Hummingbirds and others

Started by Judy Harder, May 11, 2011, 03:56:10 PM

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It should be official now that Spring is here.  I saw an oriole at the hummingbird feeder.  It was a little brighter than other orioles that I have seen, but so pretty.  There were also two humming birds flitting around, if you could call their speedy flight a flitter.

Dee Gee

I put out a hummingbird feeder today.  I having seen any yet but I do have a few Purple Martins in our bird house. I have been watching a Bald nest lately and today I got to see the adult feeding the babies, and here is the link to the site.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


My wife put her hummingbird feeder as well.
And she has acquired her first hummingbird for the season here near Moline.
I saw the little critter my self.
We enjoy listening to their chatter.
I love the four seasons we have here in this part of Kansas.
I must say I have never seen a snow flake in May in Kansas untill a couple of days ago.

Come on spring.

Janet Harrington

We have seen 2 hummingbirds and one oriole. The oriole is really pretty, but boy can they suck that sugar down.


I'm  not sure what kind of birds these are, but one of them... the husband, I suspect...  has clearly done something wrong, and the wife ain't too happy about it.   

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Judy Harder

My hummers are really chowing down. Seems to be  at least 3 or 4 pair of them. That should keep me entertained this summer......oh, think of their kids coming home. LOL Better stock up on some more sugar.

The Orioles haven't made it down to the feeder, but will sit at the top of the tree singing his/her heart out. Pretty. Took me awhile to spot him, he kept hiding behind leaves. He will also whistle with me.............LOL he he....I mean he whistles and then I whistle and then it goes again. I pretend he is talking to me. 

Sun is out and I am going to be today......plant what I have and prepare bed for flowers I buy when I go to Howard tomorrow.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Busy morning with the birds.  First was the loud thump at my front door early this morning.  Later I found a catbird, on it's back, feet up, eyes closed on my front porch.  Must have been traveling very fast.

Somewhat later, while at the kitchen sink, I noticed a hummingbird trying to find a feeding spout on the big pink pinwheel just outside the window.  I think we are going to install a hook there and hang another feeder instead of the pinwheel.  The pink pinwheel is coming down today so that the poor little near sighted birdies won't be disappointed.

More somewhat later while checking to see if there were any hummingbirds at the feeder, I saw a smallish bird with a bandit's mask, yellow breast and back, slightly hooked bill working the climbing roses behind the feeder.  The closest we could find in the bird book was Common Yellowbreast Warbler.  Not common in this area at all, but more so to the east of us. 

Judy Harder

I was wishing for better eye sight yesterday......and did not have my camera........but I had gone to the laundry room and as I came back out I heard what sounded like a bunch of sparrows fighting and fueding  over my head. The funny/strange thing is  the noise was to the north of me coming into range (kind of like geese getting closer during their migration) and as the swarm got over head, none of them came down to my eye level. They were very small birds........closest I could come was chickadees but not that bird, They will come down and have been here most of winter. Later they were gone. I am pretty sure they were migrating, just not sure what kind of bird it was. No song, just tweeting and squacking? Any one else see/hear this?
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Let me tell you what a bird did to me today. I had loaded my car with plastic totes to store over at mother's house. Anyway, I had rolled the windows down, so it would not get hot in the car. Then, later, I got into the car and was driving somewhere. I felt something hard on my steering wheel and was trying to figure out what it was. I looked down at the area when the horn is and a bird had apparently flown into the car and pooped on my steering wheel. Yulk!


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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