Elk Konnected

Started by pepelect, May 01, 2011, 08:40:20 PM

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How do you get a disconnect populous to communicate on shared problems and financial burdens?  Get them in a room and start a conversation. 

That is all.


And how do you get them into a room?  Offer them hotdogs and lollipops.

the shadow

I hate hot dogs and lollipops. You all are no better than the people you are arguing with. No one can question the goings on of a business in this county? Ross has every right to ask for the answers to his questions. If you don't have those answers then SHUT UP! You are NO BETTER than anyone else on this forum. Quit belittling people that don't want to be treated like sheep anymore.

The Shadow                  knows!
The Shadow knows!


I have been on two action teams one has completed it's task.  The members of this action team were from Moline, Elk Falls, Longton Grenola, Severy, and rural.  We worked with all the cities in the area and unified the language of the ordinances to be similar.  That was two years ago.  I wasn't told to shut up once.

The one I am one now picks up trash, paints, and rakes leaves.  How am I belittling anyone? 

If you don't want to be part  of a conversation that is fine.  I will answer any question I can answer.  Who Donated the fifty dollars?  Have no idea.  Who filed the llc docs?  Have no idea. It was not my action team.  Who cleans up trash, trees, leaves, and paints?  I know that one.


Quote from: the shadow on May 01, 2011, 09:11:05 PM
I hate hot dogs and lollipops. You all are no better than the people you are arguing with. No one can question the goings on of a business in this county? Ross has every right to ask for the answers to his questions. If you don't have those answers then SHUT UP! You are NO BETTER than anyone else on this forum. Quit belittling people that don't want to be treated like sheep anymore.

The Shadow                  knows!
Good job shadow. But you know I believe you are talking to the good folks that want sheep to follow them and not ask questions.


Quote from: ADP on May 01, 2011, 09:45:40 PM
I have been on two action teams one has completed it's task.  The members of this action team were from Moline, Elk Falls, Longton Grenola, Severy, and rural.  We worked with all the cities in the area and unified the language of the ordinances to be similar.  That was two years ago.  I wasn't told to shut up once.

The one I am one now picks up trash, paints, and rakes leaves.  How am I belittling anyone? 

If you don't want to be part  of a conversation that is fine.  I will answer any question I can answer.  Who Donated the fifty dollars?  Have no idea.  Who filed the llc docs?  Have no idea. It was not my action team.  Who cleans up trash, trees, leaves, and paints?  I know that one.

And we are proud of your garbage collection Mr. Perkins.


The main things of interest to me is who owns Elk Konnected LLC? Why is it secreative? Why does Elk Konneccted LLC continue to deny using our tax dollars to provide the little things they do for the community? Why does Elk Konnected pretend to represent the whole county in their actions with our elected officials?

I understand they have their goals I just copied and pasted them right here.
The link  http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/mission.htm

Community Goals

Youth Development - Establish a coordinated youth development program in the Elk Konnected community
Physical Image - Create a coordinated, six-community appreciation day to clean up our physical image
Community Wellness - Create the infrastructure for a community wellness and enrichment network
Community Standards - Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community
Communication - Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons

By what authority do they have to Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community.
I know that the company Public Square Communities LLC tells Elk Konnected LLC to take control --- just what does that mean?
Where are Elk Konnected LLC community bounderies --- or are they taking control over the whole county?
Elk Konnected LLC told the school board they would be state wide accredited? That's not true, they recieve their acredation by paying Public Squares Community LLC with our tax dollars to be accredited by this little company with 15 or 16 customers and are accredited by no one else. Nothing state wide about that. they are just using our tax dollars to join Mr.What's His Names private little club . It's juat that the dues are rather steep in my opinion. But Mr. Whats His Name needs to make a good living so keep paying him every two years with our tax dollars there is lot's of it.

Again, I copied and pasted it here. The link is http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/mission.htm#Community Conversation
What is Accreditation?

Any county or city can become accredited as a "Public Square Community." Begun in 2007, this new standard-setting process enables high performing communities to market themselves to potential residents, businesses, investors and visitors.

Accreditation requires that four sectors – business, education, human service and government – share leadership and funding for managing their development efforts. These four sectors comprise the "Public Square." To be eligible to apply for accreditation, a community must have a two-year track record of involving citizens in creating and implementing their community's vision. They must renew their vision and goals every two years, have at least three citizen teams implementing goals at all times, hold an annual regional conversation with a neighboring community, provide leadership for the annual Communities Conference and pay an annual fee of $1,500 to $4,000 depending on population. The fee must come from at least three of the four public square sectors.
Accreditation is granted by a 4-person peer review team from other communities and regional partners.
Accreditation ( every 2 years )
sustain the process (engaged community, up-to-date goals & action teams, regional conversation), share leadership of the annual Communities Conference, apply for "Public Square Community" accreditation and pay fee, be reviewed by a team of peers and funding partners, contribute reviewers for other accreditation applicants.

I suppose to some these are not important questions perhaps they think they are getting something for free from the company Elk Konnected LLC. But I have tried to show the facts. You may be a committee person or a volunteer and I am happy that you have your new position but you are not part of the company Elk Konnected LLC you are only being used by the company Elk KOnnected LLC And you don't even know who owns the company Elk Konnected LLC because it is a secret. Now there in not a thing I have written here that is twisted. It is very clear thinking.

We have a right in my opinion to know who this secreative person is that is licensed as Elk Konnected LLC and keeps asking for our tax dollars. This is major flaw with Elk Konnected LLC. The party they are paying with our tax dollars at least has the decency to give his name --- Mr. Terry Woodbury --- and he is real happy to take our tax dollars. Give some thought to that. 

Mr. Woodbury has his own names for our medical professionals and churches and business and school. He calls them the Public Square that makes it sound like everything is owned by the public. I find that really strange or more of a way of trying to control as mentioned above. This information is not secreative click on the links above and then read all the other pages listed on Public Square Communities LLC web site. Or don't.


If I do or do not donate money to anything is my business and only mine!


Quote from: greatguns on May 06, 2011, 04:01:03 AM
If I do or do not donate money to anything is my business and only mine!

That's so true, But most people are proud of who they give their money to. Walk into any hospital that accepts contributions and you will see a large wall plaque with name after name. listen to PBS when they are taking donations and they name person after person. Watch the Jerry Lewis telethon name after name and company after company. Proud to give. But not a one of the 60 plus that gave to Elk Konnected are proud enough to say they helped such a great what ever.

Oh and I read the letter from Elk Konnected, LLC to Elk Konnected LLC telling them what a great job they are doing. That really nice the way they said our county is all screwed up and how they are fixing it. Good job of propaganda.


QuoteIf I do or do not donate money to anything is my business and only mine!

Gotta step in on this one - this is so right - and typical of Elk County.

There are a lot of quiet givers here - not all donations are trumpeted.

As secretary for the church, I've seen people give cash so there would be no record. It happens sometimes at school, as well. Donations given, supplies purchased anonymously.

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