Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Just a reminder the Elk County Commissioners on August 29 will have their meeting to discuss
raising our property taxes.

Do you think they need to raise property taxes since,
they have enough money to give $100,000.00 away and plan to continue
giving away taxpayer dollars for the next 2 or3 years?

Our Opposition petition the spring seems to have worked this time.
I have it on good information that West Elk USD-282 plans to be on the November ballot
to raise our property taxes.

And my opinion is that both of our taxing Government entities are wanting to raise property taxes:


Just Because a new state law goes in to effect limiting their ability to raise taxes no more than the raise in the Consumer Price Index, which is very small. To exceed that amount they have to come to the voters for approval.

If you remember West Elk USD-293 School Board just raised your property taxes 6.337 mill last fall, even though they were told no without coming to the voters. Now they are coming to us because of the Opposition Petition submitted this spring.

Do you remember Mr. Moore the School Superintendent said the Board voted to take only 1 mill of the 8 mill they were asking for in the Resolution. Well they did not stick to that one mill, they took 6.337. And now they want to be even more greedy and ask for more money to waste.

Yes, waste! Untill they post the financial books for the voters to see, it is waste.
No excuses should be accepted not to release public information for the voters on a monthly basis.

Excuses might be they expose their books for hacking. No, not so! A simple few clicks and a copy and paste with no link to the actual books, solves that excuse. And we do pay for an IT expert on staff at the school who could over see the safety of the situation. He may even be able to put together a small program to handle a monthly project of this nature.

The County Could do the very same thing and yes we pay for an IT expert on the county payroll.

There is no need for secrecy in our local governments but there is a great need for transparency !

Transparency eliminate's deception, corruption and hopefully any other problems.

Just some food for thought.

Does any one else have any suggestions?


I'm a newbie here, residing in the State just under five years. I haven't investigated State or local regulatory code. That being said, there should be some sort of 'referendum' process that makes a vote of the people over-ride local regulations (like that old California 1% initiative). Maybe it is just a petition process to require something like a local tax 'rollback' on the ballot. There must also be a local process to recall county officials who fail to act in the interests of those they serve.

Unfortunately, those suggestions all call for the residents to become activists. It's difficult to activate people when they have a microwaved meal of dead food in front of them, and their favorite reality show on the flat-screen. You are fighting an uphill battle. I hope your best intentions win-out.

BTW, I like they way you copy and highlight text you are responding to. What buttons do I push to make that happen?
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Quote from: Wake-up! on August 22, 2016, 08:01:23 PM
BTW, I like they way you copy and highlight text you are responding to. What buttons do I push to make that happen?

Welcome aboard!

You click on the word quote in the upper right and corner above the post you wish to quote and a box will open just like the reply box but it will be filled with the persons post preceded with
[      quote    author        persons info and   msg     number    ] and at the end of their message will be [   q u o t e  ] of course I have placed spacings in my example so it will display in this message.

Please note if you wish to delete most of the message as I have done here I have proceeded and ended with the above info.
If you wish to go paragraph by paragraph, each paragraph must follow the same procedure.

You can also copy and past the post to a word processor and then manipulate it and type your responses between paragraphs and then copy and past the completed functions back into the reply box.

To actually high light you simply left click and drag your cursor over the word or sentence and then choose from the boxes above the response box and  click on it.  If you click on the box labeled Font Size a list will drop down and you can choose font size from 8 point to 36 point, choose the box labeled Change Color and a list of a number of colors drop down, choose your color.

You can play with the above buttons on text and then click the box below on the left that says Preview. You will the be given a view of your work. At this point you can then leave the web page and your stuff will disappear. If you want to post it of course click post.

I hope this helps you.

Once again welcome aboard.


Here is the Agenda for Monday.
The red highlighting and bolding of the text is my doing.

August 29, 2016

Budget Hearing
1:00 p.m. – Call to Order
Public Input

Regularly Scheduled Meeting
1:10 p.m. - Call to Order
          Minutes Approval – Aug 8th Regular Meeting
1:20 p.m.    Public Forum
1:30 p.m. – Department Reports
(Department Head meetings:  8 AM; Thursdays when requested by Dept. Heads)

Old  Business:
   Rural Fire - tower on Jim Perkins' land
   Wage Scale
   Howard Twilight Manor
   Policy for Guns in Courthouse

New Business
2:00 p.m. –  SCKEDD (Casey)
2:15 p.m. –  Barbara Myers – Yard Sale Along Hwy at Nursing Home for Fabulous Finds
2:30 p.m. –  Waterline easement donation, Moline waterline replacement project
2:45 p.m. –  Executive Session (County Clerk)
3:00 p.m. –  KAC Voting Delegate and KCAMP Board of Trustees Nomination
3:30 p.m. –  Road Closing Request, Dove, between Road 23 and 24
3:45 p.m.  – Nursing Home Contract

Presentation of Claims

Future Events:  Sept 12th - Road Closing Viewing, 10:30 @ Junebug & Road 9


My Notes concerning the above abbreviations .

SCKEDD - South Central Kansas Economic Development District, Inc ...

Kansas County Association Multiline Pool (KCAMP) was formed under the sponsorship of the Kansas Association of Counties and began operation January 1, 1991.
KCAMP is currently composed of 66 counties out of 105 counties in Kansas.

About KAC
The Kansas Association of Counties is a quasi-public agency, which seeks to advance the public interest by promoting effective, responsive county government in Kansas. Founded in 1975, as an instrumentality of its member counties, the Association serves county governments through:
Legislative representation
Technical assistance
Professional education


Looks like the KAC is just another organization that's been created to represent the growth of socialism in America.  The KAC was founded in 1975.  Seems like Kansas became a State in 1861 and there are about 105 counties therein.  There's a State legislature.  Why do some counties pay to join an organization? 

Please don't tell me that Republicans are not socialist.  The evidence is everywhere that Republicans are socialists just as it is with Obama and Hillary. 

The public interest ought to be American liberty, not another interest in some organization that's gonna be stealing the liberty of Americans.

Looks to me like yer Elk County Commission is acting to keep up with the current trends of stealing the liberty of its citizens.  Isn't that about right?


I can not find anything in Kansas State Law that permits a Commissioner can solicit to give away free money at City Councils.
I can not find anything in Kansas state law that permits a County Board to perform a Declaration of Responsibility or Obligation to City Councils.

I ask you to read and help me find such authorization in the Kansas State Statutes:

19-212. Powers of board of commissioners. The board of county commissioners of each county shall have the power, at any meeting:

First. To make such orders concerning the property belonging to the county as they may deem expedient, including the establishing of regulations, by resolution, as to the use of such property and to prescribe penalties for violations thereof.

Second. To examine and settle all accounts of the receipts and expenses of the county, and to examine and settle and allow all accounts chargeable against the county; and when so settled, they may issue county orders therefor, as provided by law.

Third. To purchase sites for and to build and keep in repair county buildings, and cause the same to be insured in the name of the county treasurer for the benefit of the county; and in case there are no county buildings, to provide suitable rooms for county purposes.

Fourth. To purchase an existing building and the site upon which it is located for the purpose of providing additional space for county offices and to remodel and equip the same.

Fifth. Apportion and order the levying of taxes as provided by law.

Sixth. To represent the county and have the care of the county property, and the management of the business and concerns of the county, in all cases where no other provision is made by law.

Seventh. To set off, organize, and change the boundaries of townships in their respective counties, to designate and give names therefor, and to appoint township officers for such new townships which officers shall serve until the next general election; to fix time and place of holding the first election therein.

Eighth. To establish one or more election precincts in any township, as the convenience of the inhabitants thereof may require.

Ninth. To lay out, alter or discontinue any road running through one or more townships in such county, and also to perform such other duties respecting roads as may be provided by law.

Tenth. To enter into contracts with any landowners for the construction and maintenance of underpasses, bridges and drainageways under and across any county road in connection with the locating, opening, laying out, construction or alteration of any county road running across or through such landowner's land, whenever in the judgment of the board of county commissioners such contract is to the best interests of the county. Any such contract entered into by the board of county commissioners shall be binding upon subsequent boards of county commissioners and shall not be terminated without the written consent of said landowner or his heirs or assigns.

Eleventh. To contract for the protection and promotion of the public health and welfare.

Twelfth. To acquire, own and operate a county airport.

Thirteenth. To perform such other duties as are or may be prescribed by law.

History: G.S. 1868, ch. 25, § 16; L. 1911, ch. 141, § 1; R.S. 1923, 19-212; L. 1953, ch. 139, § 1; L. 1963, ch. 151, § 1; L. 1972, ch. 70, § 1; July 1.

Revisor's Note:

L. 1871, ch. 76, § 1, which provided procedure under 19-212, ¶ 9, was repealed by L. 1917, ch. 264, § 58.

For your reading pleasure here are all the Kansas State Statutes:


Today's County Commissioners Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska officially opened the Budget Hearing.

She asked if anyone had anything to say.

I waited, what I thought was an appropriate time to allow for anyone else to speak up first. No one did, so I did.

I asked what are you doing?

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska looked at me like, what?

I asked, are you raising property taxes?

She said we put it in the newspaper !

I said apparently, I missed it. She said something and I said, I'm sorry I could not hear you.
She is aware of my hearing impairment and asked me if i wanted to move up a little bit. I said 2 feet isn't going to make a difference.

So she spoke up and said, we are raising property taxes to 111 mil.
And I asked how much of a hike that was and she replied 8 mil.

I then said, you give away $100,000 of taxpayer money apparently you have more money than you need and have no reason to raise property taxes.

I then asked by what authority they gave away $100,000 and that I had studied the Kansas State Statutes that provide the Powers of Board of Commissioners and found nothing that authorizes such activity by Kansas State Law.

She was taken aback and I repeated your powers are regulated by Kansas State Statutes. I said your counselor is setting right here, ask him. She didn't do it.

So I asked the Counselor what Kansas Statute authorizes the Commissioners to give away taxpayers money. And his response was if it doesn't say they can't then there is no reason they can't. I said no sir that is not the way it regulations work.


A little side step if you will!

I leave it to you folks reading this, to make your own opinion! Do the State Statutes listed in the above poet have to say they can not give away taxpayer money? Is that what you read? Or do you read that it is limited to county business?
Do you read any where that the City Government's is County business and that the County Commissioners have an obligation to the City Governments?

Do you read anywhere that a County Commissioner is permitted to solicit the City Governments to accept free county money.


Back to the Budget Hearing, Okay.

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska
started to talk about Wind Farm Money and the Counselor started to talk about the P.I.L.O.T. and I stepped in and said all the P.I.L.O.T. does is say that the wind farm does not have to pay full taxation like the rest of us do and that the money paid is still County Taxpayer money.

I could tell, I was really frustrating Kounty Komissioner Kaminska and I stopped and waited for answers. She asked me if I was done. I said, I guess so, but I haven't received any reasonable answers! She then went on to say we don't have to answer to you. We are here to listen and we have listened. She then asked me again if I was done.

(Does she really listen?)

I told her, I said I was done!

Another little side note, please !

Aren't elected officials suppose to answer to the voters?
This is the main problem in politics, plain and simple!
They think they are to important to answer to the people?
Did they forget their High School Education or did they fail in High School?
It is still suppose to be a Government of the People, By the People and For the people isn't it?
Yet the politicians think they can make their own rules as they progress for some reason and think they can ignore rules and regulations.

This is a major problem with our Federal Government !
Do we need the same problem here in Elk County?
Well, it will continue as long as everyone sits back and allows it to continue.
What can you do?
You can attend some meetings and observe.
You could attend special hearings like this Budget Hearing and be heard.
If enough people were to show up it would make a difference.
And you can vote people out of office, that for some reason don't believe they have to answer to the people.
The people is you! Each and every one reading this !


Back to the hearing, Okay !

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska
started talking abut how we rate amongst the other county's mill levy's, which to me means absolutely nothing. Then Kounty Komissioner Kaminskasaid that our property values are so low that they have to have a higher tax mil. While still trying to smooth over the tremendous tax hike of 8 mils property tax Kounty Komissioner Kaminskasaid that the per capita property tax is only $950.00. Folks that makes absolutely no sense at all. Some property owners only pay a few hundred dollars for property tax while others pay way over $10,000.00. And the per capita includes all the people in the County, such as kids and renters, so it proves nothing. Her phony presentation totally sucked.  Kounty Komissioner Kaminska fails to recognize that with School and City and Graveyard property taxes put us in the number one place in the State. She also fails to recognize that when the state raises our property values it is done so to provide the State with more money per mil. In doing so county and the school and the city governments each gain more money per mil. An effective property tax increase.

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska stated that each mil brings in $25,000. You can do the math of
$25,000 times 8 and $25,000 times 111

Then it was pointed out that because of the new law that takes affect next year that they would not be able to raise property taxes. (Remember "I told you yesterday, "Just Because".) That was quickly corrected by someone saying they would have to ask the voters on a ballot!

This is out of sequence and I apologize for that ! It was mentioned that the P.I.L.O.T. money is getting to be less and less.

I thought the P.I.L.O.T. money was suppose to increase until it reaches a million dollars a year!

Do these elected officials give even a single thought to you or the senior citizens on fixed incomes?
They don't give a damn.

As long as they have your money to spend
and as long as they can continue to raise your property taxes
the more extravagant they will get
and the less conservative they will be.
And this will continue until you Stand Up and say "NO" !

Our county commissioners did not to see fit to use that #100,000.00 that they gave away to pay off the county's debts! How smart is that?

Oh well, our illustrious Kounty Komissioner Kaminska showed up at a Commissioner's Meeting before she was appointed and sworn and requested an Executive Session. Now mind you she was still simply a citizen not a County Commissioner and had absolutely no right to call for an Executive Session. Really intelligent, huh!

End of Budget Hearing

The actual County Commissioners Meeting was then called to order by Kounty Komissioner Kaminska

The only thing I find worthy of addressing is the visit by a young gentleman concerning a grant to remodel the nursing home and add a garage.

Kounty Komissioner Kaminska started out the conversation by stating she would not consider applying for the grant without some reassurance that is would be approved.

No, I won't continue with the conversation about the grant because of such a ridiculous statement.

There is never reassurance before the grant request forms are filled out and reviewed by the proper people in charge of reviewing and approving the grant.

What she said is the equivalent of you saying you wont consider applying for a bank loan without getting some assurance of getting the loan. You just blew it. No bank is going to loan you a substantial amount of money without filling out the application and the proper people reviewing and approving the loan.

Where do some of these commissioners get their education?

I'm done ranting , Good night my friends and neighbors.

I came back to correct some typographical errors.


Where do some of these commissioners get their education?

They received their training in government schools to be government people - socialists and tyrants.

Did I get it right?


I want to ask the Citizens and City Councils and Mayors of Elk Valley, Elk Falls, Moline, Greenola and Howard a few questions.

How does it feel to be screwed with no lubricant by receiving free money from the County Commissioner?

First the County Commissioners state that you pay County Taxes and states you deserve more benefit for those taxes.

Well folks, you receive the very same benefits as I do, why do you deserve more?

Your property taxes provide you with an airport on which to land your personal airplane free of charge?
What? You don't have a personal airplane?
Neither do I !

You are provided county roads to drive on, just like I am !
I live on the highway, so I am not forced to drive on those raggedy county roads, people are always complaining about,
but I can if I choose to !
So can you!
Or am I entitled to a tax rebate for not being forced by circumstance to use them?

You are provided with Ambulance services!
Oh, you aren't having a heart attack every day and don't use it.
Neither do I

You are provided the County Fire Department !
What you don;t have a fire every day and don't use it?
Well, I have had to use the Fire Department when my barn burnt down.
All they could do was prevent the fire from spreading and causing catastrophic damage to other peoples property.
That is a very big deal, stopping the spread to other peoples property.
I lost everything in my barn which amounted to about $6000.00 worth of equipment and hundreds of bakes of hay that was not insured. No, I do not blame the fire department for being unable to extinguish the fire inside my barn, that was an impossibility. I do praise them for preventing the fire from spreading  to other peoples property.
I pray you never need to use them, but you never know.

You are also provided protection offered by the Elk County Sheriff's Department.
You say you never use them? Well be thankful for that? But what if you do need them some day.

You are provided all these services just like the people that live in the rural areas, for the money you are taxed, you do not deserve more than the rest of the taxpayers in Elk County!

Now this is where the screwing comes in! One County Commissioners solicited your City Mayors and councilmen to accept free County Taxpayer Dollars and now your property taxes are going to be raised 8 mil. Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska said each mil brings in $25,000.00 for the county, so lets look at that. 4 mil times $25,000.00 amazingly equals $100,000.00 ! Doesn't that equal the $100,000.00 free dollars given away by the county.
Isn't that amazing!
Only they will continue to tax you that much every year for year after year.
How does that Free Money Scam feel now?

I have heard Moline City Council is raising their property owners property taxes this year as well, that has got to hurt
and increasing whatever utility rates they control.

You see, folks the County could have lowered property taxes for everyone and each individual City could have raised their own property taxes with out so much pain. But no, now you have multiple property tax increases coming at you.

And hang on to your hat. West Elk USD-282 will most likely be on the ballot in the November election asking for a 6 mil property tax increase. Depending on how the voters vote, you may be it with another property tax hike !

Yep, like we use to say in the Navy, we are getting screwed, chewed and tattooed.

But not to worry all you senior citizens have been seeing large increases in you Social Security, right ?
You can really afford all these property tax increases, right?
What do you mean, "NO" ?

Oh well, that;s all right your friends and neighbors you elected to office don't care.
You might just move out of your home and into a nursing home as far as they care.

Now how about you Elk Valley , I hear you are going to get hit with a massive property tax hike from the Elk Valley USD-283, are you also going to be hit with a city property tax increase?

Elk Falls, Grenola and Howard are you also being hit by City property tax increase as well?

Share with everyone, so everyone can see the big picture, please!

I really hope some of you will respond to the question of City property taxes in order to complete the big picture.
I don't believe we should have to choke on the phony statistic's that prove nothing from Kounty Kommissioner Kaminska provides. I believe she really thinks like Obama, that we are all stupid.
Let's prove her wrong!

I hope every one has a great day!


You're on to something.  Your county commission is a big part of the progressive movement. They're not going to like slowing their own socialist advances.  And people seem to prefer defeating the conservative candidates running for county commission. 

Obama and the Republicans are running the show in this country and it's being paid by you.  Socialism is tyranny.

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