The Governor's Flint Hills Visioning Summit May 17, 2011

Started by flintauqua, May 16, 2011, 05:47:05 PM

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ADP....if you are talkin to me......What?????

I really dont think the government had anything to do with the ranchers I posted capitalizing on city people wantin to play cowboy for a couple days and usin it as a way to raise cash.

It started as INITIATIVE and INNOVATION and usin what they had. I am ALL for that. I dont give a shit what color cows anybody has or which side of the hill they graze on.

As for the horses....most places require a vet, make that CURRENT vet check as far as I know.......

As for the rest of your somewhat confusing post......I say again What?????


Quote from: ADP on May 18, 2011, 02:57:09 PM
We are just like a sheep need to be nauseum.  

And you still accuse others of being negative?  What's your plan, and how's it better?  I think your biggest problem may be that horses don't require a 220 outlet.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 18, 2011, 12:35:33 PM
Just proves your IGNORANCE of me truly Patriot...I TOTALLY approve of such ventures.

Not ignorant.  Just trying not to presume or make assumptions.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



I truly enjoyed your post.  The best I've read here in a long time. 

As I posted in another thread, Brownback has been one of the largest recipients of money from the oil and gas industry.  Is it any surprise that he's trying to block alternative forms of energy? 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


When thousands of horseback riders (the Sturgis of horseback riders) take over for the week like the motorcycles do, I can't imagine that will help preserve the beautiful flinthills and the tallgrass. ::) ::)


Guns, I think you have a point there.  If I remember right, horses have a way of stomping grass into the ground and if left alone, chewing the bark off the trunk of a tree to the point that the tree dies.


Quote from Wilma:
If I remember right, horses have a way of stomping grass into the ground and if left alone, chewing the bark off the trunk of a tree to the point that the tree dies.

Wilma, You aren't serious are you ? If so, I wonder how we have any grass in our horse pasture if all my wife's horse does  is stomp the grass to death and I seriously doubt the horses on a trail ride will be left alone long enough to eat the bark off the trees. I think you have a horse confused with a beaver. But hey,if they are that destructive I say lets make jerky out of them---and why we are at it---I hate the divots cats dig in my yard to take a dump. I say round all cats up and make Chinese food out of ALL the felines.


Lest we not forget the city folks on the back of those horses Jarhead.  I mean if we are going to make it a Sturgis thing, we should be willing for them to leave their bottles and cans behind. :P


My wife went on a trail ride this past Saturday at Woolaroc, south of Bartlesville. She took bottles of water and I'll bet you a shiny dime against a dozen doughnuts, her empties were either put in her saddle bags or put in the trash barrel when they stopped for lunch-----but she aint a city girl so guess that don't count. When mentioned here about riding thru a herd of wild mommy cows( I thought a heifer became a cow when she became a "mommy" but what do I know ),on the Woolaroc trail ride they were near herds of elk and buffalo but sponsors of the ride rode ahead and ran them wild critters off. Maybe the same could be done to those killer cows in the Flint Hills.


ROTFLMAO... Chinese catfood....mommacowcritters...can-canless girls... and all the other bullsh*t one could ever hope for.  LOL

Thanks jarhead, I needed a good chuckle.  I'm planning a Puss n Boots Bakeoff... wanna come?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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