Elk Konnected

Started by pepelect, May 01, 2011, 08:40:20 PM

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I agree:
It's about semantics, not the end result.  There have been several threads started resulting in the same argument (and I use that term lightly).  With a conversation, there must be a listening part involved with an opened mind of the information, given or perhaps in this case, not given..    Either way....good luck guys in searching for the truth.  It is probably out there and people aren't speaking it just to irk you...LLC, BS, LTD, BFD.   It is a matter of linguistics and legalese. 
It's all about the end result and accountability. 
All records you have spoken about is accessible by the Open Records Policy.  Do a little leg work and go face to face. 
This is in response to anyone who is questioning the LLC.  ready

Roma Jean Turner

Couldn't agree more Wilma  and Mom70X7.


Quote from: Wilma on May 07, 2011, 12:23:12 PM
In Elk County they are volunteers not being coerced by anyone.  They do it because they like the camaraderie and the results obtained by working together.  Elk County has had clean up days long before any Elk Konnected, LLC was formed.

I am thinking you are assuming that Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Squares Communities, LLC  are one and the same.  I think not.  I think that Elk Konnected, LLC is just what it says, Elk County.  Public Communities, LLC is another organization entirely to which Mr. Woodbury belongs.  EKLLC has hired PCLLC to help conduct meetings in such a way as to be the most productive and Mr. Woodbury is the associate that caught the job.  And as in the case of hiring someone, that someone has been paid for their services.  Is Mr. Woodbury still here directing the actions of our EKLLC members?  And before you ask it again, yes, an outsider can obtain results that insiders cannot get just because of who they are and the conflicts that exist within the county.  The idea of separate circles of people who are not familiar with each other's opinions already can produce more ideas, whether workable or not, than a group of friends who have already discussed the subject to death.

You, sir, are making a mighty mountain out of a tiny molehill, the occupants of which were doing just fine until you started picking them to pieces.

You said, "In Elk County they are volunteers not being coerced by anyone." No one has said anything about anyone being coerced except you from what I have read. I have no complaints what so ever about Elk Konnected doing their feel good stuff and have never said I do.

You said, "Elk County has had clean up days long before any Elk Konnected, LLC was formed." I agree, so what's the point? It isn't some new thing thought up by Elk Konnected, LLC.and that simply points out that you are self sufficient and don't need Elk Konnected, LLC to do what you have always done. You don't need Elk Konnected, LLC to take credit for your hard work. Is that what you are saying?  Elk Konnected seems to say everything is broken and I disagree with that. If government is broken vote in new people, don't undermine the system. I simply don't like Elk Konnected, LLC attitude of control of everything and Lying about using tax payers money. Elk County is a great place to live.

You said, "I am thinking you are assuming that Elk Konnected, LLC and Public Squares Communities, LLC  are one and the same."  No I have never said or implied they are one and the same. I have said the Elk Konnected has used taxpayers dollars to hire Public Squares Communities, LLC. And if you were to study Public Squares, LLC 's web
site you would see that the man requires tax payers dollars. dollars by stipulating they acquire funds from county and city governments. And he requires it every two years.

You said, "Mr. Woodbury is the associate that caught the job." Actually Mr. Woodbury is the President/owner.

You said," You, sir, are making a mighty mountain out of a tiny molehill, the occupants of which were doing just fine until you started picking them to pieces."Who exactly am I picking on? And how am I picking on that person?

You said, "The idea of separate circles of people who are not familiar with each other's opinions already can produce more ideas, whether workable or not, than a group of friends who have already discussed the subject to death." So you say and that's fine with me that you believe that. Keep doing it. I really don't care.

I really don't believe that you do not understand that you are not Elk Konnected, LLC and that is who I have been trying to communicate with. Now I don't say that to be offensive. If you are one of Elk Konnected's volunteers on one of their committees or in some other functions I am proud of your efforts. Keep up the good work.

I seem to be getting accused of many thing's that are not true, but that's okay. I won't let it bother me or lose sleep over it. After all this is an open forum and a person can say anything they want. And that is also know as freedom of speech.


Quote from: Mom70x7 on May 07, 2011, 01:05:10 PM
Enough, already!

The point has been made that several of you don't like the connections among Elk Konnected and the various government entities in the area.

Now go talk directly to the people whose connections you don't like.

I was brought up with the notion that if you have a problem with someone, go to that person and work it out. I think it's time for all of you guys to take that step.

Your dislike of the set-up is clear. You guys are definitely articulate. Go talk.  :D

You said, "Enough, already! Go talk."  I tried that and almost got thrown out of Elk Konnected, LLC's community conversation that was open to the public. When the man from Leoti called for the sheriff, I excused myself and left. So we are trying to talk right here on this open forum.

You said, "You guys are definitely articulate." Why thank you for the compliment, Compliment graciously accepted.

You said, "I was brought up with the notion that if you have a problem with someone, go to that person and work it out." Do you know who that person or persons are exactly? So, you see this is an ideal forum for discussion. And this also allows anyone interested to join the conversation or just to read and decide for themselves what is happening. A great tool for everyone. And if you notice I am not hiding behind a fictions name.

I like the idea that Elk Konnected, LLC wants to do for the kids and too haul trash and painting and I hope they continue to do so. That is high ideals. Go Elk Konnected, LLC.  Just be truthful and open. However, I heard of the discouraging way that they handled the painting of the playground in Elk Falls, it just wasn't copasetic. So remember the word ethical.


Quote from: Patriot on May 06, 2011, 10:10:51 PM

Is that a properly admitted membership as defined by Kansas law?  If so, would you be kind enough to scan and post the legal document (LLC Charter of Organization) or other official EK LLC document that makes this 'membership' provision?  Or do you even have a clue as to what I'm asking?  Enough with silliness about brooms and paintbrushes.  The question was straight, so how about a straight answer.  While you're at it, what the heck is a 'free nonbonding' membership?

Patriot, do you reckon that free bonding membership must mean that the real members some kind of bonded members?


Quote from: ADP on May 06, 2011, 10:20:50 PM
I don' t think you have a clue what you are asking.  I know you have no clue who has the answers.  I also know you don't want answers you want drama.  You want controversy. 

I asked a simple question do you want to help the students on service learning day or not? 

Are you mature enough to help the next generation or just all talk?

You said, " I asked a simple question do you want to help the students on service learning day or not? Is that like copied from the community of Longton? They have been doing that for a few years. The teachers and perhaps even some of the school staff go out with the kids and have a great time.

You said, "Are you mature enough to help the next generation or just all talk?" That is akin to using the kids as a weapon. Not nice.


Ross, all I know about you is what I have read of your postings on this forum.  There isn't any of it that I like.  You have a problem with a county commissioner.  Go talk to her.  Your main complaint is that you weren't welcomed with open arms at a community meeting when you started making demands instead of cooperating with the purpose of the meeting.  Everthing that I have said I have derived from what you have written.  It doesn't take a moron to understand what you are saying and what you are saying is nothing.  You have repeated and repeated and asked questions of people that do not have the answers.  Why don't you give up and find a source that does have the answers?  I am tired of you.  Good bye.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 07, 2011, 01:23:15 PM
All records you have spoken about is accessible by the Open Records Policy.  Do a little leg work and go face to face. 

Unfortunately, that statement isn't true.  The following information is not available via public records and has been asked for informally.  None of this information has been forthcoming. Unfortunately, without knowing who the admitted members are, this is really the broadest informal venue in which to seek answers.  The only two avenues remaining are more formal... civil lawsuit or criminal complaint.

Who formed EK, and who receives the limited liability protections?

Are volunteers protected from any liability for work done for or with EK?

Does EK have liability insurance?  How much?  Through what insurance company?

Who pays the damages if a windshield gets broken at an EK sponsored ballgame?

What happens if one of our youth gets hit by a car while picking up trash along the highway at an EK sponsored cleanup?

Do the kid's parents sign any liability waivers before their kids participate in EK functions?

What about adult volunteers?  How are they protected in case of injury?

What is the nature & content of any Operating Agreements, and amendments, created by Elk Konnected, LLC pursuant to KSA 17-7663 et seq.

What's contained in records filed with any taxing authority relating to any tax exempt status of Elk Konnected, LLC and any correspondence between Elk Konnect, LLC and those taxing authorities.

Copies of all Annual Reports filed with the Kansas Secretary of State by Elk Konnected, LLC since its' inception.

What are the name(s) of any Manager, past or present, of Elk Konnected, LLC as defined by KSA 17-7663 et seq.

What are the names of all persons admitted as members (past & present) pursuant to KSA 17-7686, the Articles of Organization or any operating agreements of Elk Konnected, LLC  also indicating their share of partnership interest in the LLC.  If any admitted member is a corporation, LLC, LP or trust, also indicate the names of that member's directors, officers, partners, or trustees and beneficiaries.

Copies of any contracts, agreements or other documents relating to the ongoing operations or associations that Elk Konnected has
with any parties whether admitted members of Elk Konnected or outside parties.

Information reflecting any payments (in cash or services) made to admitted members or outside parties for any services rendered to Elk Konnected, LLC. since its' inception.

Information & records relating to any grants received from government, quasi-government and/or private sources, showing the source, nature and purpose of such grants and the disposition of all grant monies received.

Information & records relating to any loans received from government, quasi-government and/or private sources, showing the source, nature and purpose of such loans and the disposition of all loan monies received.
Any records reflecting all assets (tangible or intangible) owned by by Elk Konnected, LLC, and the net present value of those assets.

Records identifying details regarding any property, real or personal, currently leased or rented by or on loan to Elk Konnected, LLC., including the property owner's name and address.

The name and address of any attorney of record for Elk Konnected, LLC.

The name and address of any Certified Public Accountant or other accountant or bookkeeper currently or previously serving  Elk Konnected, LLC.

The number and total dollar value of all contributions or donations received by Elk Konnected, LLC since its' inception.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Roma Jean Turner

I don't think you "care" about these things, I just think you are a long winded pain in the ass.


where's the little clappy hands thingy????? You cracked me up Roma :D

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