Of Elk Konnected, wind farms & gorillas... Friends, Romans, countrymen...

Started by Patriot, May 04, 2011, 08:23:59 AM

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And yet you complain about everything.  You act as if you don't have two pennies to rub together.  For your information,  I, too, do not owe a dime to anyone, my home and other property is paid for, I have what I want when I want it and I don't expect anyone to give me anything.  I don't buy what I can't pay for and I don't own anything that I can't take care of or pay for it to be taken care of.  Yet, I have not earned millions or inherited a fortune.  What I have is what my husband and I accumulated from nothing without college degrees or high paying jobs.  I have even been able to help my children at times when they needed help.  Now my children are close and care about me.

Sir, you do not a have monopoly on how to live and how best to do it.  If you can't afford this or afford that of the things that you need and would make your life easier, instead of complaining about it, sell some of the land you say you own.  Why hang on to it?  Wouldn't it be better to enjoy some of the benefits now while you need it?  Is there going to be a better time to take care of yourself?  Are you suddenly going to get younger and need more or are you going to get married and leave it all to your wife?  Or better yet, take it all with you when you go?


Steve, very good investment. Last I knew they don't make land anymore. I don't give a rats ass whether you have two pennies to rub together or not. My congratulations to you on not owing anyone a damn dime (except for your house). I wish I was the same way. There are people in this county who have a helluva lot of land; land that is not even being used. I don't hear anyone telling them maybe they should sell their land. I done just that, sold my land, in Sedan, three separate pieces of property, when I moved up here to Longton. I realize Sedan was only 18 miles, it's not like Montana, Kentucky or Arkansas, but it gave us enough money to buy our place here outright. Now we've purchased a 2nd piece of property in Longton and are currently living on it (which was ALSO paid for outright). I do not wish to sell the original property we bought because I will live here and die here. And although I have a very small amount of money saved back, NO ONE will tell me what the hell to do with my life, liberty and property.----MR. KSHillbilly




Quote from: Wilma on May 07, 2011, 07:41:12 PM
And yet you complain about everything.  You act as if you don't have two pennies to rub together.  For your information,  I, too, do not owe a dime to anyone, my home and other property is paid for, I have what I want when I want it and I don't expect anyone to give me anything.  I don't buy what I can't pay for and I don't own anything that I can't take care of or pay for it to be taken care of.  Yet, I have not earned millions or inherited a fortune.  What I have is what my husband and I accumulated from nothing without college degrees or high paying jobs.  I have even been able to help my children at times when they needed help.  Now my children are close and care about me.

Complain about everything?  Lets put it this way, no one can complain about everything, i do have a right to object and voice my objections about whatever i want. Shrug.  I don't buy what i can't pay for either. so what is your point wilma?  You know you make absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Now i don't know why high paying job is a bad thng, and college degrees are not evil either, in fact, those degrees prepare for a persons future.    

QuoteSir, you do not a have monopoly on how to live and how best to do it. 
Sure i do. It works for me. Simply put it takes preparation along with education, along with smart work to make it today.  Also takes sacrifice of which i  know about a hell of a lot more than you do.  Unless you've been in the streets in your life, you don't know what it takes to pull yourself out of it without help from anyone.

QuoteIf you can't afford this or afford that of the things that you need and would make your life easier, instead of complaining about it, sell some of the land you say you own. 
Because selling the land would cut my nose off to spite my face. It would fubar the future.  I don't know what it is i complain about except this fubar'd government that we have to deal with, federal, state and county.

QuoteWhy hang on to it?  Wouldn't it be better to enjoy some of the benefits now while you need it?  Is there going to be a better time to take care of yourself?  Are you suddenly going to get younger and need more or are you going to get married and leave it all to your wife?  Or better yet, take it all with you when you go?
I hang on to it because one of these days, we might not be able to even afford a loaf of bread, or even pay the tax on our paid for houses, and we are screwed royally.  Then i can sell what i have to take care of me for much more than it is worth now. Thats why you have savings you know, investments, things that grow in value, things that you put in a little at a time by NOT going out to toots, or NOT going to the movies, or not buying a steak and eating chicken instead.  

Like i said unless you've had NOTHING but the clothes on your back, you haven't had hard times.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: kshillbillys on May 07, 2011, 08:46:55 PM
Steve, very good investment. Last I knew they don't make land anymore. I don't give a rats ass whether you have two pennies to rub together or not. My congratulations to you on not owing anyone a damn dime (except for your house). I wish I was the same way. There are people in this county who have a helluva lot of land; land that is not even being used. I don't hear anyone telling them maybe they should sell their land. I done just that, sold my land, in Sedan, three separate pieces of property, when I moved up here to Longton. I realize Sedan was only 18 miles, it's not like Montana, Kentucky or Arkansas, but it gave us enough money to buy our place here outright. Now we've purchased a 2nd piece of property in Longton and are currently living on it (which was ALSO paid for outright). I do not wish to sell the original property we bought because I will live here and die here. And although I have a very small amount of money saved back, NO ONE will tell me what the hell to do with my life, liberty and property.----MR. KSHillbilly
Kool, I am one who has invested for a long time, Also had the damn good jobs that paid good.  Hard times hit, and IF i didn't have the investments i had i would have probably died.  My land is the one thing i have held on to, it has survived markets crashing, ect, ect, and Was even living on it for a while til i realized i couldn't achieve building on it with my health.  SO i moved out here cause i found a house cheap.  FUnny thing when i first moved here, folks promptly told me i paid way too much for this place.  I laughed about it cause this place if i were able to pick it up and take it back to southeast with me would sell for 200k.  Even with the old house.  32k doesn't even buy a decent truck these days.  :) 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 06, 2011, 05:10:59 PM
So, what you saying it's more of a personal thing??? Mr. Fish is a wonderful man. He would help anyone out if he could. I have NEVER seen him be anything but nice to everyone. Maybe, this is all a personal attack on the group, kind of like bullying. Are we in Jr. High again??????? ;D
Absolutely no one has said anything deragatory about Mr. Fish quit the contrary. Even what you quoted said he is a nice guy. I even apologized for using a poor choice of words in what you quoted. And there has been no attack on any group. Only questions with a failure of anyone answering. This is simply trying to have a discussion. So where does the bullying come in? We have even praised some of what you call a group are doing. I just don't understand your point.


If you got answers to all the questions you are asking, what would it change?


Quote from: Wilma on May 08, 2011, 07:29:47 AM
If you got answers to all the questions you are asking, what would it change?
Knowledge it would change from lack of knowledge.


It is like I am talking to a wall. Many people do not wish to answer your questions on here. Go to Mr. Fish ask him your questions, you know he is connected with this organization. how hard is that??? I have to go to 4-H now, which by the way I give my time and efforts to support!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 08, 2011, 03:33:31 PM
It is like I am talking to a wall. Many people do not wish to answer your questions on here. Go to Mr. Fish ask him your questions, you know he is connected with this organization. how hard is that??? I have to go to 4-H now, which by the way I give my time and efforts to support!!!
You know I might just go visit Mr. Fish tomorrow. I'll let you know hw that goes.

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