Hummingbirds and others

Started by Judy Harder, May 11, 2011, 03:56:10 PM

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Judy Harder

My hummers have been gone for almost 2 weeks. Flowers are still blooming so if a straggler or more come by there is still plenty to eat. Yes, I think fall is here. I hope it is a long fall. I am in no hurry for winter.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I haven't seen a hummingbird lately,but the hummingbird moths have been on the honeysuckle by the door.Has anyone seen a whooly booger catapiller yet,if so what did its band look like? I seen a all brown furry caterpillar,i don't think it was a whooly booger.


I still had a few hummers when I left last Friday, but haven't seen any since I came home yesterday. Lots of butterflies, particularly yellow sulphurs in the red salvia. Dozens of them. That is a good plant for butterflies and hummers both. I have a budlea planted not far from that, and they like it too but not so much. Happy fall you all!  :D :D Deb, fishies are doing great. I am going to try and bring in some of the water lettuce for the winter. Let you know how it does.  ;)


I hunted up this thread so that I could post that I haven't seen a hummer for three days now and that it is beginning to feel like fall here. 

Looks as if I have already done that.

Diane Amberg

Our hummers left 3 weeks ago, but have had two pass throughs stop at the feeder and then continue on.The one took a last sip from a flower near the front porch where I was sitting ,took a look at me and then zipped off not to be seen again.We still have a good many butterflies, especially at the Everblooming Abelia.The sweet little Chickadees are happy pulling seeds from the Cone flowers and the feeders and the little bright eyed it mouses(Tit Mice?) and also.The fussy Blue Jays holds court out back every morning and the rest of our stay at home birds come and go as they please.The city truck came through  once already to suck up leaves, but there aren't that many on the ground yet...soon.Happy crunchy leaves day.


It has been a sad week here for me.  All summer there have been two ring-necked doves visiting my feeder.  This week I have been seeing only one dove.  At first this dove would sit in the catalpa tree expectantly, then fly down to feed, all the while seeming to expect something or someone.  Yesterday, it was not quite so expectant.  Yesterday, it seemed to have lost the expectancy and had a more dejected attitude.  I am missing the other dove, too.  I suspect that the Cooper's Hawk that has been hanging around has had something to do with the other dove's disappearance.  Perhaps my little lonesome dove will find another mate soon.

Diane Amberg

Our Mourning Doves have begun to pair off, are courting and carrying stuff in their beaks.They make a horrible flimsy flat nest that I'm amazed the babies can stay in. It's 60 right now with some sun and very mellow outside. I went out to sit in the sun and get my vtamin D. It felt so good.


I am afraid that my fears for my dove have been confirmed.  Yesterday, while I was moving some leaves around, I found a tuft of soft gray feathers.  Not a very big tuft, just about the size that a claw or talon would displace.  I am hoping that this was a catch and escape as there were no wing or tail feathers in the area.  However, if it were talons that did the damage, the bird would have been carried off and no other sign would be found.  I am still seeing only the one little lonesome dove, but still hoping.


The buzzards are back in Upola,the bushes are blooming so it feels like spring.I would say a brown whooly booger means a easy winter or at least dry.It was nice to get that little rain day before last.Anyone else get any?


There are three Eurasian doves that visit my yard on a regular basis. Two are mated, and the single must have lost its' mate several years back. They do mate for life, and if something happens to one, the other is single for the duration. Pretty sad. These three do so enjoy the cracked corn we put our for them. We feed that on a regular basis to the squirrels, and on the ground for grackles and such. This leaves the more expensive thistle untouched for the pretty goldfinches.  And we have had many of those the past couple of weeks. Funny how this changing weather has changed the bird populations. I for one have not seen a vulture yet. Mayhap I am not looking hard enough?

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