Hummingbirds and others

Started by Judy Harder, May 11, 2011, 03:56:10 PM

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Diane Amberg

Lisa your hummer is most likely a female.They don't have the dark green back and red on the throat but are a dull green. We only get the Ruby Throats here with a lost Rofous on occasion. Enjoy.  I just put my feeders out since you are getting yours now. I think the next south wind will bring ours on up.


Mine is funny! It "peeps" every time it settles down for a drink at the feeder! ;D

Diane Amberg

Aren't they fun? Yes, mine here will snap at gnats as well as stick those long tongues out for the sweet stuff and "squeak" too.  :D

Judy Harder

Squeak, I have tried to tell myself what the sound of a hummer is and just could not but squeak is a good one.
I love to listen to them soar and flit their love song when wooing a mate............the dance is just beautiful.
Also, the sound of their wings when they fly in to eat.........SPRING IS HERE!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My treat yesterday.  Yellow headed blackbirds.  The book says that they belong in Western Kansas.

Diane Amberg

I don't think I've ever seen the yellow heads live. I wonder why they developed that way?
My wrens came back on the 16th, the same exact day as last year, and the goldfinches are arriving every day now. No catbirds or hummers yet.

Janet Harrington

I wonder if the weather blew them in from western Kansas. Or maybe they are just now migrating back to western Kansas and stopped for lunch.


This morning when I raised my shades, I noticed that the area around the bird bath looked different.  The difference was a yellow object almost under a mullein leaf and resembling a wayward leaf.  Watching it for a bit, I could discern a bit of black that was being turned from side to side.  I decided that it was a goldfinch that was sitting tight for some reason.  I hoped that it wasn't injured.  There were no other birds in sight at the moment.  Later it disappeared.  Daughter told me that she had seen a hawk in the area.  I hope the little creature safely flew away rather than being discovered by some other predator.


I SAW A HUMMINGBIRD and I have a witness.  Janet was pullling some weeds for me and I was sitting watching her when I heard a different sound behind me.  I turned around and located the sound.  It was a ruby throated hummingbird that had just landed on the lilac bush.  I pointed it out to Janet just in time for her to see it, too, before it flew away.

Janet Harrington

The scouts have arrived. Time to get that feeder out, (after this last cold spell tomorrow).

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