Patriotism is the Last Refuge of a Liberal...

Started by redcliffsw, May 09, 2011, 09:49:24 AM

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Great article, Red.  Greenfield hit a home run on this one... I especially liked the part of the article that stated: "Smart power? Try stupid power. Obama wasn't willing to set aside his ideals for the sake of national security. Instead he did it because his ideals were too unpopular. The man who wouldn't sacrifice his politics for the sake of American lives, sacrificed them for his own popularity. It's not just that Obama suffers from the wrong ideas, but that he values his ideas more than America, but less than himself."

Usama's death was purely symbolic.  With his command structure and host government destroyed, he had been sidelined.  Remnants of al qaeda continue to exist and pose a serious threat, of course, but bin Laden has not totally been calling the shots for several years.

Even Bush downplayed Usama's importance to the war on terror seven years ago:

Obuma continues the extact same Bush doctrine that liberals so abhorred before 2009, but now they suddenly rejoice when that doctrine bears fruit for one of their own.  The real question that should be asked as a result of Usama's assassination, is to what extent does the Pakistan government's complicity entail?  If this "compound" was built in 2005 specifically for Usama... then two Pakistani administrations need to be held accountable because Musharraf did not resign until 2008.  The question now... is WHO else is hiding in Pakistan.  At the very least Congress needs to cut off all funding to Pakistan until the matter of their complicity is resolved.

The war on terror continues.  As long as we continue to follow the Bush doctrine and seek out those who mean us harm and pre-emptively destroy them... no matter where they hide.... we will continue to gain ground in this war.  That is the only lesson this symbolic Usama assassination should teach the world.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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