Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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You sure do get a lot of questions.

If they'd read, they'd see that you've already answered.

I guess liberals never find a way to understand because they think so much of government instead of the country and liberty. 

Progressives love the tyranny and tyrants.

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 15, 2016, 08:21:28 PM

Of course if You want to do that, do it!
What I do is not up to you?
You only desire is to change the subject like a good little liberal /democrat/poltitician to avoid answering the questions honestly. Because you either have to accept the truth or show your full liberalism.

I'm not responsible or answerable to you for my actions!
And my choices are mine and mine alone!
But I will share with you, that I don't want to put money into the pocket of such a biased person.
So, sit on it.

Can you really be that stupid? If you read, what I said before and comprehended what was written you would know and understand.

Let me repeat for you, because of your attempt to make me look bad over a letter written 5 years ago.

The editor claimed it was too long and because it was concerning Elk Kon nected he would not print it. And he further stated that he was associated withElk Kon nected . That letter was no longer than the one in this weeks paper.

So, what is too difficult for you to comprehend?

But you fail to mention the other two letters, I wrote that were published !

It was after the second letter, where he basically with his bias attitude he tried to back stab me, and that is when I decided, I did not want to support him financially.

I expect you to ask, what I mean by that or why do you suppose that happened, well don't ask, think try thinking for yourself.

It was even brought up at a County Commissioners Meeting to drop that paper as the official paper of Elk County.

So, you just are not up on, what happens in Elk County are you?
Of course you aren't, living in Colorado you don't know!

Because those Elk Kon nected Followers were just like you and refused to answer decent questions. They also denied that the letter to the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners on page one of the thread Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html was not from Elk Kon nected! When in fact it was generated by what was billed as an Elk Kon nected Kommunity Konversation, but was in fact a three ring circus with a ring master telling people who they could sit with and had a game of musical chairs with out music. The Elk Kon nected [/color]
Followers even tried to blame the letter on the person they had deliver the letter to the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners. The Elk Kon nected Followers were unable to have a conversation and resorted to name calling in the same way that you have resorted to changing the subject and trying to tell me what to do, instead of answering a few simple questions. Perhaps you should read the thread and catch up.

See stupid shit like this is very insulting,  but I forgive you for being ignorant to your style of insult.

I do have a life and it is very busy, thank you!

But the manner of how I am busy or why I'm busy is of no concern to you.
That was politically correct.
The following is more honest and either military or redneck vernacular or both
Meaning it is none of your damn business.

You are silly and funny and laughable so keep the garbage coming?

Now for the questions you refuse to answer, they can not be that difficult or strenuous, now can they?
Or are you just behaving like an Elk Kon nected Follower with the inability to communicate the truth.

You sir, are afraid to answer the following questions, aren't you?

Afraid of the truth!

On the subject of FREE MONEY  !

Would you please respond to the following that you seem to lack the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response.

Thank You
Good Might.

"What I do is not up to you?" Why did you use a question mark? Why not just make a statement?

"Let me repeat for you, because of your attempt to make me look bad over a letter written 5 years ago."
Wouldn't you agree that it was you who made yourself look bad?

"But you fail to mention the other two letters, I wrote that were published!" Good going. Put both of them on here. Let us all see them. Let us see what you can do.

"It was after the second letter, where he basically with his bias attitude he tried to back stab me, and that is when I decided, I did not want to support him financially." What did he say to make you think he "basically" back stabbed you?

"It was even brought up at a County Commissioners Meeting to drop that paper as the official paper of Elk County" You brought it up to drop the Prairie Star as the county paper? What newspaper did you recommend take its place?

Are you saying that you don't like Elk Konnected simply because you had to sit in a circle? Did you want to sit in a square? Who was it that you wanted to "sit with" but they would not let you?

Did you label the meeting a "three ring circus" because no one would listen to you?

They resorted to "name calling" at the Elk Konnected meeting. Was the "they," you?

"That letter was no longer than the one in this weeks paper". How did you make the comparison? You know you could put a copy of your letter on the forum for everyone to read.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

I'm going to try to recap a bit of what Ross himself wrote about that EK organizational "conversation" among the people who were there.
The organizers attempted to use a format that encourages people to meet people from other areas to cross pollinate ideas and encourage the shy ones to feel comfortable enough to speak up if they care to.
I've been to several very large conferences over the years, where many hundreds of people were broken up into small working committees made up of people from many areas of the country. I really enjoyed it...got to meet some really great people with super ideas.
  Sadly, closed minded skeptics hate that sort of thing. He announced that nobody was going to separate him from his wife. He didn't say why. Perhaps he wanted to be sure he controlled her and whatever she might have said...who knows?
Then he demanded to speak to the group. That was not part of the agenda, so he was refused. Apparently he was acting in such a way as to worry the table about what he was up to and asked where the sheriff was.  At that point he(they) left and has never gotten over it. He  accused  people of messing with the committee reports and tried to cast doubt on whether any of the results were real.
He has never stopped trying to discredit some of those involved, even though it is now history and people have moved on. He tries to make himself sound so innocent, but I truly think he frightened some of the people there, based on later posts and PMs.
  I'm sure he will now have a lot to say. I won't be seeing any of it as I still have him on ignore .Even so, by reading other people's pre and post Ross posts, it's easy to figure out generally what he has said.
Let the insults fly!


If you have Ross on ignore, that some does not seem fair that you can call him out. But you will not see what he says. If is was him I would ignore you. Which is what I am going to do.


Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM"What I do is not up to you?" Why did you use a question mark? Why not just make a statement?
It was a statement Diane !
Don't you recognize a typographical error !
I have stated numerous times throughout this forum i am not a secretary, but then you apparently don't read very well.
Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM
"Let me repeat for you, because of your attempt to make me look bad over a letter written 5 years ago."
Wouldn't you agree that it was you who made yourself look bad?
Well Diane it does make you look foolish !
Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM"But you fail to mention the other two letters, I wrote that were published!" Good going. Put both of them on here. Let us all see them. Let us see what you can do.
No fool !  The letters are not relevant to the conversation of Socialism on the part of the
Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners. And they were read by by people that live here. You lose!
I simply mentioned them to show how ignorant you are about what happens in Elk County because you live in Colorado.
It is very apparent you are 100% for Socialism and are a Liberal based on refusing to answer some simple questions and making a fool of yourself with these posts.  Diane do you have any comitment to your political area in Colorado? Or are you being to busy, being stupid about our politics? Or are you smoking that wacky tabaccy?
Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM"It was after the second letter, where he basically with his bias attitude he tried to back stab me, and that is when I decided, I did not want to support him financially." What did he say to make you think he "basically" back stabbed you?
It makes no difference now!
And if you lived here and read the paper erhaps and I say perhpas you might understand. But I doubt it, based on your postings on this forum.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM"It was even brought up at a County Commissioners Meeting to drop that paper as the official paper of Elk County" You brought it up to drop the Prairie Star as the county paper? What newspaper did you recommend take its place?
There is that ignrance and stupidity and inability to comprehend what you read Diane !
I did not bring it up! Really how ignorant are you?

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AMAre you saying that you don't like Elk Konnected simply because you had to sit in a circle? Did you want to sit in a square? Who was it that you wanted to "sit with" but they would not let you?
Where did you read any such crap !
You didn't!
You simply lied by fabricating bull shit!
Where dd you read that I said, I don't like Elk Kon nected? Please direct us to the fabricated quote.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AMDid you label the meeting a "three ring circus" because no one would listen to you?
Nope again you fail to comprehend Diane !
You dont live here and therefore did not attend and have no clue!
Accept the simple fact like most Socialist's you have no clue of what you are talking about!
And you expect the good people of Elk County are dumb enough to believe this oranything you post in the future. Well you are wrong, they are much smarter than you give them credit for.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AMThey resorted to "name calling" at the Elk Konnected meeting. Was the "they," you?
If you are going to quote don't quote out of context, I never said the name calling was at the Kon nected Konversation. And read for comprehension, please!
Quote from: ROSS on April 15, 2016, 08:21:28 PMBecause those Elk Kon nected Followers were just like you and refused to answer decent questions. They also denied that the letter to the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners on page one of the thread Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html was not from Elk Kon nected! When in fact it was generated by what was billed as an Elk Kon nected Kommunity Konversation, but was in fact a three ring circus with a ring master telling people who they could sit with and had a game of musical chairs with out music. The Elk Kon nected [/color][/b]Followers even tried to blame the letter on the person they had deliver the letter to the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners. The Elk Kon nected Followers were unable to have a conversation and resorted to name calling in the same way that you have resorted to changing the subject and trying to tell me what to do, instead of answering a few simple questions. Perhaps you should read the thread and catch up.
This was refering to this thread and the Kon nected Followers calling names. One step further was a back-handed death threat and a threat of a lawsuit against me. So don't concern yourself with rudness from me, if you don't know what you are talking anout.
Quote from: W. Gray on April 16, 2016, 07:45:49 AM"That letter was no longer than the one in this weeks paper". How did you make the comparison? You know you could put a copy of your letter on the forum for everyone to read.
You are still showing your ignorance because the letter is irrelavant, as I have  explained several times.
You sir, are afraid to answer the following questions, aren't you?
if not, Why then do you keep changing the subject?

Afraid of the truth!

On the subject of FREE MONEY  !

Would you please respond to the following that you seem to lack the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response.


Ross i do not see it the same as you do on the County Commissioners giving some of the pilot money to the cities. Question answered. Please tell me if you intenionally misspelled Howard in your previous post.

Diane Amberg

Oh, my word. Now I'm getting in "trouble" because Ross thinks I am writing as Waldo? I was just told that he has been addressing ME over something that Waldo wrote? Now that is really sad. I guess I'm going to have to take him off ignore and really let him have it.

Diane Amberg

 Warning...angry long post to follow.
OK, Ross. I just took you off ignore and went back and read what you seem to think I wrote, that was really posted by Waldo. It even said so.... "quote from Waldo" many times. Why attribute any of it to me? Don't try to pretend it was just an accident. It was too hateful for that.
Have you really lost it? 
    Not that I much care, but even Jane has been affected by your rantings. Jane, he does not make the rules that govern me, or how and when I post. I do. I have no idea what you were trying to say. Go back and reread it, please. Now I'm going to go back and read all his recent crap...and see how passive/ aggressive he really is. 
Thanks, my friends, but PM's will no longer be needed. He is really acting very strange and will risk anything to stick it to anyone who isn't a resident there. What a shame. I have yet to figure out what he is really after. He would have had a blanket party here by now if he pulled that stuff here... and what in the world does he have against teachers and anyone with a few brains? He must have been a terror in school to feel as he does yet I'll guess his son is a pretty good student. Not that he would credit the school or the teachers for any of it. It's not our fault he has a Kindergarten vocabulary and doesn't know more than one use for any word.
Wouldn't he love to know what I know about those art camps he went to in Lawrence. HA! No, I won't tell anything Ross, I'm not that kind of person.Yuk,Yuk.
  He forgets that many of us have been on here long before he came along. A group of us got to know each other years ago and we were ALL very chatty, nice, happy people, sharing poems, history, stories, experiences, jokes and recipes and even paintings, writing about social events, with lots of nice photos. Then arrived a strange transplant who didn't have enough sense to check out the area's politics and taxes, etc. before hand.Not too bright, huh? Now he wants to change it all to suit himself and make as many enemies as he can along the way.That's OK Ross, your doppelganger shows up at city council and school board meetings here too. HA! 
  As we all know, Ross has tried to insult people away. He'll grab at anything to give himself what he sees as some strange advantage and will lie very easily to prove his ideas are "correct." I guess putting it in red makes it more important. Sorry,not impressed.
Most people don't care to be judged and risk being insulted over and over, so they stopped having opinions and conversations and have gone. Such a shame. Fortunately, a bunch of us are still able to visit in a civilized manner on another site
Unlike him, most of us still have long time family, friends, and/or interests there. He didn't until he moved there, so his influence is only skin deep. As long as he is so anti- everything that will never change.
So Ross, ya want war? Have at it. You'll never know if I'm reading you or not, and I most likely won't answer you anyway, as you are not trustworthy and are a confirmed pathelogical liar. Hasn't this all been said many times before? Aren't you tired of it? Wouldn't you rather spend some quality time doing something else?
   I did not write as Waldo! Or anyone else, ever. Shame on you for suggesting otherwise.
You must have covered every page in your insult book trying to get a rise out of me.. over and over and over.

Pro, he got the "Howeird" business from something I wrote. It was created by some high school kids, long since graduated, poking sports fun at Howard. I posted it because it was so funny. Kid stuff. So of course, "you know who" took it to use himself. He did it on purpose. For what reason only he could tell you.
Ross, how about if we tell your wife how infatuated you are with me...ya just won't let go. :-* :-* :-* No, I don't ''call" you and expect  you to post to me. Where did you ever get that idea and why would you think I'd ever accept some crazy rule like that? You are surely weird, with or without the "How."
How about if every time you insult me, I insult Jane? Is that warped enough for ya? Makes about as much sense. How about..."Hey, Jane ya stopped shoplifting yet?"I'll stop bugging here when you stop insulting me.
  That's just about as funny as what you pull on others, and me. (Sorry Jane, I don't mean it, just an example of how he can be, turned back on him for a change.) How about some posts telling people how broke Ross is and please ask people to send him $? Isn't that just "roll on the floor" funny? No? Well why not?
As far as I know, Waldo has never asked me to post my UD degree, which is now 50 years old! Why would he? I'm happily retired and enjoying my volunteer work and doing some editing and writing as asked.We closed down my business and gave up my business license. Al is doing well fighting his cancer, but we will never know when and if it might break free as happened with the Flyer's "Daddy" just recently.
  Ross, the information about the EK meeting came mostly from you, as well as several, I think 4, others who were there and each told the same thing consistently.That's not very hearsay, now is it?
Your behavior, in spite of your own interesting characterization of the exchange of words, was the talk of the town for some time...you, yourself kept it going and still do. Why is that? Nobody cares any more except you!
So, I'm telling you Ross, lay off! Stop being deliberately mean to people.Try being nice, even if you have to fake it.
Or, how about if I post your address so we can all send you get well cards and confound your family?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Splat. To my friends, I'm sorry to have lost my temper but enough is enough.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
I'm going to try to recap a bit of what Ross himself wrote about that EK organizational "conversation" among the people who were there.

You start out wrong right off the bat!
But since you don't live here and only operate on hearsay, I can understand why!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
Theorganizers attempted to use a format that encourages people to meet people from other areas to cross pollinate ideas and encourage the shy ones to feel comfortable enough to speak up if they care to.

To cross polinate,  really Diane! That falls right in there about the joke of inbreeding here in Elk County. You say Elk Konnected wanted pollination.

For a teacher you sure lack communication skills and the understanding of the meaning of words. Here is a refresher for you.

Pollination is a process in which pollen is transferred to the female reproductive organs of seed plants, thereby enabling fertilization and reproduction through growth of the pollen tube and eventual release of sperm.

Elk Konnected used every available option to control every move any one made. They refused to say who were members of Elk Konnected.

They in fact tried to tell me, I was a member when i attended the meeting and signed the paper at the door. Only I did not sign the paper at the door. Don;t you reckon that was a great false hood? Claiming members but not telling them, that is really going low.

Ever hear of Saul Alinsky methods, yep they were used.   But what was Elk Konnectedselling to the people Diane? They were selling something they had no right to sell. They were selling the idea of being able to spend money Elk Konnected had no business selling that.

But again Elk Kon nected was invited to do the Community Conversation by Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners. In other words they were invited by themselves! How's that for ethics or the lack there of?

Wind Farm money which belonged to the Elk County coffers.  Anything in the County Coffers belongs to all County Property taxpayers, not to Elk Konnected a privately owned Company. And only a very small percentage of Elk County residence's were there. Meaning a very poor representation of Elk County.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
I've been to several very large conferences over the years, where many hundreds of people were broken up into small working committees made up of people from many areas of the country. I really enjoyed it...got to meet some really great people with super ideas.

Because you believe in organizations and are very willing to be their puppet, that doesn't mean they are always a good thing.  And you provide nothing to back what you say. And all of those that you enjoyed have nothing to do with this situation. They were probably grade school conventions, or really nothing!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
  Sadly, closed minded skeptics hate that sort of thing. He announced that nobody was going to separate him from his wife. He didn't say why. Perhaps he wanted to be sure he controlled her and whatever she might have said...who knows?

You are a freaking idiot! Are you sure you have a college degree?

As Mr. Gray says post that degree, so every one can see it!
No don;t bother! It's just a piece of paper.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
Then he demanded to speak to the group. That was not part of the agenda, so he was refused. Apparently he was acting in such a way as to worry the table about what he was up to and asked where the sheriff was.  At that point he(they) left and has never gotten over it. He  accused  people of messing with the committee reports and tried to cast doubt on whether any of the results were real.

I denanded nothing of the sort. Why do you lie?

I politely asked the man from Leoti, Wichita County, Kansas to answer a few questions.
He said, he would outside, I said, I thought this was a community Conversation and I asked why not in front of the community. And he lifted his microphone and asked. "Where is the Sheriff?" No sheriff showed up. So I turned to the audience and apologized saying I thought it was a Community Conversation and politely left. Unlike the number people that left very angry.

Here was a real outsider from Eastern Kansas, From Leoti in Washington Kansas, denying the truth, plain and simple.

I accused nobody of messing with the committee reports. Name just one person I accused?
Stop the lying. You can not get away with lying!

If you had any truths you would quote the post and everyone cold read it.
I asked for documentation Diane and there was none. That is what cast the doubts not me.

In my opinion the results were ridiculous, unlike you I will allow the people to make up their own minds.
All they have to do is go to page one of this thread and read it for themselves !

A reminder folks, we are talking less than a million dollars a year!

To even think of a YMCA is ridiculous based on our very small population. which means not enough membership to support it and then the expense of the building, and the expense of a yearly franchise. And those franchises are very expensive.

That in and of it's self is ridiculous enough, but read about the desire to control every point with in Elk County, control every community fro Howard.
The part of doing away with city councils!

Nope, the list is very genuine but where and how it was actually made is very questionable.
Because everything was done secretively!

The meeting was in the evening and the very next day everything was printed up and provided to the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners.

I don't know why, I bother to disprove you Diane!
You have on too many occasions have been very wrong.
But as an Elk Kon nected Follower I'm sure you feel obliged to do this garbage.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
He has never stopped trying to discredit some of those involved, even though it is now history and people have moved on. He tries to make himself sound so innocent, but I truly think he frightened some of the people there, based on later posts and PMs.

If it is in the past you would not be continuing the lies that you have posted in this post, now would you ?

Who have I discredited ?
Oh the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Liz Hendricks, the owner of Elk Konnected, LLC! I admit that, she should never have voted as a County Commissioner to award money to her own company. No ethics in that situation is there?

At a County Commissioners meeting I asked her why her organization was always asking for recreation money meant for use by the cities and receiving the money? She denied doing that.

I asked her, who was just up to the board in front of me. I said Elk Konnected asking for money and recieving the money. Her denial was proven a lie right then and there.

I asked why she didn't do the respectable and ethical thing and recluse her self voting.
No answer was offered.

Really Diane, didn't she simply discredit herself?
So why lie and blame me?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
  I'm sure he will now have a lot to say.

Of course you are sure because you know I won't let your lies stand.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
I won't be seeing any of it as I still have him on ignore .Even so, by reading other people's pre and post Ross posts, it's easy to figure out generally what he has said.

You only wish we would believe you have the intellect to do that? ROFLMAO
But reading this post shows that even though do read every one of my post you fail with your posts.
You are still use to dealing with grade school childern and that mentality doesn't work here.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 16, 2016, 09:59:06 AM
Let the insults fly!

Your whole post is an insult to the intellect of everyone in Elk County, Kansas!
And that's coming out of Dumbshit, Delaware!
I thought it was bad enough coming out of Colorado, but you take the cake.

Try a few questions that may strain your intelligence.
But if you choose not to we will understand it is above your Delaware IQ!

Do you have the mental ability to answer the following questions honestly?

Afraid of the truth!

On the subject of FREE MONEY  !

Would you please respond to the following that you seem to lack the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

Should Elk County be going Socialists?
Try to be honest!

I am anxious to read your response.


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