my apologies

Started by readyaimduck, May 07, 2011, 05:20:42 PM

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I disagree...
I think we need everyone's opinions and questions good and bad on all issues.. I don't care if you live in Elk County or New York..
For example..What is the difference between me commenting on what I think of Arizona's gun laws and  others commenting n Elk County's laws? Nothing that I can see. If I get involved in Arizona's laws.. hopefully I will learn enough and MAYBE Kansas will wise up and incorporate those laws here.. and I will be more informed on the matter.. And if they don't? Then I still have a right to ask questions.. bring up concerns and debate issues even if I don't live in that state.

Its an opinion! Granted.. those outside of this county won't vote on it.. but sometimes an outsiders viewpoints make the voters think in another directions or stop and give thought to a new way of looking at something that maybe happened in that other persons county.
If you don't like what someone is saying then take it up on here and have your say.. But to tell someone that because they do not live in this county .. then they can not comment on discuss Elk County affairs is wrong..

And for those of you who keep saying that this forum is a negative place to be.. .. well.. its negative to some.. but some darn good debate issues for others. I get feedback good and bad about the comments on the threads in here.

For instance.. You would be surprised at the people who don't post but let me know that they appreciate the people who aren't afraid to take a stand in here that goes against the grain of just the "good stuff".. There is no organization  that is above  answering questions .Some of these questions and concerns put some in the hot seat consequently some take them as negative..

I hate censorship of any kind. I will not ever censor anything or anyone on here as long as they don't drop the F bomb and as long as they don't resort to the "slander lawsuit" level..

Once again.. everyone is welcome to join in any conversation on here .. no matter if they live in Elk County or not!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Good stuff Teresa,  I think this is twice this year we agree,  I better take a break from the forums so we can start butting heads again.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Point taken, Teresa.  I will comment or post something if I feel what I have to say would be informative or just a good old slap on the back.  But, my reasons for my comments about the Politics section are that I don't like the insults from one forum member to another.  If someone has an opinion and voices it, that is their right and privilege to do so.  If the next poster comes along and says he/she doesn't agree, that, too, is their right and privilege.  But, to lower oneself to name calling and back stabbing comments about someone because of what they had to say, really turns me off.  Because many of you live in Elk County, and know each other, I am surprised there isn't a "gunfight at the corral" between neighbors who can't agree on this forum.  This forum is terrific and a good way to learn things and get acquainted with new friends that have something in common, i.e., relatives, friends, etc.  I am related to many of the people on this forum albeit distantly, but we came from the same people somewhere back in time.

My point is, (I do have one, I think), read the posts and learn something new, or reminisce about old times, or discover how other people feel about a certain subject or discover a friend or relative you didn't know you had or maybe hadn't heard from in a while.  But, don't be dissing someone for their opinions, they have a right to them.  AND, (puff-puff) if anyone doesn't like the forum or complains that the whole thing is too negative, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE.............. ;D


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Janet Harrington

Well, I don't have time right now to see what has been going on, but I will certainly read this and other posts on the forum and will give ya'all my humble opinion. LOL


Right on Larry, right on!  ;)


QuoteAND, (puff-puff)

Larry:  ahem!  I don't believe there is smoking in the lounge.   :police: ;D


I agree with Teresa. I don't think it matters where you live for an opinion on issues outside of your area. Now if you come in and try changing something locally that wouldn't have any effect on you, then I'll probably care, but an opinion about something is just that... an opinion. Heck, even ideas about whatever various situations from people outside the area would be good. If something works great in your area, share it and we can see if it can be made to work in ours. That's never a bad idea.

Quote from: readyaimduck on May 10, 2011, 03:04:42 PM
Larry:  ahem!  I don't believe there is smoking in the lounge.   :police: ;D

Whaaaa?!?! I guess I'll have to back outside and smoke.


Mr. Cookson.  I will have to agree with your statement.  I thought as an outside viewer, knowing this may or may not happen in my town, I could learn a few things.  Well I did.  Opinions come and go and the ones that firmly believe in one way of doing things is always right, if one ignores the real questions.
   I never saw it as a negative topic/forum....I saw it as a closed minded conversation on both ends of the spectrum.  For that I just threw my hands in the air and said to myself, "work it out guys."

I have sat in on workshops (not 'meetings') in a professonal capacity.  We did mix up the crowd as to get input from those that did not work in 'our' meant listening to what was said, irrespective of agreeing.  If I was asked to separate myself from my significant other, I would view that as a chance to share our (ours) idea with other.  If it got shot down, then: 1.  Others weren't ready to go there, or 2. The concept was not proposed properly.
  There, I said my piece/peace.  I have always loved this forum....and as hot of topics that are wonder I don't cook in the kitchen anymore.

and Mr. Cookson...come on back in!  Don't let a 'little butt that blows some smoke' get in your way! :D
now, I am ready.


And Teresa:  There are a few things that I haven't  agreed with you in the past, but I think you nailed it.


oh crap! :o  I think I just disagreed with myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-[

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