Talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Started by pepelect, May 05, 2011, 09:56:10 PM

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I thought I titled it talking out of both sides of your mouth. But you are more worried about syntax that content. 

You want to make the decisions for a government entity then run for office.  If you to complain about the integrity of someone else then go right ahead.
Quote from: Patriot link=topic=11829.msg161570#msg161570 date=

Ultimately, I don't need the approval of a picayune peon like you regarding any selfless act I may ... 
/quote]Now there is the thought for the day.  So  I  will ask you the same question.   

So if an organized group of people want help children, improve the communication between the county towns, improve health of it's citizenry, and clean up dangerous structures  then they are bad but if they would have provided help to underemployed and unemployed they are doing good.   

Can you provide a list of names of the people you helped, and especially a list of others that help also.  "people don't donate with out getting something from it"   Did you get a receipt? Are you going to put it in the old 1040 so you don't get taxed on that.  Or was that a corporate donation.  Were you acting as an individual or was it as one of the corporate entities you created as a tax shelter?   Maybe you just provided assistance just to use it as power over others.  Where did the funds you used come from?  You haven't received any disaster assistance or the feed didn't come from a tract of land under the conservation reserve program,highly erodible land, or ever been on property using Eqip funds to maintain?  Where did you come from? Did someone from here recommend that you use that to help others or did you get advise from someone from out of the area? 
You stated it is not the good things that you do that are in question it is the fact that you will not answer all questions asked quickly. 

That is talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Why does you freedom to speak or not speak supersede mine?

This all has a common  theme. 


I have no need to run for public office.  My interest is as a voter & taxpayer in the integrity of those already elected.  It isn;t always about having sat on some committee or attended some function.  Sometimes it's about the accountability of those public officials/employees already on the job.

I've never complained about the charitable acts of EK.  Sorry you've missed the point by so far in all the recent posts by myself and others.  It's apparent that you choose to keep missing it.  It's also clear that you would rather argue back and forth rather than answer direct questions directly. 

Again, you make this all about me and my private acts.  What I've done will have no tax consequences either way nor did I receive any personal benefit.  Any corporate entities I may be involved with aren't taking taxpayer dollars nor are they operating in ways that could use elected office to provide personal benefit to either myself or my family.  As for the names of those I have helped... you really don't understand the concept of privacy rights, do you.  You would ask me to identify others publicly?  Nuts.  You want so badly to make this EK stuff about me or others who ask valid questions... sorry, it doesn't work that way. 

Neither is this about your free speech or mine.  Catch a clue.  The fact remains EK receives taxpayer funds, its' admitted membership hides behind the veil of an LLC, and it has intimite links with elected officials.  Sadly, you don't have enough sophistication to grasp the concepts involved either at a business or legal level.  So keep being the spokesperson, you're doing a fine job of carrying on the propaganda.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


EK receives taxpayer funds as do other organizations in the county.  Why should they be denied what is being granted to others, sometimes simply to help out in having a good time.  At least EK is trying to find something that will benefit the whole county.

Is your criticism because at least one of our county commissioners is an admitted EKLLC member?  I see no conflict of interest here as said commissioner is not benefiting from any funds granted to EKLLC.  How, in a county this size are you going to find enough members that are not intimately linked with county commissioners to form a workable organization.  Haven't you hear?  Everyone in Elk County is related in some way to everyone else.


Groups and Organizations ought not to be receiving any gov't funds.  If you want a group or organization to have money, then you ought to contribute your own money to your most worthy charitable operation, but don't compel others by taxing them to contribute thru the government.  

This country was established for individual liberties and individual property rights, not for the power and influence of
groups, corporations and organizations nor for them to gather money by and thru the force of government.

Wilma, you seem to be advocating that the government take from people to give to your favorite groups that you think are worthy.  Our country was established to keep that from happening.  It's no wonder that things are a big mess in this country and yet most of you all are for promoting and creating more of the same ole stuff that is contrary to the Cause of our founding fathers.

Perhaps the county commisision et al needs a real civics lesson because the public schooling has not taught it right in years.



What I am saying is that different organizations in Elk County ask the commissioners for money to help with their activities.  This money is budgeted for just this purpose.  If you don't like it, take it up with the county.  I am just the messenger.


Quote from: ADP on May 05, 2011, 09:56:10 PM
How can you preach smaller government but then totally dismiss elimination of multiple levels of govt?

  Small city councils in every area have small constituency, small budgets, and large issues. 
So lets cut to the chase. No more double talk, No more talking out both sides of you mouth.
You just want to overthrow the city governments.
Take control.
Move all control to Howard.

I have been told by the old guard that Elk Konnected, LLC puts down that, that idea has been around for a very long time.
Let's get rid of the old guard and in with the new.
Let's get rid of the constitution while we are at it.

Perhaps it would be just as good an idea over throw all county governments and move Government control of all of Kansas to Topeka.
Why think small and have all those government seats, really cut the cost of government. How far can overthrow of government go.

If you really wanted to help these other communities you would help them apply for and get the federal government community grants, block grants, etc. You would suggest using some of the (maybe) money from the wind farm be given by the county to assist the communities with matching grant funds. You would not advocate over throwing their governing bodies and taking away their rights to govern themselves.

Each and everone ot these little cities has it's own unique personalities and that sir is what makes America GREAT.

Now, I suppose you will start another thread to boost Elk Konnected, LLC' agenda  in some other way.


Grants?  Abolishing the city governments or awarding them Federal grants - it's the same thing. 


Wilma, other than you being a messenger, do you support governental expenditures to fund folks' activities?



Though the ability to understand such things evades some of our fine citizens, both Ross & red make well thought out points.  Inch by inch.  When some people end up well monied, the gamel becomes ever increasing power over other peoples lives.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


There are many wealthy socialists in this country ready and willing to further their social causes and they're either Democrats or Republicans.

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