yet come up with a rationale in them for a positive obligation for the state to become an instrument of individual Christian virtue. This is the job of individual Christians. It changes the nature of the virtue itself to foist the job on politicians and bureaucrats who ask no one for an invitation to do anything. The state is all about imposing its will, regardless of the desires of those affected.
-Jeffrey A. Tucker


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