Of Elk Konnected, wind farms & gorillas... Friends, Romans, countrymen...

Started by Patriot, May 04, 2011, 08:23:59 AM

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Patriot, I will read those links, but just as a side note, ask.com is not a real reliable source. I tried to use it for different research papers this past year, and was told that it isn't a good research site because people can actually go on and add there own spin on things. This came from a professor from one of my classes to get my masters in special education. Thanks for the information I will read it.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 05, 2011, 09:20:59 AM
This LLC business can be complicated depending on which state the papers are filed in, and I know just enough to get in trouble, but here goes.
Yes, a person does have to sign the application papers, but that does not necessarily make them  an "owner", they might not even be part of the group who wants to organize. That name simply assures that the application is properly filled out and is true. There is no obligation of ownership nor does it mean anybody is working for them. That name does not have to made public or be made available. It may even be the name of the lawyer who filed the papers on behalf of the group.
  In some states LLC's can be legally tied to private companies or non-profits. Depending on how it is set up, a non profit doesn't have to pay taxes but may have to file tax paperwork and has certain protections from frivolous lawsuits.  It can be very complicated and may need a good lawyer to explain the legal details .I haven't researched Kansas LLC in detail so yours may be set up somewhat differently and have different choices. I have my own small business and looked into all this in Delaware when I set it up many years ago. Look up the Kansas details for yourselves. I know some don't approve but I do have information on some other Kansas areas who have done similar things and the local towns and counties have put tax money in to help with start up costs, commonly called seed money. Whether there were complaints about it, I really can't say. I have a lawyer friend I could ask about all this but I don't want to because he'd probably charge me! ;D

Diane that is an awful lot of maybe's. I just don't feel they apply. When someone or something, in this case Elk Konnected, LLC want's county money or to influence county and city government's they should not hide be hind closed doors. And they should step out into the light.


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 05, 2011, 09:39:10 AM
Ever since you boys have been asking questions, they're not into providing answers.

Except for a few defenders, it's been quiet.

You are so right. They don't have Mr. Woodbury to take control for them.
but even he isn't talking. It is not a place where he has total control.
The ones that have the real answers stay in hiding and just moniter. I'd really like to know why the pillers of the Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity are afraid to come out into the light? What are they afraid of? Good leaders don't hide?


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 05, 2011, 09:45:19 AM
Patriot, I will read those links, but just as a side note, ask.com is not a real reliable source. I tried to use it for different research papers this past year, and was told that it isn't a good research site because people can actually go on and add there own spin on things. This came from a professor from one of my classes to get my masters in special education. Thanks for the information I will read it.

Then call a Kansas corporate lawyer.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: redcliffsw on May 05, 2011, 09:39:10 AM
Ever since you boys have been asking questions, they're not into providing answers.

Except for a few defenders, it's been quiet.

Kinda interesting, huh?  But not at all surprising.  They seek to shape an entire community using volunteers (unindendured servitude?), donations, taxpayer monies, influence government, and yet I get flamed for not publishing my name, shoe size and phone number.  Go figure.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


A Kansas limited liability company is formed by filing Articles of Organization with the Kansas Secretary of State and paying a fee of $165 for a paper filing (domestic/foreign or professional) or $160 E-filing online (domestic only).

Every LLC formed in Kansas must contain the words "limited liability company" or "limited company", or the abbreviation "LLC," "LC" or the designation "LLC" or "LC" included at the end of the company name. The name may contain the following words: "company," "association," "club," "foundation," "fund," "institute," "society," "union," "syndicate," "limited" or "trust" (or abbreviations of like import.


How to form a

Kansas Limited Liability Company

Organizing a Kansas LLC

Articles of Organization

A Kansas limited liability company is formed by filing Articles of Organization with the Kansas Secretary of State and paying a fee of $165 for a paper filing (domestic/foreign or professional) or $160 E-filing online (domestic only).

Every LLC formed in Kansas must contain the words "limited liability company" or "limited company", or the abbreviation "LLC," "LC" or the designation "LLC" or "LC" included at the end of the company name. The name may contain the following words: "company," "association," "club," "foundation," "fund," "institute," "society," "union," "syndicate," "limited" or "trust" (or abbreviations of like import.

A LLC must maintain a registered agent and registered office and file annual reports.

There is no provision in the Articles of Organization form to specify a duration for the LLC. Kansas law provides that a limited liability company is dissolved and its affairs shall be wound up "at the time specified in an operating agreement, but if no such time is set forth in the operating agreement, then the limited liability company shall have a perpetual existence." K.S.A. 17-76,116.


Careful Ross.  Those are facts taken from Kansas law, and we should know by now that facts & truth aren't as important as image and 'feelings'.  Safeguard those facts, as facts seem to be a rare commodity around here.  By the way, we know who the registered agent is.

Link to KS secretary of State business listing:  https://www.accesskansas.org/bess/flow/main?execution=e1s5

Click on 'Business Entity Database' link
Click on 'By business entity name' link
Enter Elk Konnected in the text block & click 'Search'
When the listing comes up, click the 'View Record' button

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 05, 2011, 08:14:03 AM
Did you read the paper from this week? The commissioners notes are in it. I personally think from what I read, they are doing a pretty good job. But I don't attend the meetings, I just don't have time during the day, nor have the money to pay someone to work for me to do it. I know what an LLC is, but going to do some research on this more. I don't think one person owes LLC, and don't think it is private. I know people on different committess and asked them personally if they paid to be in it or if it was a private group, the answer was no!

As for the ball thing and schools, Wilma has it right. But have so much bad negative things about West Elk you would think that the kids were not learning a thing out there. That is soooo wrong!! My girls are all doing pretty good academic wise and I am very proud of what they are learning. My Kindergartener knows how to read!! Knows how to read and just turned 6 end of April. If you ask me, that is GREAT!! Right were she is supposed to be. As for my 7th grader, have you seen the things that they learn??? Math is a rough one, of course I am more at the Elementary level (as that is the level that I teach), but the kids are challenged!! I think ELK COUNTY IS GREAT!! THE SCHOOLS, THE PEOPLE, AND LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!

Now I have read it. It's going to be the next paper that I will find interesting. That is to see what they print about what I said at the meeting. I noticed they did do justice by Mr.s Rivers actually said about the use of our county government website by a private company. I expect details will be left out of my conversation with them as well.

Diane Amberg

Interesting. I guess there is just a difference in attitudes between your small towns and here. I did just get off the City of Newark web site as I was checking the summer camp schedules since I'll be involved in them again.The site has all the city doings coming up plus the UD Alumni weekend, the downtown Food and Brew Festival, run by local merchants ,Newark Night, hosted by the city in conjunction with local merchants and the "UDon't Need It"program which UD holds to get the college kids to bring their castoffs of furniture etc. to a central location rather than leave them dumped all over town. I don't think anybody cares that some things on the city website benefit so called "private" companies, see merchants and business people here in town.They all pay taxes  here one way or another.  Might I ask why it matters so much that EK activities not be listed on your website? Isn't it used as a sort of community bulletin board for the benefit of any interested people? No?

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