Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Glad to hear your wife is OK now.
How many signatures have you gotten so far?
You even have a mechanism for having a referendum? It would be  expensive to run if you could, but less costly than here. You still won't be able to control how the money would be spent, there would just be less of it.
Our last two referendums failed.
So far 65 classroom teachers and a bunch of programs,have been cut, but  no administrators that I know of. Classes in a number of schools will be much larger.
As far as Gov't is concerned,I'd like to see a lot of foreign aid cut and some programs cut even more. We don't need subsides or "commodities'' either, but a lot of seniors would miss them. We are so much dependent now on trade agreements and such it, would be hard to just  suddenly cut out a lot we are used to.
The tax structure could use overhauling, but it can't go back to what it first was. The numbers from then wouldn't work now. Even the working poor make more than they did when income taxes were first started.  It's a very complicated thing.
I don't think never ending wars are the solution for anything either...huge expense with very little payback.
I need to go pick veggies again.


Yes, you do want us to keep the mindset that it's very complicated to keep America right.

To heck with individual liberty, keep tax 'em some more so that the tyrants can have more control over the people and the lands.

Diane Amberg

 Red, are you just wasting the many liberties you have?
Let's see now, if all the federal responsibilities were dumped on the states right now, the states would go bankrupt before they could ever figure out what programs to ditch and which to save, what land to keep and preserve and what to sell off.
We just had a very small sample of that here.The county is trying to save money, so it dumped a park on the City Of Wilmington. They have no $ for up keep either, so I'm afraid it will be lost. Politics at its worst.
Not everyone lives or wants to live in a shack in some primitive little back water, or live in the deep forest of Alaska and try to live off the land and be self sufficient.
You can blame your own families for some of the problems. All families want to their children to be better educated, and have more than they did. They worked hard to provide, but many were also willing to take Gov't help too.
Nobody wants to go back to the days of Diphtheria,Typhoid,raging Polio and all the other diseases that killed back in the day either. It was a group effort, and in some cases Gov't grants, that made the creation of the cures, and vaccines possible, and got them out to everyone.
Do you understand that that is why the people live so much longer now because of that? Combining forces works better and is cheaper in so many cases. That doesn't mean that individual rights are lost in the process.
  Of course things could be better.  Certain kinds of people will always prey on others.
Come out into the light and see the good stuff!
  You do understand that Gov't isn't a thing? It's people from each state trying to do for their own constituents and get their share of the pie. Some are really creepy, but the people elected them! Do you ever contact your elected officials and lay out your concerns for them, or do you have lots of excuses not to. I'll bet I can answer that question!


Would you just look at this.

The wealthy, overly educated elite are being in D.C. are being referred to as:

Quote from: ROSS on August 25, 2015, 06:13:46 AM

The D.C. Idiocracy:
Remember The Really Dumb Kids In School?
They're Now In Charge Of Your Life
John Hawkins | Aug 25, 2015

So you see it is not just happening here, it's gotta be like an illness that has spread across the country, don't you think?

Apparently having money and college degree and the status of elitism don't make you smart!

And the use of the word leadership is so widely used and abused it is worthless too!

I mean do you really believe in Obama's leadership? He appears to doubt his own leadership in my opinion.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 24, 2015, 08:55:22 AM
Red, are you just wasting the many liberties you have?
Let's see now, if all the federal responsibilities were dumped on the states right now, the states would go bankrupt before they could ever figure out what programs to ditch and which to save, what land to keep and preserve and what to sell off.
We just had a very small sample of that here.The county is trying to save money, so it dumped a park on the City Of Wilmington. They have no $ for up keep either, so I'm afraid it will be lost. Politics at its worst.
Not everyone lives or wants to live in a shack in some primitive little back water, or live in the deep forest of Alaska and try to live off the land and be self sufficient.
You can blame your own families for some of the problems. All families want to their children to be better educated, and have more than they did. They worked hard to provide, but many were also willing to take Gov't help too.
Nobody wants to go back to the days of Diphtheria,Typhoid,raging Polio and all the other diseases that killed back in the day either. It was a group effort, and in some cases Gov't grants, that made the creation of the cures, and vaccines possible, and got them out to everyone.
Do you understand that that is why the people live so much longer now because of that? Combining forces works better and is cheaper in so many cases. That doesn't mean that individual rights are lost in the process.
  Of course things could be better.  Certain kinds of people will always prey on others.
Come out into the light and see the good stuff!
  You do understand that Gov't isn't a thing? It's people from each state trying to do for their own constituents and get their share of the pie. Some are really creepy, but the people elected them! Do you ever contact your elected officials and lay out your concerns for them, or do you have lots of excuses not to. I'll bet I can answer that question!

You don't know any other way except by and thru the government.  Our elected people ought to be standing for American liberty, not democracy - democractic socialism.  It's no wonder that you took a liking to the Elk Konnected group.  They're you're kind.  People know their people.

Diane Amberg


Hello Elk Konnected,

              Are you out there somewhere ? The last post on your facebook page was June 30, 2014 !

I can not seem to find what you are accomplishing towards the Quality of Life in Elk County, that you tout on your web sight. I can't find anythig about what you are doing in Elk County period, and frankly I'm baffeled.

So, I called the contact person for Elk Konnected listed on your page at:

I left him a message and my phone number, but I have not recieved a response.

Did the Elk Konnected Community Contact Dr. David Whetstone (316) 708-0296 quit Elk Konnected when he quit the West Elk School Board?

If he has, does Elk Konnected have a new Community Contact?
Elk Konnected Community Contact where are you ?
I'm just wondering what is happening !

Well, it's time for me to get busy on my opposition petition doing something for the Quality of Life in Elk County West Elk School District.

Yep gotta get out there and gather more signatures in order to cause West Elk School Board to come to the voters to hike our property taxes by 8 mil automatically by Resolution. The Resolution is simply a way of skirting the voters and property owners. i believe they did the resolution simply because they know the voters will say no !

So anyway, it is time for me to get busy as an individual that cares about all the people and concerned about  them being over taxed.

I am half way to the required number of voters required, it is slow going, but good.


I think your Elk Konnected group is staying out of sight for now.  They'll return sooner of later or be replaced by another socialist group.  They're everywhere.


Just a little up date on the Opposition Petition.

It's still going slow but growing.

I now have just over 2/3 of the required signatures, and I have 8 more days to gather more.

This coming weekend I will be going full speed ahead.


The gathered signatures are now at 80% and climbing.

Everyone has been really super nice except one.

I wasn't gonna say because I find it a bit embarrassing to think that an Elk County citizen could be so rude and angry about nothing.

I saw three men working on a pick up truck and I stopped and after I stepped out of my truck I politely asked if I could come over and talk with them. Two fo the guys said yes. So I walk over on to the property and was explaining the opposition petition to them as the third guy was walking over.

The third guy didn't hear everything I had been saying. But apparently thought he heard enough to get extremely angry. Well he yelled at me that his wife is on the school board and then commenced to get even angrier.  I stepped back off the property and said I'm sorry to have bothered you because he was going off the deep end. I was getting into my truck when the man yelled any money for my kid's education is okay with me. I told him it was not money for education because it isn't going into the classroom and that taxpayer money is simply being wasted. And I left.

Later he saw me speaking with a lady and started yelling at me again from a distance. He yelled I should be looking at Elk Valley USD-283 because they get a lot more taxpayer money because of all the poor kids there. I guess he doesn't understand the only reason I can be doing this position is because I live and vote and pay taxes in the West Elk School District and not in the Elk Valley School District. And then he followed that up with I should stop bothering people. That makes me wonder if this guy even has a clue?
I was not bothering people I was communicating with them in a very polite manner and exercising my constitutional right to freedom of speech.

I think his wife must be the one just recently elected to the school board. I sure hope his wife ghas better reasoning skills than he does or the school board is in real trouble. For some reason he thought I was attacking his wife, because I was running a petition to force the school board to come to the voters. I have no idea who is wife is. After all, in my opinion it was very sneaky of them to do an end-play around the voters. And I feel certain they thought they would get away with it.

I do know a lot of school districts have had their state aid cut, but West Elk was not one of them. In fact West Elk is receiving More State aid then they did last year.

It is my personal opinion that the school board has no respect for the taxpayer or the voter or they would not pull such a sneaky move.

I do know the school board most likely pulled this sneaky move because they have taxed us to the maximum and pretty much know the taxpayers will tell them no, no more tax increases.

I find the saying that schools need money to operate very worn out. They have money. In fact West Elk had so much money they have virtually wasted as much as $150,000.00 and possibly another $500,000.00 and that is part of the reason why they don't want to record their School Board Meetings and post them on the School web site. They don't want the citizens watching them behaving poorly or to know what is really going on with the school finances or plans of the board.

Not that I have mentioned the school board meetings, some students are required to attend school board meeting for class work. Well what they are learning by attending is that the school board has no couth, no decorum and don't understand and use Roberts Rules of Order. So what are they learning – how it should not be done. Good job, huh?

This is my observations from attending West Elk School Board meetings and my personal opinions.

Taxpayers and voters do have a voice in what the School Board does, the School Belongs to them not to the School Board. The School Board is suppose to perform to the wishes of the voters not the other way around.

The School Board position is not for the board member to provide a new gymnasium for their own children, just because he wants his kids to have a new gymnasium for his kids to play in. Grow up,

I'm sorry I'm not Politically Correct am I. No I'm not sorry, facts are facts.

Good nght all.

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