Elk Konnected

Started by pepelect, May 01, 2011, 08:40:20 PM

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Ross, for what earthly reason do you want to know who donates what to what, and why would you think it is any of your business whatsoever. You really do have problems.


Does it look better if the Government does the donating thereby to have the blessing of the Government on the whole thing and to save the donors' money?

Sure does not say much for our government as the government financing schemes were not intended by the founders. 


redcliff, we were not talking about government money


I know. 

It seems to me that Ross has a right to inquire.  If they all want to lay low that's their business.   

However it's appearing to me that Elk County is establsihing its own ACORN and that seems to be
what this world is coming to.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on May 06, 2011, 06:25:04 AM
Gotta step in on this one - this is so right - and typical of Elk County.

There are a lot of quiet givers here - not all donations are trumpeted.

As secretary for the church, I've seen people give cash so there would be no record. It happens sometimes at school, as well. Donations given, supplies purchased anonymously.

The family I was raised in of ten children filled a pew at church and my mother always dropped a few coins in the basket and the reason so no one would know how much she put in. It embarrassed her because we were dirt poor and I mean dirt poor. But my mother was to proud to accept charity or welfare. We learned to improvise. And it was a good life. But that really doesn't have anything to do with a public company that ask's for tax dollars does it?

Thats nice but we are not talking about a church or a school. we are talking about a company that ask's for County Government tax monies. Who is behind the organization, why the secrecy. Does your preacher and your board of elders or what ever you church uses hide from those they serve -- in your case the congregation?

Why is it that only Howard people speak up but none know who runs Elk Konnected,LLC. As much as Elk Konnected, LLC knocks the county in the Kansas Country Living Magazine and praises their self I find the dispecable. I assume that is whay the rest stay in hiding.

I really feel like saying some ugly stuff but I will refrain. I just don't like ugly and I don't like hiding from the truth.


Quote from: ELK@KC on May 06, 2011, 07:54:05 AM
Ross, for what earthly reason do you want to know who donates what to what, and why would you think it is any of your business whatsoever. You really do have problems.

That's a fair question and I will try my best to answer it, honestly.

As I have questioned on other pages on this forum. Elk Konnected, LLC denies using taxpayers dollars, even while on duty as a County Commissioner. (There is no blurr)  She steps right up and denies it. I pointed out that the person that spoke immediately before me represented them self as Elk Konnected, LLC Youth Services and asked for money. And yet she said, we don't use tax payer dollars.

They claim to have recieved donations of $50 each fro 60 people and companies but at the same time they recieved a school grant for the same amount (taxpayers dollars). Too much of a coincidence. The local companies have advertisement at every rodeo they contribute to. What's so different about Elk Konnected, LLC if it is such a great an glorious effort. It sounds very deceptive, I would think a great thing would be open and honest and want to clear any misunderstandings. But not Elk Konnected, LLC.

Elk Konnected, LLC won't step forward and I am not refering to the volunteers they recruit, there is a big difference.

I don't really care who the individual's are that donate, it's just not human nature for so many to refuse recognition.


Quote from: ELK@KC on May 06, 2011, 07:54:05 AM
Ross, for what earthly reason do you want to know who donates what to what, and why would you think it is any of your business whatsoever. You really do have problems.

I sense that you are Elk Konnect, LLC and that's cool. Sure I expect you to deny it.
But I have strong ESP skills. ROFLMBO   :)
Quick someone call the sheriff  :police: , get Ross outta here.


What if I am Elk Konnect, how do you know I am not a person that you MIGHT be talking about????? :angel:
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Oh, that's right, I just do their talking for them!! LOL!!! And I am uneducated enough and don't have enough money to be part of Elk Konnect!! Isn't that right, Ross!!! >:(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 06, 2011, 09:49:35 AM
What if I am Elk Konnect, how do you know I am not a person that you MIGHT be talking about????? :angel:

So what no big deal. If so you just admitted to be hiding. But also you didn't say Elk Konnected, LLC the actual legal name of the company. You apparently have no knowledge of Elk Konnected, LLC's internal operations.

I am trying to talk with not a but Elk Konnected, LLC. Talking to by asking and answering questions, openly and honestly.

Have a great sunshiny day. I have to get back to my rat killing, (work). I don't use that four letter word to much because I enjoy what I do.

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