Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2016, 09:29:36 AM
Well Pro, there is a good example of how history can be changed a slippery word at a time.

You my dear have no knowledge of what you say!
You should apology to the readers for your lack of knowledge!
The slipperiness comes from you and Proelco!

You claim to have a college degree, well put it to work and discuss what you know,
Not what you don't know and do yourself a great big favor way up there in Delaware!

If you noticed proelkco said:
Quote from: proelkco on February 17, 2016, 06:04:34 PM
Elk Konnected does not exist anymore.
But he offers nothing substantial to back it up.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2016, 09:29:36 AM
The people who were at that first meeting know how the information was gathered, from the audience.

I too, know how the information was gathered and you do too! If you read the letter posted on page one of this thread.The stuff was juggled all around and there was no documentation, no records made of who handled the supposed notes. How about after the quickly and specially formed committee was through with them and  they got trashed and Elk Kon nected wrote up whatever they wanted?
Not possible?
Very Possible!

The minutes of the meeting did not include the letter it only had a statement about the letter. So that was a big lack of information.

Hey, wait a minute I thought you said you were not coming to this thread any more, yes you did!
I thought you said you were not going to read my posts any more?
I thought you had me on ignore?
Isn't your word good for anything?

It appears every time some one gets worried of this thread they call on you to post.
And as is most of the time the post are different from your normal way of posting, as if someone else is telling you what to post.
Oh well, so be it.

First off the event was not build as anElk Kon nected Meeting but as a Community Conversation.
And it  was not a Community Conversation but a  distorted Kommunity Konversation meaning it failed as a Community Conversation.

First Elk Kon nected was commissioned by two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners (meaning they proudly announced at a Commissioners meeting that they they were Kon nected members) and therefore it would not be a County Commissioners Meeting even though they were present. Hence, no official records.

They made people sign in and later said that made you a member of Elk Kon nected, that's what they told me on this thread. Only I did not sign in.
They gave people in groups all the same colored kindergarten star and a name tag. The star was for manipulation or musical chairs of sorts. If you are siting in a circle with someone that has the same colored star get up and find a circle with out your color in it.

There was an abundance of circles of chairs for manipulation of people, hence  I called it a circus.

I stepped forward to speak to the outsider from Leoti, Kansas who apparently did not want a public conversation. He said we could talk outside. I simply said, I wanted to have a public conversation !  He picked his microphone and asked where is the Sheriff!

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg228556#msg228556 date=1455809376
Some ideas were not plausible of course, but it was an opportunity for the attendees to have their say.
Thanks for reminding the readers. [/quote]

If you read the list with some comprehension most of the ideas are not plausible. Some were down ridiculous.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2016, 09:29:36 AM
Anyone who left the meeting before the ideas were collected and read, doesn't know the details.

Once again, Diane it was a multiple ring circus, no one was aloud to stand and voice an idea publicly, no one was aloud to stand and have an open verbal conversation. As I said the outsider from Leoti, Kansas showed no intent of an open public conversation. He refused to talk with me and said we could go outside to talk and when I said, I wanted a public community conversation he lifted his microphone to his mouth and said, "Where is the Sheriff." That is when I told the audience I was sorry but I thought it was a Community Conversation and I left. When I walked out the door there stood two deputies, they did not know they were called for. I stopped and visited with the deputies for a while. And people slowly started leaving the building and some where pretty upset. You were not there to observe any part of anything.

I'm considered an outsider and I have owned and lived on my little farm for ten years, so really what is the guy from Leoti, Kansas?

They were told to sit in a circle of chairs and not to sit with a friend or a spouse or leave. That was only a part of the control of the people.
They they were told they had to leave.
The people that were leaving were pretty upset.

You were not there Diane to observe what was going on, you have never attended one of Elk Kon nected's meetings.
I have!
They you have a conversation of sorts with the people in your circle of chairs for a few minutes and then they have musicale chairs as I call it. You get up and move to a different circle of chairs and make sure there are no two kindergarten stars of the same color in the circle and you keep moving if there are two of the same colored stars in the circle.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2016, 09:29:36 AM
Sadly, it was an honorable effort that was assassinated.

What was honorable about the effort ? Advertise it as a Community Conversation and then not have one. What is Honorable about that?

That is why I have always referred to it as a Kon nected Kommunity Konversation !

What was assassinated? By whom?

Diane I hope you can comprehend IF something is contrived out of deception and manipulation of the people, that it is destined to fail.

So, Diane do you agree with Proelkco's statement that Elk Kon nected is no longer exists?

I personally don't agree with that because two of the Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners are attempting to turn Elk County into a Socialist County. They are behaving in my opinion as previous Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners by attempting to give away mpney from the taxpayers Coffers. Thus turning the Elk County Court House into the Elk County Welfare office.

Personally, I feel if they don't want the tax money return it to the taxpayers.
This would be a big help to the elderly and the retired in Elk County.
Returning the tax dollars would have helped an 85 year old couple I know.
Last year they had to suffer the flu for three weeks because they could not afford the cost of tamiflu.
As you should know as an EMS person the flu can be deadly for the elderly.

But no, Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners want to give the money to other government entities that can not budget and tend to their business as educated business men.

Provide us with something real if you can, Diane.

She was seen going to a Howard City Council meeting and heard offering them  free money, but she denied it at the Commissioners meeting!

So anyway, we have Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Shari Kaminska running around out there offering to give Welfare to various City Officials. She admitted it on closing the open forum of the County commissioners meeting. All those remarks were suppose to be on the record. It will be interesting to read the minutes when they come out. 

I wonder is she trying to buy favors or what?
Not one single City official has appeared before the County Commissioners beging for Welfare.


She was seen going to a Howard City Council meeting and heard offering them free money, but she denied it at the Commissioners meeting.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 19, 2016, 09:29:00 AM
Nope, no battle, just some corrections. I was able to read the minutes, (a copy of course) so I know what happened from that point of view, also comments to me from friends who were there, plus the endless, repetitive redo of the events by the author of the thread, who left early, and wasn't even there for some of the more substantive parts of the meeting. He was determined to have his own agenda, or so it seemed, and it wasn't accepted.
You forget, I may live here, but have family and friends out there and have for a very long time. I don't have to prove anything. No more on this subject. Hammer away as you wish. :P Stir that pot! ;D ;D ;D ;D

No Diane, you have provided no corrections just incorrect second hand information from your Elk Kon nected relatives. Hearsay from Delaware and misrepresented is worthless.

You had no idea, how the supposed suggestions were handled, even though it was written out
by Elk Kon nected  in their letter to the Elk County Commissioners!

So how reliable can any information you try to communicate can be considered reliable.

And you have said many times you woulld stay away from this thread and that you would not read my posts and that you had placed me on ignore. Based on that alone how can your words be trusted?

But that's okay, keep trying, perhaps one day you may tell the truth !


The destruction of our economy...the destruction of our health care system...guns confiscated...borders wide open...destruction of property rights...privacy rights...the UN's new Agenda 2030...HUD's oppressive AFFH Rule... and so much more.

Do you know what these are and how to stop them? Most Americans have no idea what they are actually fighting.

Worse – they don't know that most of these battles will be won or lost on the LOCAL level – not in Congress!

We will lose the Republic unless we quickly learn these facts!

I am constantly trying to find a way to win against those who are working to turn our beloved nation into a tyrannical dictatorship.

I know why we are losing. 

Divide and conquer.

That's the tactic our enemies use to keep us jumping from one dire threat to another.  We are so busy jumping that we rarely have time to see the real threat- just the symptoms.

As a result, we are being crushed in the battle to save our beloved Republic and our American liberties.

But we can change that. We can beat them – with the right tools!

I created that tool...and now I've updated it with the very latest information! 

Never in my 48 years as an activist for the cause of freedom have I produced a more important document as my new mega manual, "Agenda 21: The Wrenching Transformation of America."

With this document, you and I can begin to turn the tables on those who are working at every level of our government to destroy our unique system of freedom.

The enemies of freedom are certainly way ahead of us -- and very determined.

But, if dedicated Americans are armed with the proper ammunition – the facts – what, who, where, when and how they operate – we can stop them at every turn.

I've seen what can happen in a government hearing or city council meeting when people know the facts and how to fight back. It's an awesome sight.

That's exactly why I prepared this special, detailed manual.

I wrote it because we are losing. It's that simple.

I've been watching the frustration grow. People are angry and they are scared- because they don't understand what has happened to our nation.

I do. I've been studying the agenda that was created to transform our nation. That plan was very plainly set down for us by International forces more than two decades ago.

As I watch Tea Party protests and town hall meetings full of patriotic Americans demanding answers – I have been thrilled that people are finally waking up.

But I have also been dismayed because it is obvious that many of these people don't have a clue what they are protesting.

Their efforts are going to waste. 

To win, that has to change. Americans must have the facts behind the policies they are protesting. They must know the facts.

When you have finished reading this document, you will have the knowledge necessary to instantly recognize the policy your elected officials are forcing on your community.

You will know where it came from – the purpose behind it – and the consequences you will face because of it.

This is the document the globalists hoped would never be written!

The Wrenching Transformation of America

Here's what's in my manual
I outline the treaties, policy papers, and international meetings that have set the policy.

I show how those international policies directly enter local communities disguised as innocent-sounding development projects or historic preservation.

I reveal how those international plans are moving past Congress and directly into local communities through a network of self-proclaimed "stakeholders."

I explain how the Supreme Court has helped them do it.

I expose how private organizations are able to take control of your community and enforce these policies without a vote or any input from you.

Read more at:
This is advertisement for his book.

In that last sentence he is refering to NGO's

NGO's are every where.

Even here in Elk County


Tom Deweese stays ahead of the NGO's. 

It's good that there are people in the local area like Elk County who alert folks about these "community-minded" organizations/community organizers like Elk Konnected and Obama who reject the foundations of America.  They are all about Republicans and modern Democrats working together to steal more individual liberty by and thru government at all levels.


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 24, 2016, 06:42:41 AM
Tom Deweese stays ahead of the NGO's. 

It's good that there are people in the local area like Elk County who alert folks about these "community-minded" organizations/community organizers like Elk Konnected and Obama who reject the foundations of America.  They are all about Republicans and modern Democrats working together to steal more individual liberty by and thru government at all levels.

The thing is they have people get elected and take seats of authority on governing boards!
And then they work for the organization. Much like Congressmen who represent Corporate America,  you know  BIG MONEY instead of for the people.

What we need are a few good old rednecks that have worked hard for their money and not have it given to them. Real men that understand budgeting, like budgeting for their retirement or for budget home expenses because they are retired.  Some sensibility is what is needed.

Not people that believe they have a position that requires taxing more and more.
Not people that think taxpayers money is theirs to give away.
Not people that think they need to subsidize other groups like the Federal Government.

We don't need people that think, they need to build something new, so they can get their name on a plaque.

We need people governing who are their own person and not easily manipulated or influenced.
We need people who have common sense.

It does not take a college education to run for office in Elk County.

Just ask yourself, how does a college education as veterinarian or a teacher of third graders qualify for an elected political position than you do?

They are not educated in every facet of life and may not be able to gain enough life experience to handle the job properly.

I believe we are seeing exactly that right now along with the manipulation of circumstances to give money away and also to raise taxes even higher.

Subsidizing city governments is simply bailing them out because their elected officials have been unable to perform their elected positions properly to benefit their communities. Subsidizing these people will just lead to more and more subsidizing. Which means more and more free money untilthere is no more money.

The Konnected Kounty Kommissioner, the Commissioner Chairman said for the
next two or three years of giving money away. She alluded the giveaway to Economic Development!
Giving money is not Economic Development. No, it is not Economic Development, don't let her pull a Hillary on you with that lie.   


The U.S. Government gave a total of $209,432,920 to Mexico in 2012. "WELFARE" to a foreign country !

Why shouldn't our Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners follow suit


In the hundreds of thousands of Dollars as "WELFARE" ?

                                                                    WELCOME TO THE ELK COUNTY SOCIALIST WELFARE OFFICE


The Republicans dominate the County Commission - right?

Most Republicans are not conservative even if they claim to be.


Okay, I attended the Elk County Commissioners Meeting Today
Commissioner Hebb had to leave early for jury duty.

During open forum it was mentioned that the man in charge of the Longton Fire Dept.is incapable of doing his job. And also stated a younger man was doing the job for him the last couple of months. And theman in charge is still being paid for doing the job. The board said this is an issue for executive session. End of that subject during open forum.

Several people from south of Longton showed up to discuss the road conditions. This was not the first complaint about those roads. This time they were pretty well prepared. They brought pictures and road samples.

A man stood up there and told them this is the stuff you are putting on our road; it was a bucket of rocks and powder in my estimation it was about 50/50 maybe even a little bit more of rock powder. The gentleman pulled a simple pair of pliars from his pocket and easily broke one of the rocks. Another pail had just rocks in it and he picked up one rock and had to bare down with everything he had to break the rock.

The powered stuff they said simply, makes a mess of the road in just 1/4' of rain and it easily washes away. Whereas the rock from another road has stayed in place for 3 years.

Did the two Elk Kon nected Kommissioners pay attention, we will have to wait and see!

Doesn't this possibly make you think the two Elk Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners should pay more attention to County business and no time thinking about making friends by opening a Welfare Office in the Elk Count Court House?

Don't you think they should quit calling on city mayors and city councilmen to give them hundereds of thousands of dollars for the city's infrastucture and pay attention to the County's infrastructure and saving some of those hundreds of thousands of dollars for emergecies?

OR BETTER YET how about saving the money and invest it wisely and eventually have enough money from interest to run the county and not have to have a property tax. They could do something responsible and wise for the taxpayers if they just gave it some thought.

But why do anything responsible and wise for the taxpayers when you can be a socialist and give money away. This way you make some extra friends just like they do in Washington, D.C.

If the cities want to improve their infrastructure that is their elected officials job to do. They can acquire grants just like the County wanted to do, but some how screwed it up.

If the cities actually want to fix themselves up, they could have started years ago and did a little at a time. But no, apparently not interested. If they wanted to do so now, they could instigate a bond issue for the voters to vote on and couple that with funds from a community grant that they would have to be smart enough to apply for.

No , in my opinion they do not need welfare, they need an education in doing city business.

Longton sure looks like it is doing a good job and Moline has made a few improvements and all without welfare from Elk County Government.

All this socialism proposed by Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kominska appears to be work in behalf of Elk Kon nected. Please see page one of this thread.

Will the Give Away Game of taxpayer money continue to move forward or will ethics and morals kick in?    

That is the question!

Good night Folks until next time be safe!


So those of us that own property in a town who also pay county taxes are not supposed to expect help with our roads (and other infrastructure) like everyone else who lives out of town expects? The cities don't collect city taxes so where is the money supposed to come from for the millions of dollars needed to upkeep the basics of civilized living? Why can't the wind farm money benefit everyone, not just the ones who live out of town.

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