Do You Have a Birth Certificate or

Started by Wilma, April 26, 2011, 08:10:45 AM

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Theoretically, if I were to call someone "the Antichrist" (for demonization, oops demonstration purposes, lets use . . . oh I don't know . . . a cyber-citizen known only as Patriot), wouldn't I be expected to back that assertion up with facts. 

Wouldn't Patriot be presumed to not be the Antichrist, until proven in a court of law of actually being the Antichrist. 

Wouldn't the burden of proof be on me to prove his guilt of being the Antichrist, instead of he having to prove he's innocent of the charge and that he is just like you and I and everyone else (you know, just an ordinary human with a body, a face, a heart, a brain, etc) 

And if I couldn't prove to a jury or, on appeal, to a panel of judges, that he was the Antichrist, then he would indeed be innocent of the charge, and I would probably owe him a great sum of money when he won his lawrsuit for defamation of character.

Isn't that how our judicial system works?  I think it is . . . maybe I'm wrong . . . maybe I'm in some other country and not the United States of America.

Tell me again, how many times have the birthers won in a court of law? 

How many times have they basically been laughed out of court? 

How many more times will it take before they quit asserting that the current President of the United States of America does not meet the qualifications of the office he holds?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on April 29, 2011, 12:37:07 AM
Theoretically, if I were to call someone "the Antichrist" (for demonization, oops demonstration purposes, lets use . . . oh I don't know . . . a cyber-citizen known only as Patriot), wouldn't I be expected to back that assertion up with facts. 

Thanks for making my point in re your Alinsky tactics, chuck.  My comments related to issues of the importance of examining qualifications to hold office.  Actually you will note that I haven't addressed Obama's individual qualifications.  This is really fascinating to watch.  By the way, do I think that Obama is qualified?  Let us know when you figure out what you 'feel' in that regard.

Anmar, so many statements of 'fact', so little balance.  Your last statements exclude the possibility that extreme leftists (PETA, Code Pink, Al Gore, et al) may be deluded as well.  Perhaps being manipulated by sham isn't a condition uniquely reserved to the right.  Again, my thoughts on Obama, in particular haven't been at the core of my argument... only considerations of the implications of any sitting president being unqualified. Until people have a clear understanding of the constitutional qualifications and understand the ramifications of not being qualified (in a nation of laws, not men), then minutia regarding Obamas birth certificate remain secondary.    Do tell us more about how you 'feel'.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 29, 2011, 07:56:10 AM
Anmar, so many statements of 'fact', so little balance.  Your last statements exclude the possibility that extreme leftists (PETA, Code Pink, Al Gore, et al) may be deluded as well.  Perhaps being manipulated by sham isn't a condition uniquely reserved to the right.  Again, my thoughts on Obama, in particular haven't been at the core of my argument... only considerations of the implications of any sitting president being unqualified. Until people have a clear understanding of the constitutional qualifications and understand the ramifications of not being qualified (in a nation of laws, not men), then minutia regarding Obamas birth certificate remain secondary.    Do tell us more about how you 'feel'.

hypocrite, i this thread is about a birth certificate and the crazy right,  why talk about the left?  you want to talk about the left, start a new thread.  Your argument is invalid, end of story. 

You think the far right isnt easily manipulated?  didn't the far right vote for Bush time after time?  I admit, I voted for Bob bradly in the primary but when Bush ran in the general election the first time out, i voted for him.  Even worked for his campaign, but i learned my lesson.  Are you man enough to admit that you voted for him twice?  and then admit that you got fooled twice by the same guy 4 years apart?

Finally, you want me to balance my posts?  where the hell is your balance?  Oh right, you probably watch fox news, so you think you are being balanced. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on April 29, 2011, 11:35:06 AM
hypocrite, i this thread is about a birth certificate and the crazy right,  why talk about the left?  you want to talk about the left, start a new thread.  Your argument is invalid, end of story.  

You think the far right isnt easily manipulated?  didn't the far right vote for Bush time after time?  I admit, I voted for Bob bradly in the primary but when Bush ran in the general election the first time out, i voted for him.  Even worked for his campaign, but i learned my lesson.  Are you man enough to admit that you voted for him twice?  and then admit that you got fooled twice by the same guy 4 years apart?

Finally, you want me to balance my posts?  where the hell is your balance?  Oh right, you probably watch fox news, so you think you are being balanced.

My, my, aren't we testy?  Thanks for the label.  I'll add it to 'antichrist' and a few others that have been recently assigned.  Seems pointed name calling is still a valid tactic for left leaners (or right posers).  Based on the above quoted post, I'll refer you to your own recent analysis:  "valid points and analogies aren't allowed here, especially if i don't have a good argument to refute them"

Thanks for saving me the keyboard ink necessary to uncover the inconsistency that is so you.  Have a great day.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 29, 2011, 04:12:28 PM
My, my, aren't we testy?  Thanks for the label.  I'll add it to 'antichrist' and a few others that have been recently assigned.  Seems pointed name calling is still a valid tactic for left leaners (or right posers).  Based on the above quoted post, I'll refer you to your own recent analysis:  "valid points and analogies aren't allowed here, especially if i don't have a good argument to refute them"

Thanks for saving me the keyboard ink necessary to uncover the inconsistency that is so you.  Have a great day.

once again you've managed to avoid and ignore every fact, and valid argument that might poke a hole in your personal belief.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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