The Governor's Flint Hills Visioning Summit May 17, 2011

Started by flintauqua, May 16, 2011, 05:47:05 PM

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  I guess I'm lost :P............I think the wind farms are the future and I think these ranches gettin people to pay good money for lettin them do chores is a most EXCELLANT idea me a couple hundred bucks a day and I'll find somethin for you to do too! Let you cut all the wood, build all the fence, feed all the animals you want! I'll even throw in a good homecooked meal or two...


Jarhead, you are right about the cats that use the neighbors yard for a restroom.  All the more reason to confine your pet if your neighbors are close enough for them to annoy.  Note:  My Bud hasn't been out on the ground for most of his nine years.  And when he does go out, it is inside a pet carrier.  I love my pet and don't want anything to happen to him.

Also, have you never seen the path a horse stomps as he follows the fence back and forth, back and forth.  Maybe your horses have never been confined to a space too small for them with nothing to do.  I have seen trees killed by horses that did have enough space.  That is the horses had enough space.  My husband was raised on a horse, yet when we owned enough land to pasture horses, he refused to have any on the property

And to whomever mentioned that heifers had to have a calf to become a mommy, my statement did not mention heifers, it said "mommies".  My husband worked for a rancher that ran Angus cows.  There was one of them that went wild when her baby was born.  It wasn't safe on foot in the pasture until that calf had some age on it.  My husband could tell those black cows apart but I couldn't.  They all looked alike to me.

Now I am not talking against Angus cattle.  I have known some of them to be as good and gentle as the family dog.  I have also known some of the other breeds to be untrustworthy.  Personally, I would never go into a pasture where the herd did not know me, no matter what breed they were.

And finally, Jarhead, your wife is an Elk County woman, I presume.  She would never do anything to sully our world.


Quote from Patriot :
I'm planning a Puss n Boots Bakeoff... wanna come?

Nice try my friend. I aint touching that one. Anyway all I got is my sneakers and no boots. You ever smell the rubber of baking sneakers ?


Well, Jarhead, I see you missed the point.  The governor wants it to be a Sturgis!  You need to do a little study of how that week goes up there.  I'm not thinking they are drinking water of smoking Winstons..I'm done arguing with fools of any kind, size, or color.  Besides I don't live in the Flint hills.  COME ON NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!


Finally someone agrees with me that we are not in the Flint Hills.  But, guns, you can keep NYC.

I can't see why anyone would want anything like Sturgis on their land.  Or in their town, no matter what the financial gain might be.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 18, 2011, 10:27:26 PM
  I guess I'm lost :P............I think the wind farms are the future
Well guess what, their not the future in fact they are a bane in all reality. Far too expensive to construct and use, they cannot compete with coal or nuclear in that the cost per kwh is going to be about double without subsidy which why are we subsidizing a technology that can't make it on its own.  IF it were such a great thing, the free market would utilize its potential.  Unfortunately, its a money pit.   

Denmark is one country that has abandoned the "windfarm wagon" and Great Britan is looking to join them.  Its not economical nor feasible for them to support this when they have to cut budgets in order to exist.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on May 19, 2011, 11:16:20 AM
Well guess what, their not the future in fact they are a bane in all reality. Far too expensive to construct and use, they cannot compete with coal or nuclear in that the cost per kwh is going to be about double without subsidy which why are we subsidizing a technology that can't make it on its own.  IF it were such a great thing, the free market would utilize its potential.  Unfortunately, its a money pit.   

Denmark is one country that has abandoned the "windfarm wagon" and Great Britan is looking to join them.  Its not economical nor feasible for them to support this when they have to cut budgets in order to exist.

yeah I know...the future is SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY......because humans are too stupid to change. Just keep doin what we're doin till we reach the point of no return and then act surprised when all the money cant buy us the clean air or the clean water or the UNpolluted earth we need to survive. I just really dont want to argue or read go ahead and tell me how wrong I am etc etc etc and how much more you know about EVERYthing than I do but I wont see it so dont expect an answer.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 19, 2011, 11:24:54 AM
yeah I know...the future is SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY......because humans are too stupid to change. Just keep doin what we're doin till we reach the point of no return and then act surprised when all the money cant buy us the clean air or the clean water or the UNpolluted earth we need to survive. I just really dont want to argue or read go ahead and tell me how wrong I am etc etc etc and how much more you know about EVERYthing than I do but I wont see it so dont expect an answer.

Its just simple economics.  I don't care what reason someone wants a windfarm is, if it means my electric is double the cost of a coal plant, the hell with that.  Put in a coal plant.   Can't afford it as it is.   Better yet, put a nuclear plant in. THats green and produces a hell of a lot more electricity and it is cheaper than building a windfarm. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


And yes the BOTTOM LINE IS COST!   We are on a unsustainable path in this "joke of a energy program" and we will not be able to afford to subsidize these windfarms.  When they cut the subsidies for it, they will die and turn into a rusted eyesore for generations to come.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from greatguns:
Well, Jarhead, I see you missed the point.  The governor wants it to be a Sturgis!  You need to do a little study of how that week goes up there.  I'm not thinking they are drinking water of smoking Winstons..I'm done arguing with fools of any kind, size, or color.  Besides I don't live in the Flint hills.  COME ON NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!
For starters I didn't know we were in an argument !! I got your point but to equate bikers at Sturgis to people riding horses is comparing apples to oranges. You of all people should know about cowboys and their habits. Wasn't your Dad a RCA cowboy good enough that he rode in Madison Square Garden ? Do you think he carried that hemp rope on his saddle horn so he could toke up on the hemp after bull-dogging a steer? I didn't think so !
Yes,I'm probably a fool but I think it runs in OUR bloodlines.
And why bring MY shape into the subject. Round is a shape---get over it. Just keep it up and I will have Rita pound you to a pulp---again .
Don't you live at Piedmont ? I used to farm ground for Coonrod ranch just 3-4 miles west of Piedmont. Sure was a lot of Forracker and Florence flint (chert) in the fields and pastures for not being in the Flint Hills . Now you be a good girl and give your Mama a kiss from me and start showing some respect for your elders (that would be me )

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