Let's get the government to force new business into Elk County!?!

Started by Patriot, May 16, 2011, 06:56:17 AM

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No?  But I thought government was the answer to everything.  NOT!

Harry Reid's defense of the NLRB

By Neal Boortz

Harry Reid is such a prepuce.  I mean really.  He is one of the few in Washington who have stood up in defense of the National Labor Relations Board and its complaint against Boeing for building 787s in a right-to-work state (South Carolina).  Harry Reid actually believes that the NLRB's actions are "in the spirit" of what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our country.  Here's what he had to say ...

    "The Founders created a system of checks and balances — three branches of government, for example, and two chambers of the Congress — precisely because they anticipated these passions," Reid said on the Senate floor.

    "Long after that system was created, a new independent federal agency was created in the same spirit of checks and balances," said Reid. "That agency is the National Labor Relations Board, and it acts as a check on employers and employees alike."

Let's get one thing straight, Harry Reid.  Our Founding Fathers never envisioned a government with the power or the audacity to tell private businesses which states they can and cannot locate facilities to produce products.  This business about "checks and balances" is a pure yak squeeze.  Checks and balances references to the checks established in our Constitution, which allow for the three branches of government to keep one another in check.  Our Constitution is not an outline for the powers that government has over private businesses or people ... it establishes what the government can do and the parameters it has to operate under.  That's it!

Liberals like Harry Reid have their perverted understanding of our Constitution and the foundation of our country.  They have somehow twisted history in order to favor their social justice, big government agendas.  They do this because they can ... because the people of this country are not educated enough to question them.  Are you starting to understand how government education has failed us?  Because it has made our electorate just educated enough to get by, but not informed enough to know that Harry Reid is suffering from a rectal-cranial inversion.

Link:  http://www.boortz.com/weblogs/nealz-nuze/2011/may/12/harry-reids-defense-nlrb/

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot the very samething has been ahppening with our vocabulary. There are those that twist the maening of words to fit their needs in order to confuse the average person. Read a credit card contract, listen to a political statement. Or listen closely to an answer to a question that really has to be answered and it gets a non-answer.

Acccountability now that's some word, but seldom means nothing.
Another I like is LLC. I think that means you can take pride in owning it but you don't have to be liable for it. How sweet.
I just can't think of any more right now.
I gotta go outside and do some w o r k, have some fun.

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