Of Elk Konnected, wind farms & gorillas... Friends, Romans, countrymen...

Started by Patriot, May 04, 2011, 08:23:59 AM

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Diane Amberg


Quote from: Wilma on May 05, 2011, 08:40:04 PM
I agree with Diana on owning land that you can't take care of yourself.  We have enough absentee landowners in Elk County as it is.  I know they pay their share of taxes and they take care of their properties, but their main interest is somewhere else.  If everyone that owns land in Elk County actually lived on it, our population would be higher. and more money would be spent in Elk County.

You do realize that is not the real world.  I own land in another state, and hve owned land for years in states that i did not reside.  Its called investment.   IF the county had the infrastructure, you would find more folks willing to live on the land.  But like most small towns across america, they do not embrace change.  Most small towns are run by one or two families and that is the death knell of any town.  Seen it happen many times.  They prohibit the change that is necessary for growth as they want it to stay the saeme little small town.   

At any rate, As long as it is small and population dwindles that means less people to bother those of us that like to be left alone to do as they want.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on May 05, 2011, 09:29:00 PM
You do realize that is not the real world.  I own land in another state, and hve owned land for years in states that i did not reside.  Its called investment.   IF the county had the infrastructure, you would find more folks willing to live on the land.  But like most small towns across america, they do not embrace change.  Most small towns are run by one or two families and that is the death knell of any town.  Seen it happen many times.  They prohibit the change that is necessary for growth as they want it to stay the saeme little small town.   

At any rate, As long as it is small and population dwindles that means less people to bother those of us that like to be left alone to do as they want.


srkruzich don't take this as derragatory towards you it is not meant that way. I like living on my own land and a distance from relatives that still permits occassional visits from them. I like being left alone and away from family squabbles. And I don't mean that in an ugly way either.

However, what you have discribed sounds a lot like Elk County in several ways. Each of the communities want their own identity, but in my opinion certain factions in Howard want to control those small communities and their tax money's (cities property tax).  What other benefit would there be to have one gov't centrally located in Howard for all the communities) That's the only change, I actually see Elk Konnected, LLC as trying to do. Control.  I can't see the people of money wanting to bring anyone else into the county with more money than they have, because money is power and they would lose their control of the county.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.


Dear me, now we are worried about the amount of money people make! ::) So, let's sue that person that makes the most money in Elk County!!! >:(   However, what you have discribed sounds a lot like Elk County in several ways. Each of the communities want their own identity, but in my opinion certain factions in Howard want to control those small communities and their tax money's (cities property tax).  What other benefit would there be to have one gov't centrally located in Howard for all the communities) That's the only change, I actually see Elk Konnected, LLC as trying to do. Control. I can't see the people of money wanting to bring anyone else into the county with more money than they have, because money is power and they would lose their control of the county.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.

Do you actually know these people that you say Money is power??? Have you ever had a conversation?? I am not sure who these people are that you are talking about, but Elk Konnect WANTS community growth and they are striving for all the things that you say they are not!!! Get on the web page and read about it.

As for a LLC, it also said on the sight that I found information about, that the person that files that paperwork might not be the head person, could just be a lawyer or someone else.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 06, 2011, 06:17:29 AM

Do you actually know these people that you say Money is power??? Have you ever had a conversation?? I am not sure who these people are that you are talking about, but Elk Konnect WANTS community growth and they are striving for all the things that you say they are not!!! Get on the web page and read about it.

IF they want community growth, then there will be  an effort on the County Government to bring in industry.  IF they are serious about growth, wheres the industrial park?  Bring in industry and you will have growth.  No county is going to grow if industry isn't brought in.  THe local shops aren't going to supply the necessary jobs to bring in that growth.  Just isn't going to happen.

Wind farm isn't going to bring enough to grow the county. Once the construction is done, thats it.  The jobs are gone.  It doesn't take a whole lot of people to maintain the farm.   

And With the price of gas going higher every day, your going to find most folks are going to buy closer to the jobs. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Exactly, soccer games or whatever for the kids will do absolutely nothing for growth. Not that more stuff to do for the kids is bad, not in any way is that bad. More stuff to do is great, will keep kids out of trouble. However, I haven't really seen anything that would promote growth yet. If we want growth, money making businesses that can hire locals is essential. There's no other way around it. That's what the people here need to understand.

Heck I remember a while back my dad was looking in to buying the property next to the bar to put in a new office building, before we got the old grocery store. The Chamber of Commerce, yes... the Chamber of Commerce, wait read it again... the Chamber of Commerce was a bit hesitant about the idea because there was a "nice tree" and picnic table or something like that. I know for the "nice tree" was mentioned as an excuse to deter the idea of putting an office there. Seriously? The people that are supposed to promote business doesn't want a new business on the main street where all other businesses are because of a single "nice tree". That's the kind of stuff that needs to change around here or the area WILL go under.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 05, 2011, 02:34:42 PM
Interesting. I guess there is just a difference in attitudes between your small towns and here. I did just get off the City of Newark web site as I was checking the summer camp schedules since I'll be involved in them again.The site has all the city doings coming up plus the UD Alumni weekend, the downtown Food and Brew Festival, run by local merchants ,Newark Night, hosted by the city in conjunction with local merchants and the "UDon't Need It"program which UD holds to get the college kids to bring their castoffs of furniture etc. to a central location rather than leave them dumped all over town. I don't think anybody cares that some things on the city website benefit so called "private" companies, see merchants and business people here in town.

They all pay taxes here one way or another.

Might I ask why it matters so much that EK activities not be listed on your website? Isn't it used as a sort of community bulletin board for the benefit of any interested people? No?

Unlike those businesses, EK is tax exempt. That was the complaint I remember reading, that EK was getting use of the site without compensating the county.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 06, 2011, 06:17:29 AM
Dear me, now we are worried about the amount of money people make! ::) So, let's sue that person that makes the most money in Elk County!!! >:(   However, what you have discribed sounds a lot like Elk County in several ways. Each of the communities want their own identity, but in my opinion certain factions in Howard want to control those small communities and their tax money's (cities property tax).  What other benefit would there be to have one gov't centrally located in Howard for all the communities) That's the only change, I actually see Elk Konnected, LLC as trying to do. Control. I can't see the people of money wanting to bring anyone else into the county with more money than they have, because money is power and they would lose their control of the county.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it.

Do you actually know these people that you say Money is power??? Have you ever had a conversation?? I am not sure who these people are that you are talking about, but Elk Konnect WANTS community growth and they are striving for all the things that you say they are not!!! Get on the web page and read about it.

As for a LLC, it also said on the sight that I found information about, that the person that files that paperwork might not be the head person, could just be a lawyer or someone else.

You said,"Dear me, now we are worried about the amount of money people make!" That's falderal.

You said "Do you actually know these people that you say Money is Power??? Andrew Jackson made the statement. (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837). so no I don't talk to the dead.

You said. "Get on the web page and read about it." I have read their web site, all the pages. I have also read the company's web site they hired to control their so called community conversations, all of the pages. I have studied the pages, have you. Test to follow shortly,  :) joking, not for real.

You said, "As for a LLC, it also said on the sight that I found information about, that the person that files that paperwork might not be the head person, could just be a lawyer or someone else.You said, " I just couldn't find that on their web site, unless it was just newly added. I am no longer concerned with the name on the paperwork, he can't hide but I understand why he might want to. So I won't out him at this time maybe never. I'd just like to know why every one else is hiding.

But hey you are entitled to your opinion same as me.


Just cause I have a million dollars, does that mean I have power?????
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

MT, actually I was referring to the taxes paid by the people on the EK committees, not EK LLC proper. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. They all live in Elk County I suppose, so they must pay one kind of taxes or another. Some have made a personal financial commitment to the project, all have made time commitments. As far as asking for tax money, needless to say I don't have details, but asking isn't the same as getting. If they, as a pass through or whatever legal arrangements were made, were able assist a project or hire someone with previous experience, it must have been approved from some available budget line. Since they have been active now for several years I would have thought all this would have been settled long ago.
  I know some of the ideas were just brainstorming.  Suppose you want to save money. You start with every single idea no matter how outrageous and then work your way to what can actually be done that will satisfy as many people as possible....a bit like collective bargaining. Unless someone asks me a question I've had my say and will shut up now. Thank you ahead of time for not ripping off my head or questioning my mental stability or suggesting someone beat me up for having an opinion.


  So Ross.............just exactly what did the Elk County government do to you or not let you do that gave you such a hard-on to get em?


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