Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: flintauqua on October 11, 2015, 06:24:25 PM
Just how big do you think 5,000 square feet is?  Was the City of Moline being extravagant when they built a 6300 square foot fire station?

Let's see now the length of a hook and ladder fire truck and the length of an ambulance.
How do they compare?

Overall length of the ambulance shall not exceed 671 cm (22 ft)
The overall length of a hook and ladder fire truck can be 40 to 50 ft long.

Plus they may have several other vehicles and equipment I may not be familiar with.

You tell me, what all is inside that building how many vehicles. I know it has to be more than three. Plus they surely need room to hang fire hoses and other equipment.

But, I don't live inside the city of Moline and therefore really have no say about what they do, now do I ?

Besides comparing an ambulance barn to a firestation is complete ludicrous.

What's next --- comparing a rural clinic to a hospital?


Flint, don't you know Toss is an expert on Fire Trucks and Fire Stations, along with being an expert on Ambulances. He probably invented the first Fire Truck and First Ambulance.  He is also an expert on School Facilities and the sizes needed. Along with all of that he is the number one Full of CRAP poster on the Forum.


This one made me laugh, JoeSue! You hit it on the nail head.


Joesue, I looked that one to. Flint, I am proud to say we think alike old-young friend. Don't you wish your Dad was still here, he would make Toss wish he had never come to Elk County.


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 12, 2015, 05:16:47 AM
Flint, don't you know Toss is an expert on Fire Trucks and Fire Stations, along with being an expert on Ambulances. He probably invented the first Fire Truck and First Ambulance.  He is also an expert on School Facilities and the sizes needed. Along with all of that he is the number one Full of CRAP poster on the Forum.

Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2015, 05:56:53 AM
This one made me laugh, JoeSue! You hit it on the nail head.

Flint I think you can recognize Joesue as an expert idiot and that the only posts she/he makes are to put people down. And that his/her posts never contain anything of intellect.  And I see you find him/her laughable as well. Or is that nail just a figment of your imaginations.

proelkco you started the comparing of firestations to ambulance barns and that is like comparing apples and oranges. So I provide you with a couple of facts that are readible available on the internet and you can;t handle it and fall back on an idiot that does know the time of day. What does that say about your intellect?

And he/she probably doesn't know the difference between liberal and conservative and most likely voted for Obama both times.

Did you too vote for Obama as well proelkco?

Now how about getting back to the idea of government wasting money just because they can. That is the way Obama has driven our country's national debt to $19 Billion and climbing and it will most likely exceed $20 Billion before he leaves office.

But i suppose proelkco, you and he/she consider that a good thing. Right? How many billion do you suppose Obama is wasting on Islamic Muslims while Christians are being slaughtered by them? I suppose that waste of money is okay as well, With you liberals.

And another liberal with nothing to really say joins the party.

Quote from: frawin on October 12, 2015, 06:04:36 AM
Joesue, I looked that one to. Flint, I am proud to say we think alike old-young friend. Don't you wish your Dad was still here, he would make Toss wish he had never come to Elk County.

This is exactly the way liberals behave.
When liberals that voted for obama have nothing to say they simply attack.
When liberals that voted for Obama have nothing constructive to add, they attack.

Check out the Obama liberals in the national news and you will see this very same knee-jerk reaction of attack.


Whenever some of you all talk about Ross, you always show your socialist ways.  You're not fooling anybody into believing that you're not.

Now what were you saying again?  Let's hear more from you.


Quote from: flintauqua on October 11, 2015, 06:24:25 PM
Just how big do you think 5,000 square feet is?  Was the City of Moline being extravagant when they built a 6300 square foot fire station?

I don't know that the building is 6300 sq ft.
But as I pointed out, i am not a resident of Moline and have no say in what they build.

I did point out to you the difference's between a firestation and an ambulance barn.
And apparently you and your liberal dronies don't comprehend the difference.

But, now think about the following please!

The building is simply a metal building and much less expensive to build than a brick and mortar don't you think?

Now, I must ask you who paid for the firestation?

Was it Moline taxpayers or was it F.E.M.A. that paid for the building?

Back to you on the difference's between apples and oranges and Obama banana's.



How in the world can you accuse anyone of putting people down? Read your own posts.

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on October 12, 2015, 06:20:18 AM

Flint I think you can recognize Joesue as an expert idiot and that the only posts she/he makes are to put people down. And that his/her posts never contain anything of intellect.  And I see you find him/her laughable as well. Or is that nail just a figment of your imaginations.

proelkco you started the comparing of firestations to ambulance barns and that is like comparing apples and oranges. So I provide you with a couple of facts that are readible available on the internet and you can;t handle it and fall back on an idiot that does know the time of day. What does that say about your intellect?

And he/she probably doesn't know the difference between liberal and conservative and most likely voted for Obama both times.

Did you too vote for Obama as well proelkco?

Now how about getting back to the idea of government wasting money just because they can. That is the way Obama has driven our country's national debt to $19 Billion and climbing and it will most likely exceed $20 Billion before he leaves office.

But i suppose proelkco, you and he/she consider that a good thing. Right? How many billion do you suppose Obama is wasting on Islamic Muslims while Christians are being slaughtered by them? I suppose that waste of money is okay as well, With you liberals.

And another liberal with nothing to really say joins the party.

This is exactly the way liberals behave.
When liberals that voted for obama have nothing to say they simply attack.
When liberals that voted for Obama have nothing constructive to add, they attack.

Check out the Obama liberals in the national news and you will see this very same knee-jerk reaction of attack.

I believe everyone in Elk County, Kansas, and every where else would be very happy with the debt figures you mention.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Well said Waldo, And Proelkco , I have owned land in Elk County and looking to buy some more. The tax is the least of my worries, taxes in Elk County are way less than they are here in Texas. I think the people in the tax area being discussed would or will pass that level of tax and be happy about what it is for. Everyone I have talked to says they ignore Toss and many if not most of the people on the Forum have blocked the idiot. Toss thinks he is an
Expert on everything, instead he is an idiot know-it-all.

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