Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on September 11, 2015, 12:48:28 PM
What do you have against sports? Many students get athletic scholarships that help them go to college.

Nothing against sports!
Thanks for asking.

Wasteful spending for sports, that I have a problem with.

If the school is accepting students from other districts that come without state aid, for the purpose of recruiting sports ---- that I would have a problem with. I believe recruiting for sports in K-12 is illegal isn't it?

If raising the tax levy for sports --- that I'd have a problem with.

By the way how much extra does it cost the taxpayers to drive back and forth to the other school district to Pick up and deliver those 27 non-State supported students?

Will there be Morning and Mid day and evening trips back and forth?
Will there be after school activity trips back and forth?

It seems to me not long back the school was complaining about the cost busing students.
What has changed?

Where is the School Superintendent with answers?
Is he not here because it would not be a political statement for him?

Unlike the County Commissioners Board the School Board does not have an open forum!

Do you suppose that is because they don't want to hear from the voters and citizens?

I mean they haven't even heard the voters when they have actually voted no, now have they?

Before I go do you think the football field was better built for nearly $30,000.00 versus the $7,000.00
that Harrod was going to do it for?

Do you think the School Board treated Harrod's fairly?

You tell me, what's wrong with sports expenses and attitude.

I'm not impressed by some chump change scholarship. How many kids get started with a $200.00 or $500.00 or even a $1000.00 scholarship and end up with serious student loan debts theycan't pay back? Now many of them end up flipping burgers for McDonalds? Have you read any of the warnings about student debt?

Most of the scholarships at high schools are precured by some person that does all the work searching for whatever they can find. And we hear all the clapping at graduation, what we don't hear is what is actually accomplished by the use of those scholarships do we. And they are not all sport scholarships are they?

Sure occassionally a Loudermilk comes along. I know the boy and I have watched him grow up and I watched him play summer baseball at a much younger age. And I recognized him aa a special sports player way back then. He has always been very impressive. And I wish him the very best in whatever he does. He also has a great personality which will bode well for him.

Is West Elk gonna have a Loudermilk every year, doubtful isn't it. I have noticed his little brother is growing quite a bit but will he be able to follow in his brothers foot steps. I don't know. I haven't seen his brother play sports, I haven't followed his little brother. So you tell me will there be another Loudermilk super sport. West Elk would certainly be blessed wouldn't it?

Back at ya.


I am trying to understand!

The West Elk USD 282 writes a personal political letter full of innuendos rumors and provides no dollar amunts od reduction in state aid, litterally gives no solid facts just lip service and you thank him for the facts. What facts, please explain to me.

on the other hand i provide you with solid facts right from the people that provide the educational state aid, with dollar amounts and provide the information so you can check it out yourself and you say nothing. And someone worries about sports and nobody cares about increasing the mill levy and their property taxes.  This I totally don't understand! Would some one pleas explain this phenomenon for me?

Here is the e-mail I posted earlier with the facts and the information you can use to verify it:

Quote from: ROSS on September 10, 2015, 09:20:48 AM

What part of deception and mis-information have I failed to provide for here?


-------Original Message-------

From: Fury, Ian [GO]
Date: 09/10/15 09:38:42
To: I have removed my personal e-mail address and I have changed nothing else.
Subject: Funding for USD 282

Mr. Ross,

USD 282-West Elk received a $259,033 increase in the first year of the block grant (14-15) and a $351,570 increase over the life of the block grant (3 years.) Of this $351,570, only $64,052 is an increase to KPERS. That means that only 18.2% of the total increase is in KPERS. If the school board claims that the increase is only to KPERS, then they are ignoring 82% of the new money we are giving them.

Teacher pensions are a legitimate education expense, so we are creating greater transparency in school funding. However, in order to prevent schools from using teacher pension dollars for operating costs, the money is routed to a separate KPERS account shortly after it arrives in the USD's general fund. This way, we can show with greater transparency the total level of support that the state is giving to the district, but we also can make sure that KPERS dollars are used for KPERS.

I hope my information was helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, don't hesitate to ask!



-Ian Fury

Policy Analyst

Kansas Office of the Governor


Desk: 785-368-8211

Cell: 785-250-5254


The gentle man from the Governors Administration has provided his e-mail address and phone numbers and I am certain you are as welcome as I am to contact him with any questions you may have.

And remember every one has a boss in a higher position. In this situation the State Government is just that.

So to answer Mr. Moore's letter and specifically"
Let me repeat a portion of the above for clarity:
The money sure is within 90 minutes is transferred out of the account in to the School Districts accounts.
Oh what a deceptive statement, I find that statement Mr Moores post to the Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282.

Once again these are only my opinion and i have provided you with a contact with the Kansas State Government you may contact with any questions. Please be sure to develope your own oppinion.
And feel free to question my post and contact the above named State emlooyee, with my blessings.

I am really feeling stupid right now because I don't understand what you folks are thinking is wrong with actual facts. Please enlighten me. Is this e-mail full of facts or do you think it is full of fiction? I mean there are no rumors in it is there?

Is it that hundreds of thousands of dollars in increase's aren't enough?

What is the problem?

You don't see the School Superintendent disputing this informatin do you?

Oh sure you can count on the fact that he is reading this!

He knows now that he opened a bag of worms and he also knows I will feed them.


If people want the facts they go to a source that knows.


Quote from: proelkco on September 13, 2015, 08:49:30 AM
If people want the facts they go to a source that knows.

What source would that be? Please tell us?

I suppose you might support taxing the elderly out of their homes, because we need more professional sports equipment?

If you were as Pro Elk County as I am, I would think you would have more appreciation and respect for the elderly and the pain caused them by all these exuberant tax hikes by the School District.

Are you saying the State Government isn't the knowledgable source, the very same State Government that provides the State Aid to West Elk USD-282?

Did you bother to check out the source at the top?

Did you bother the check out the facts in the email from the state?

Or will you simply accept someone that has not been authorized by the School Board to write a personal political statement?

You see I am not simply a sheeple?

I was under the understanding that college was suppose to teach doing research to learn!

He said, he is an employee of the School, actually he is an employee of the school board as an administrator of the School.

The truth of the matter is not what you seek is it?

The truth of the matter is:


Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
This mill was necessary because the state reduced their state aid to school districts for Capital Outlay.
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

That's strange because the State says:
Quote from: ROSS on September 10, 2015, 09:20:48 AM

USD 282-West Elk received a $259,033 increase in the first year of the block grant (14-15) and a $351,570 increase over the life of the block grant (3 years.) Of this $351,570, only $64,052 is an increase to KPERS. That means that only 18.2% of the total increase is in KPERS. If the school board claims that the increase is only to KPERS, then they are ignoring 82% of the new money we are giving them.
Source Ian.Fury@ks.gov, Policy Analyst Kansas Office of the Governor where the money comes from.

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015

TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
The state of Kanas changed the funding for school districts this school year to a "block grant" which basically froze school district budgets at the same level as the 2014-2015 budget.
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

The School Superintendent says, "basically froze", doesn't that mean they neither raised nor lowered the dollar amount. He said it is at the same level as the 2014-2015 budget didn't he?

Quote from: ROSS on September 10, 2015, 09:20:48 AM
However, in order to prevent schools from using teacher pension dollars for operating costs, the money is routed to a separate KPERS account shortly after it arrives in the USD's general fund.
Source Ian.Fury@ks.gov, Policy Analyst Kansas Office of the Governor where the money comes from.

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
When you hear that we received more money that is not the fact.
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

But again the state says:

Quote from: ROSS on September 10, 2015, 09:20:48 AM

USD 282-West Elk received a $259,033 increase in the first year of the block grant (14-15) and a $351,570 increase over the life of the block grant (3 years.) Of this $351,570, only $64,052 is an increase to KPERS. That means that only 18.2% of the total increase is in KPERS. If the school board claims that the increase is only to KPERS, then they are ignoring 82% of the new money we are giving them.
Source Ian.Fury@ks.gov, Policy Analyst Kansas Office of the Governor where the money comes from.

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
The state began flowing the KPERS retirement fund to school districts to show that they had added dollars to school budgets; however the money is deposited and within 90 minutes is transferred out of the account.
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

And it is transferred out of that account straight to the West Elk School Districts General Fund Account to distribute to the various accounts.
Source Ian.Fury@ks.gov, Policy Analyst Kansas Office of the Governor where the money comes from.

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
There is currently no information on what that funding formula may look like or how it will impact a school district's ability to educate its students.
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

I'll have to get back to you on this one after contacting the Kansas Department of Education or someone else in the Governors office for information. Okay, ok. The request for information has been sent and I wait a reply --- tomorrow sometime of course. Isn't modern technology terrific stuff?

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
TO:              Parents, Patrons, and Tax Payers of West Elk USD#282
.   If you would like information on the Open Meetings Act, contact Paula McAlister, the West Elk Board Clerk/Business Manager or you can contact the Kansas Association of School Boards in Topeka at 1-800-432-2471. 
FROM:        Bert Moore, Superintendent of Schools

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
September 4, 2015
I would ask any tax payer to contact his/her Board of Education representative or contact my office whenever you are presented with information that sounds suspicious.
Bert Moore, Superintendent West Elk USD#282       

Or better yet get the KOMA information on your computer straight from the Kansas Attorney General at:

Here is more proof  a fact of a large increase in West Elks budget:
Quote from: ROSS on September 06, 2015, 08:37:38 AM

State Aid excluding KPERS, Special Education and Bond & Interest Aid*                     

275   Logan   Triplains    838,815   721,509   724,491   730,743   -12.9%   
281   Graham   Graham    2,514,255   2,532,178   2,494,835   2,514,854   0.0%   
282   Elk           West Elk    2,658,989   2,915,014   2,925,185   2,946,507   10.8%   
283   Elk           Elk Valley    1,481,895   1,534,974   1,540,678   1,552,638   4.8%   

Please show me where USD-282 is losing money?
This shows a 10.8% increase in funding.
This is for this year 2015-2016.

Quote from: Paula McAlister on September 04, 2015, 10:48:51 AM
The state began flowing the KPERS retirement fund to school districts to show that they had added dollars to school budgets; however the money is deposited and within 90 minutes is transferred out of the account.  This is where the extra money for school districts came from.

"This is where the extra money for school districts came from." right into the Districts General into their general fund.

Please note the words "Extra Money" that would be A HALF A MILLION (plus) over three years.

Why are the school Board Members so greedy, why is the School Superintendent so greedy?

Please show all of us your source that knows and quote him or her or provide a web link, we all want to know?


Quote from: proelkco on September 13, 2015, 08:49:30 AM
If people want the facts they go to a source that knows.
Right on PROELKCO, don't you know Ross knows all, he is the OBUMA of the Forum.


Quote from: Joesue23 on September 13, 2015, 03:36:38 PM
Right on PROELKCO, don't you know Ross knows all, he is the OBUMA of the Forum.

You poor girl or whatever you are. you are easily lead by the nose, aren't you.

You are quite wrong about Ross. Ross doesn't know much at all, except how and who to ask for the truth.

I also know a lot of people that were very glad to sign the opposition petition, and I know they signed it because they don't trust the School Board. And because they are tired of the excessive taxation. I now this because they told me so, when they signed the petition.

Even people that were not registered voters signed it. Of course they were not counted in the final count. But that is how poorly the people feel about the School Board. I would never have gotten the signatures necessary for the petition if that wasn't true.

But talkin about Obuma he is the one that sounds a whole lot like you. He calls people deniers that don't by his lies about global warming and climate change. He puts everyone else down. Go take a look in the mirror do you see a shadow. You really don't understand Obama do you?

I am the only one that has shown solid facts on the subject of taxation. Solid facts from the State Governors people that deal with school funding.

If you care to find out if they are true facts contact the source?
Prove they are not the true facts if you think you are smart enough to do so.
I welcome you to do just that. And provide your sources.

I wasn't a sheeple for Elk Kon nected and I won't be a sheeple for a School Superintendents personal political Letter with no actual facts and resources. I'll leave that up to people like you.

Try to have a nice day, it's beautiful outside. And I'm headed back out to enjoy the rest of the day myself.


BLAH BLAH ROSS, you are never wrong, you keep babbling about "Elk Connected" and I don't even know what it is. Your day is coming and you are not going to like it.


I got off of the forum and said I would never get on again, PROELKCO know you and your brother and I know you came from one of the best families in Elk County. I also know you are very sharp and dedicated Elk Countians, your family and relatives own a lot of land in Elk County and they will not openly object to more Taxes to help the School system. I let Ross run me off of the Forum, but no more, more people need to raise up and tell him to shove it. Ross thinks the Forum belongs to him, I have had several people tell me they quit the Forum because of Ross. I own land in Elk County and I don not object to more Taxes for the School System.


Quote from: frawin on September 13, 2015, 05:09:46 PM
I got off of the forum and said I would never get on again, PROELKCO know you and your brother and I know you came from one of the best families in Elk County. I also know you are very sharp and dedicated Elk Countians, your family and relatives own a lot of land in Elk County and they will not openly object to more Taxes to help the School system. I let Ross run me off of the Forum, but no more, more people need to raise up and tell him to shove it. Ross thinks the Forum belongs to him, I have had several people tell me they quit the Forum because of Ross. I own land in Elk County and I don not object to more Taxes for the School System.

I never told you to get off the forum, you chose to leave.
Otherwise please quote, where I performed such a stupid stunt.
This is not the only thread on the forum, there is plenty more threads if you can't handle the truth or a discussion. That does not mean get off the forum.

Plenty of taxpayers and voters object to the waste of their money. Or they would not have signed the petition.

If what I have posted is wrong prove it. 

What family you come from has absolutely nothing to do with the truth or the property taxes as discussed.

I'm glad you don't object to more taxes, but plenty of people do. It is your right not to object. Just as it is other peoples right to object and sign a petition.

I'm sure if you feel the school needs more money and you want to donate that money to West Elk USD-282, they would be more than happy to accept it. And all those other families you speak of can do the same thing if they so desire.

By the way why do you think the School needs to raise taxes so radically?

The resolution to raise taxes allowed for objection by petition and the petition was certified and served.
All very properly performed.

No sir, I don't think the forum belongs to me.
And I have thanked the owners several times for providing this source to get the truth out and be able to converse about it.

I am as much entitled to my opinion as much as you are. Right?

I don't ask the people to believe what I post, but I ask that they check it out.

Two questions for you frawin.
Hasn't Mr. Harrod been one of the biggest school boosters for years?
Do you believe the school board treated Mr. Harrod decently over the professional football field they wanted?

Tell me to shove it, go ahead.
All the while knowing it is very improper and reeks of bullying.

It doesn't change a thing.

It's no big thing to me if you are incapable of a discussion, about the topic of over taxation by West Elk USD-282.

Do you even have a good argument about it?

Why do you suppose the School Board did not come to the voters for hiking their property taxes?
Could it possibly be because they realize the voters would say NO once again?


Quote from: frawin on September 13, 2015, 05:09:46 PM
I got off of the forum and said I would never get on again, PROELKCO know you and your brother and I know you came from one of the best families in Elk County. I also know you are very sharp and dedicated Elk Countians, your family and relatives own a lot of land in Elk County and they will not openly object to more Taxes to help the School system. I let Ross run me off of the Forum, but no more, more people need to raise up and tell him to shove it. Ross thinks the Forum belongs to him, I have had several people tell me they quit the Forum because of Ross. I own land in Elk County and I don not object to more Taxes for the School System.

Frawin, your statement is just like something Obama or his tyrant Republican comrades would say.  Why don't you (and your so-called best Elk County families too) begin donating money to the schools now, instead of waiting to use government force to take money from the people?       

You've been educated in government schools and it really shows.  It's your foundation.  If you'd purchase this Forum, you'd probably expel Ross and the other American conservatives so that you liberals/socialists could discuss the socialist agenda among yourselves without conservative debate or the defense of liberty in America.

There's nothing patriotic about the government school system.  Let's hear what you have to say about that and other issues on this Political Category - before you quit the Forum again.


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