Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Brought over from Diane's East Coast (long distance) Politics.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I have never felt like an outsider there. :-*

I don't feel like an outsider either. But as the outsiders joke the inbred here try to treat us like outsiders.

Would an outsider step up to the helm and take leadership actions opposing the so-called elite?
Would an outsider be required to pay property tax?
Would an outsider be permitted to register to vote in Elk County?
Would an outsider be allowed to run for office?

You know Diane I think all the above points do establish you as an outsider.
I didn't see your name on the Voter Registration list for Elk County or the West Elk USD-282.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I have not read any of Ross's last few posts and I'm sure I don't need to. I can just guess what he had to say, none of it nice or complimentary and all of it refuting anything I or anyone else said.

Well of course you can say that even just like I said I can say I have ocean front property in Elk County for sale. LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I'm sure he got another crack in about how I don't live there and don't pay taxes there, as if that's all there is to it.

As far as political events here in Elk County you got it a 100% correct! You are not a registered voter, very simple. You can't register and have a say if you don't live here. Elementary my dear Diane. LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 02, 2015, 07:01:08 AM
I am very interested in how his petition business turns out. Apparently ,except for showing it to the school board it, has no weight at all and can cause nothing to happen.
I thought it might legally force a voter referendum, but I'm told that isn't correct.I wonder what the school board with do with it?

Once again you show no knowledge of what you are speaking of, just simply terrible for a person with higher education and a degree in something, just terrible.

You see Diane this redneck high school flunky studied what he was setting out to do.

I spent many hours searching the internet and studying Kansas law before I started out. The internet is simply an amazing tool if properly used.

The petition was not just a simple street petition to complain about some business frying eggs on the city sidewalk. This is an opposition petition that had to abide by state law. In fact Kansas law said I had to give it to the county attorney for him to scrutinize for legality.

Our county attorney had no idea that this might be part of his job. He asked me to provide him with copies of Kansas laws. So yea, I did his research for him. Well after about a week and a half he found in the law that if the County had a County Counselor, then the County Counselor could do the job. So he told me to take it to the County Counselor. This wasted a week and a half of the 40 days permitted to acquire the necessary signatures and submit the petition.

So I e-mailed it to the County Counselor and mind you he has 5 days in which to look at it. He didn't have time because he was involved in a murder trial. So after 5 days, by law, I am permitted to start collecting signatures. So now 5 more days of my 40 days for collecting signatures has passed..

On the day I started collecting signatures late in the afternoon I receive an e-mail from the County Counselor stating that my petition looked very proper.

There are certain things about this type of petition that has to meet certain legal requirements and I made sure I got it right.

So this petition does have the power of law behind it.
It also has the power of registered voters in the West Elk School District.

I only stepped up to the plate as a leader in the community.

Without the honorable registered voters of West Elk School District the petition would mean nothing.

By law I had to turn the opposition petition over to the County Government, specifically the County Clerk.
Which I did yesterday.

Her job was to certify the registered voters and disallow any signatures that were not registered.

She certified the petition and then served the petition on West Elk USD-282.

No Diane it is not just a piece of paper that can be ignored, it is a legal document for the people, by the people and of the people.

The document does not force the School Board to bring the 8 mill 5 year property tax hike to the people to vote on,  but it does allow them to make that decision. They can also decide to have a special election rather than wait until the 2016 election. They are not forced, but they have these choices.

The petition only points out that they cannot use the resolution to raise property taxes.

And all of this is permitted in their legal document called a resolution they had printed in the local newspaper. And you would know that had you read the newspaper?

If they foolishly choose to ignore the petition and raise property taxes as stated in their resolution, if they choose to ignore the registered voters of Elk County I will send the petition to the State General Attorney.

So you see Diane the Opposition Petition has lots of weight, let me rehash:
                The petition has:

1. Weight of Law
2. Weight of the voters
3. And if necessary the Weight of the
           Kansas Attorney General.

The next move is the West Elk School Boards move.

Apparently you never taught government Diane, I hope you appreciate this educating post.

This step towards maintaining the Quality of Life that the elderly have was performed by me and no organizations like Elk Kon nected who claims something about Quality of Life but don't even know how to define it.

All expenses came out of my personal wallet and was not begged for at County Commissioners meeting as Elk Konn ected has, and voted on by Elk Konn ected Kounty Kommissioners to give money to themselves.

Do the people owe me anything?   No ma'am! It was my pleasure to serve the Elk County Citizens and all of them thanked me for doing the opposition petition and that is payment enough for me.

Thank you for your input Diane and whoever you are lkistening to, it has been very useful.


Quote from: proelkco on September 02, 2015, 08:24:03 PM
Ross why do you have to be so hateful? Diane said and asked nothing out of line.

That is only your personal opinion and you are totally welcome to it.

Diane was degrading in her lack of knowledge of the weight of the Opposition Petition and made demeaning remarks about it. That is my opinion and I am entitled to it.

But just where do you get off calling me hateful for being honest. I find that makes you hateful.

Now my post from the other thread:
Quote from: ROSS on September 02, 2015, 08:45:47 PM

I'm not hateful just honest.

Why do you have to be so hateful to call me hateful ?

So you think I'm hateful for providing her in return for what she dishes out. That's just plain stupid.

Just where is the critical thinking in that.

She hasn't tried to have a decent conversation in three years. And sh plays the part of a victim when she is corrected. That's been going on for a mnimum of three years and all her name calling as well.

And I'm the hateful one.

Really I enjoy her bull shit and she knows it and you know it.

What's hateful about enjoying her and her posts.

Oh wait a minute you read my post about the petition didn't you and that's hateful.

No sir you are dead wrong --- it is honesty.

What about her ignorance about the petition having no weight and stating so. I guess that was what you deem as love.

Go pick on someone else Proelkco it doesn't work with me.

Because I am really Pro Elk County.

And I have proved it but not by hiding behind a phony name.

I'm moving this over to the thread you are talking about because this need to be very clear.  Hang on a minute.

Have a good night whoever you are with the phony name Proelkco.
I'm open and honest and this is my real name with nothing to hide.


To all the fine folks and registered voters I wish to say Thank you again.

Good night all.


Bad news/Good News
Depending what side of the line you are on.

It seems that our County Clerk made a boo-boo.
She made the error of not counting the number of Registered Voters by not including
Chataqua and Greenwood Counties registered voters in the West Elk USD 282 School District.

Hence the Oppsition Petition requores a larger number of signatures.

I need the help of anyone who is interested in stopping the outrageous property tax increase being asked for by the West Elk USD 282 School Board.

If you can get together 3 or 5 or 10 registered voters together please give me a call and i will come to your location as quickly as possible to gather those signatures.

My cell phone number is 620 647-3587.

If I don't answer it's because i am driving orsigning another registered

Your help is urgently needed.

Thanks to all that help.



I have recieved help from a couple of people who are gathering  signatures
and I feel confident we will acquire the necessary signatures.

I see the doubters and deniers are at a loss for words, so I assume they have faith in all of you registered voters and the Opposition Petition. Isn't that great!

The necessary signatures do not necessarily have to come out of Chataqua or Greenwood County.

However, I did acquire quite a few signatures in Severy this morning.

And I plan to return to Severy again.

Once again thanks to all the registered voters that have signed the Opposition Petition.

We can not accomplish nothing with out your help.

I'll keep ypu posted right here as much as possible.

Goodnight for now.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
So, it seems he did tear apart my post from here and reposted it on the E K. thread. No, I didn't have to read his post to find out.

I did not tear anything apart. There is nothing to tear. I simply spaced your remarks for the purpose of clear communications. Just because you are not smart enough to do the same thing for clarity does not mean it is something bad.

You got that story going again that you don't read what I post and I have that story again about having ocean front property in Elk County Kansas – how much would you like to buy?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
His petition has nothing to do with Elk Konnected. Why is he allowed to do that?

I am allowed to express my opinion that through my petition I hope to help the good people of Elk County, Kansas maintain their present "Quaality of Life" which is something that Elk Kon nected has preached about and has posted on their web site. But Elk Konnected appears to be incapable of defining what they mean by "Quality of Life" and you know very well I said that on the Elk Konnected thread.

I am allowed to express my opinion just like you are. And that is because you do not have control of the internet or this forum. I simply expressed that my petition is an attempt to help the Elk County citizens maintain their "Quality of Life" and you can not deal with it can you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
Apparently he also thinks that every citizen in Elk County thanks him for doing the petition. Where did he get that idea?

That is just plain silly Diane. I would think a college-educated person would know better to make such a remark. You have simply twisted what I have said once again. And that is the reason you started this thread aimed at me, hoping to get away with your back-stabbing ways. It hasn't worked yet and never will.

Why do you want to spread such a lie. The truth is everyone that has signed the petition have said thank you to me for doing the petition and have said they are glad I am doing it. And that is more than enough for me. And to quote myself just for you, please read the following:
Quote from: ROSS on September 02, 2015, 05:16:22 PM

Do the people owe me anything?   No ma'am! It was my pleasure to serve the Elk County Citizens and all of them thanked me for doing the opposition petition and that is payment enough for me.

And I was refering to those tha signed the petition and you know very well that I was.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
Would someone please explain to him the difference about feelings, thoughts, truth and facts? He doesn't get it.

Diane do you really understand feelings if so you should understand feelings don't belong in politics.
I just have and have always been truthful to a fault. I have even said I am human and subject to making mistakes.

I just quoted a fact and a truth just above this portion of you post. That is to correct your lie about me believing everyone in Elk County owes me a thank you. That is simply not true.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 03, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
I'm working on that spell. He'll know when it hits him. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:
Now, back to face book.

Does that make you a wiccan? LOL

Did you notice how Elk Kon nected is discon nected? Where are they Diane?

Where is Dr, Whetstone of Elk Kon nected? Why did he resign from the School Board after being re-elected and resign before his new term even start. If you are so Konnected and concerned about Elk County, Kansas enlighten us please.

Good night Diane.


Quote from: ROSS on September 07, 2015, 04:34:53 PM

Well I got home from the Elk County Courthouse at 4:30 pm
The petition has been signed, sealed and delivered way before 5 pm on this day.

The school tried to tell the County Clerk she could wait until tomorrow.
Tomorrow the petition would have been dead and our County Clerk knew that and she believes in doing her job properly. That make me pretty prod of her.

I asked the County Clerk if this was the first petition ever done in Elk County because some people said they had never seen one here.

And I learned something new!

There was a petition ran when the board was working to shut down the grade schools but it failed.
I did not ask why it failed, I may try to find out another day.
I never saw the petition or heard of it back then.

And I can understand why.
Because it is pretty difficult to study all the laws and get it right and it is pretty difficult to catch people at home.
Even people here in Elk County have pretty busy lives.

The County Clerk will be certifying the signatures on this petition tomorrow morning.
When she is not rushed or distracted which I happen to think is an excellent idea.
I want a thorough check, I'd rather be short one signature and fail than have the School Attorney find an error and have enough signatures to pass only to be challenged in court if he finds one little error.
And they would do exactly that. They don't care about what the voters and taxpayers want.
And not a drop of this money goes into the class room contrary to what Mr. Moore would have you believe by saying is goes to education.

Does a new expensive sprinkler system help in the class room. no but it gives maintenance more time to goof off.

Does a new rebuilt professional football field go towards the class room for education. NOPE.

Oh yes, the School Superintendent saw my petition and I believe he and the attorney saw that it was all very proper. That's why he went ballistic and performed his personal political action.
And I can understand why, posting on the forum and sending out flyers and using school employeesand school time on our dollar for personal politicking was urgent to him. But it did not work.
And yes he did that during work hours using school property.
I sincerely do believe he knows that is very improper of him.
And I don't believe he was authorized to take such action by his employers, the School Board because we are between meetings. Unless they had one of those clandestine - secret meetings he was talking about.

But when you are desperate you take desperate measures.

I will make myself very busy this evening catching up on the work I left so I could do this petition and I have a very busy day tomorrow so I won't be worrying about the petition.

I will post something as soon as I possibly can after I hear about the count certification.

The School Board is already taking a 4-mill tax increase on our properties and I would suggest they use 1 mill of that to pay off the loan they took out on the roof and air conditioners. They would not have had to do that if they would have done the job 2 years ago, but they didn't listen to their architects and contractors they paid a great deal of money to.

If they were smart they would use the full 4 mills and pay the debt of 4 times faster. But are they smart.
Diplomas don't actually make a person smart. LOL
That is proven by the fact they had not planned how to pay off the debt before making the debt.

I double-checked and triple checked the grammar and spelling to keep the grammar and spelling police off of this post. LOL



Nothing yet about the petition, maybe after lunch.

I wanted to post reference to my new post on Common Core !

Quote from: ROSS on September 08, 2015, 06:33:09 AM

Public School the School of the Poor People.

'All the garbage and debris and waste from this faulty model is washing up'
Published: 11 hours ago

A lot of other groups have been calling for home schooling and now this Christian Group is doing the same thing.

Consider if this idea really gets going strong what effrect it might have on our County School Districts.

There are K-12 instructors on line and lots of parental support.

All that is a possibility!

That and the declining population is still on a decline.

And with the higher property taxes West Elk has piled on us the schools are causing major problems for themselves and us.

Education is in the classroom not on the football field.

If you haven't noticed people are walking away from property here in Elk Clate ounty ar an alarming rate. Property taxes are frequently paid late or not at all.

I wonder why West Elk does not understand the damage they are causing to the County, to the Senior Citizens and to the poor of Elk County?

Mr. moore pointed out in his political statement they could raise our taxes by 4 mill with out our conscent.
He did not say they have or have not already already iniated that action. hHe did say they voted to recieve only 1 mill of the 8 mills that are part of the 8 mill Resolution posted in the news paper. He did not say that the School Board could not come back and vote to take the rest of the 8 mills.

If they do or can come back for the other 7 mills ourproperty taxes could up by 12 mills.USD-282

Again about those 27 kids coming with no State aid makes them a tax liablity for West Elk property owners without representation in my opinion. He ommited the facts of where they are coming and why?

This cause extra expense of busing them. Remember that was one of the reasons for shutting down our grade schools. The great expense of busing. What is the gas milage on a school bus? Perhaps 5 miles to the gallon.

I;m not done, but I gotta run.


Quote from: ROSS on September 08, 2015, 01:29:47 PM
I feel the title is wrong
I think it should read
Over expenditures on Sports
and tax, tax, tax
does not help in the classroom.
I know it is not a popular idea, but it is the truth.

Exclusive: Mychal Massie blasts failure of government education in America
Published: 20 hours ago

If more money were the cure to the educational malaise, public schools would be graduating entire classes of Einsteins and Socrateses. But instead, they are promoting students grade-to-grade who cannot make change unless the cash register tells them the correct amount and who are, by definition, illiterate in geography, literature and factual history.

Readthe article at http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/overpaid-teachers-tuning-out-illiterate-students/#JJCddh7BAdrHGwp8.99

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