One government one voice

Started by pepelect, May 24, 2011, 05:41:36 AM

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I picked up on one of the hundred suggestions from the wind farm conversation.  Combination of town, city and county government structure to unify and economize the area.

To this I received much flack as it isn't about the economy of scale and the saving of tax dollars so much as the concern about the concentration of power.

Step 1.

So to this I would propose that we become more inefficient by reverting back to township maintenance.  Quit centralizing all county road funds.  Keep what is the people's the people's.  Local township boards are already  in place.  This will create a lot of jobs.  We could sell all the existing equipment, cancel all the leases, quit buying road rock.  Relinquish the power and control from the courthouse back to the citizens that live and work I'n the local townships.  Local people know better how to grade roads. Local people know better how to manage a budget.  Besides it would be local money back I'n the hands of the citizen for the can and improvement of his/her area of the world.  What possible harm could a local point of use government board of neighbors cause to the area?  You would have a tighter control of what road best deserves attention.  Who knows better than the people living in a area what that exact area needs.  You would also eliminate the disconnect from when a problem is presented, going through layers of bureaucrats, to finally getting something done.  

Smaller is better.  Many separate but equal townships would work.  Remove the power of the county dollars with the local township dollar.

Step 2.   One school every six miles.  One teacher for k- 8.  In every neighborhood ten total schools. Elk Falls, Greenfield, Howard, Liberty, Longton, Painterhood, PawPaw, Oak Valley, Wildcat, Union Center would only have 30 kids per building.  Each teacher would be given an annual budget determined by the vote of the property landowners I'n that particular township to do with as they would like.  If they want heat and not iPads teachers choice.  If the neighboring school wants to be a college prep school it is.  If you want to teach elizabethian poetry and an emphasis on pre civil war social structures you can.  If you don't like a teacher drive your kid to the next one it would only be seven miles away.

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