Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 20, 2015, 08:44:07 AM
Actually, I just recently did read the whole thing as I had a long period of time to wait for something.That's why I posted some of his typical post numbers and dates. 6/1/11.4752  Ross at first EK meeting.( non cooperative, demanding special attention) and  6/15/11 (EK accused of fraud). 6/29...4451,4453,4454... more. No, I won't cut and paste all of it.Too long and boring and I would be accused of taking the juicy bits out of context if I don't post the whole thing.
It is very interesting and as always ,he does have some interesting points, but his attitudes and presentations hurt him.

Your personal opinion based on poor comprehension and fabricated stories are very much allowed but is plain bullshit.


Because you fail.

You fail at posting any quotes, such as I quoted you above.

And why is that?

Because you can not find anything to post to back uo what you say, that's why you fail.

That rates you a great big F-.

Enjoy your day.


Quote from: Anmar on August 20, 2015, 08:25:48 AM
Ross, I think you misunderstood what I'm trying to say.

I'll try this differently.  You told me to read the whole thread to see what I missed.  I know I missed something.  What I'm saying is that your argument on the subject probably has at least some truth to it.  I haven't read it, and neither have most other people.  This thread is 650+ pages.  Most of it is junk.  Nobody is going to wade through so much useless information just to find truth. 

That being said, either directly or indirectly, you participated in most of the junk being posted here.  You buried your own message with a lot of irrelevant stuff.  Nobody, including me, wants to read this long thread just to hear your message.

That doesn't mean your message is BS.  There is probably some truth to it.  Most people, including me, will never know what it is.

Thank you Anmar for the input. You are too entitled to your opinion, even though I disagree.

I believe the general public in Elk County is intelligent enough to understand the situation from page one and to distinguish what is important to them

It is the Elk Konnected Followers and defenders that do not appreciate the truth.

That is my opinion and I stand by it.

I have much more faith in the intellegence of the Elk County Citizen than you do, apparently.


I had a really good time yesterday collecting signatures on the opposition pettition.
Which I really didn't expect, people were thanking me for stopping at there house so they could sign.
One even said, "thank you for knocking at my door".

One man, who I happen to know a little bit, answered his door and said whatever you are selling I don't want any. I said I'm not selling -er- I am selling. He says what are you selling. I said politics. He started closing his door, then reopened it asked what politics? I started explaining and he said get in here. He started reading the petition and then yelled at his wife "get in here and sign this petition." And we all three had a good laugh and a good time.

Another man signed and then he wanted to sign for his wife and i said sorry she has to sign for herself. He said he had legall power of attorney to sign for her, I said I'm sorry I don;t know if that would be legal on this document and I'm not willing to risk it. I said I am sticking strictly to the law. And he was fine with that.

Oh, I did get an email for the attorney stating that my petition looked perfectly proper. Yea!

Okay, I'm old, pushing 70  ----- but I spoke with and recieved signatures from people 10 and 15 years my senior and I recieved words of praise and words of wisdom only that age group possesses. And I recieved some excellent advice on collecting bunches of signatures in one stop.

Yes, things are going pretty good for only spending a couple of hours collecting signatures.

I had one man drive about 8 miles into Moline from his farmand meet me at the Q-mart just to sign the petition.

This is hiw fed uo mthe people are with being abused financially by their elected officials.

This is how fed up the people are about the waste of taxpayer dollars.

The word is spreading about this petition and gathering signatures will probably get much easier.

This attempted end run around the voters by the West Elk USD 282  is being met with serious opposition by the voters.

I have better than 25% of the required signatures. With very little effort.

I had to come back and let Anmar know the messages have apparently been getting through loud and clear.


Thanks for the report.  Good job.  Stay right in there.


I did encounter two gentlemen who had recently moved here to moline with-in the last 3 to 6 months that were not registered voters. One man said he heading to Howard tomorrow (meaning today) to register and asked me to be sure to come back so he can sign the petition. The other man asked how to get registered as a voter and I graciously explained tio him where to goand what to take with him. And I was grateful to be able to do so.

And yes this is a new experience for me and I am enjoying talking with the people.
And Diane it is all without an organization. No organization telling me,
how to do it
when to do
why to do it.

Some people in this world are self motivated to do the right thing, plain and simple.

Does that answer your question Diane of why I don't have an organization?
You did ask me that way back near the begining of this thread.

An organization is not needed to bamboozle people into action,
bamboozleing people is not necessary if the cause is just and honest!


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 21, 2015, 06:12:17 AM
Thanks for the report.  Good job.  Stay right in there.

The everyday people of Elk County are terrific people!

Unlike the so called elite with their supposed hi falluting, money wasting ways.
Especially taxpayers money.

Diane Amberg

Ross, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but so am I. Those so called "elite" also pay taxes and feel they are entitled to input."Wasted " tax money is in the eye of the beholder.
Why was it necessary to stick it to me AGAIN? That question was asked and answered long ago. Stir that pot.


Entitlements?  Entitled to take other peoples's money by and thru government to get your way.  Sure you're entitled to your opinion whether it be socialistic or not.  Wasted or not is one thing however it's not a good thing to steal from others by and thru government.  That's democracy that government schools favor to teach and send the military overseas to defend and promote.   Government schools are another government bureaucracy and you're their servant - a good and supportive servant that you are.

Diane Amberg

Do you every share an opinion without sarcastically smacking someone else in the process?? That does not make your position stronger, ya know?
So how do you propose to fund the things that most everybody benefits from? Or could if they chose to? Should every street, road and bridge have tolls as they did during colonial times? Should everyone willingly adopt a pot hole or ditch and pay for its maintenance? Should the food and drug administration be eliminated so snake oil and rotten food can be sold?
If something goes wrong, does one have to sue for everything? Would there be no protection from shysters and crooks? (Get yer thumb offa that there scale.) That could be as expensive as paying taxes and only the lawyers win. What about the other people I posted about? You never mentioned what was to become of them? Ya don't care?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 21, 2015, 08:52:56 AM
Do you every share an opinion without sarcastically smacking someone else in the process?? That does not make your position stronger, ya know?
So how do you propose to fund the things that most everybody benefits from? Or could if they chose to? Should every street, road and bridge have tolls as they did during colonial times? Should everyone willingly adopt a pot hole or ditch and pay for its maintenance? Should the food and drug administration be eliminated so snake oil and rotten food can be sold?
If something goes wrong, does one have to sue for everything? Would there be no protection from shysters and crooks? (Get yer thumb offa that there scale.) That could be as expensive as paying taxes and only the lawyers win. What about the other people I posted about? You never mentioned what was to become of them? Ya don't care?

Diane I simply and clearly answered your question from some time back why I don't need an organization. If you find that offensive you must be one of Obama's LIBERALS.

We were not discussing city nor county government. Try to comprehend and keep up.

And to mimic Anmar that it does not make my position stronger, is simply stupid.

Do believe your drama and other Elk Konnected followers drama is found very entertaining by the majority of readers of this thread and keeps them interested

Free entertainment Don't you see.

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